Great Commission

Lord though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I’m not scared cause You’re holding my breath
I only fear that I don’t have enough time left
To tell the world that there’s no time left
-Group 1 Crew

I was listening to this song this morning while I was working and it struck me: We are running short on time!
I began to ask myself, “What are you doing? I said to myself, “Well, I am trying to get a youth group started and helping lead worship.” Then I asked myself, “NO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” And I began to ask myself that over and over. I already know that the Great Commission is not merely a suggestion but it was a command! I am asking myself, “What am I doing to further the Kingdom? How am I aiding in bringing in souls to the Kingdom?”
That is a question as Christians we need to ask ourselves. We get so caught up in our lives, our schedule, our work, our families, etc that we forget that there are billions of people out there going to hell. We are running out of time! We do not know the day or hour that tradgedy will strike and our loved ones could die in a second! Look at Haiti. They were just living life and tradgedy struck taking thousand upon thousands of lives. Through the death of a friend, Derek Loux and the tradgedy in Haiti, I am realizing that we really are not guarenteed tomorrow. Derek was on a ministry trip, doing God’s work and an accident happened. Derek was one of the THE most influential and devoted men of God I have ever known and he was not an acception. We cant explain it but it should open our eyes to the fact that no one is exempt, no one is guarenteed tomorrow. We only have today! It doesn’t matter who you are, your status, your position, your fame. We are all running out of time, I know its kind of a morbid thought but its true. We are not guarenteed another day.
We have to begin to take responsibility of the souls around us! Its all good and well going oversees to do missions and and things but what about the souols in our towns, communities, etc? Who will help them if we are all putting our efforts in other countries?
God, open our eyes. Give us a heart for the lost. Give us a desire to be ministers of the Gospel where we are!!! Lord, Let Your Word run swiftly and be glorified in America!
It all comes down to one question, “What are you doing?” That is the question I am asking myself and I hope you ask yourself. Some people are doing alot through missions, campus crusades, adoption, street preaching, etc but there are those who find safety in teh church and do not go out “into all the word” (aka our communities) and do the Great Commission because we are comfortable in church, with other Christians. But what about those who don’t have tomorrow? We don’t know who they are but we should be doing everything we can. Jesus didnt ask us to “fit in” soul-winning when we can. He said, “GO!” That means NOW! We are running out of time to tell the world we are running out of time.
Again, I ask you to look into your heart and ask, “What am I doing to further the Great Commission?”

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  • Wow - great thoughts...

    Are we making every minute count?
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