Inner Healing, SOZO, Theophastic

Inner healing is a fancy word used in Christian circles to refer to the healing of emotional wounds. You might refer to is Christian counseling methods. SOZO is a greek word meaning salvation, healing or deliverance. It is apparently also the name of an inner healing method. You can find out more at Apparently it is not prayer but is done in an atmosphere of the Holy Spirit. Theophastic is another inner healing method using an intercessor and a counselor who guides one through what the Holy Spirit is saying. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with this. What do you think of these methods and the inner healing movement?

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  • I guess I just don't get it guys....I love you all for all the great responses and time you took to respond. I am just so into keeping it(Christianity) simple. It sure sounds like we are able to get to the same destination with those we minister to, and even personally......we just take different routes.

    When ministering I tend to lead people into a type of restorative just showing them their need to surrender their adam-nature for Christ-like-ness. Although that is isn't as easy as taking a course, or spending a day at a counseling session with someone. It is a life-long process of growth...and the first steps are the hardest. But it doesn't have a fancy name or special training or's just discipleship.

    As long as people are getting set free, growing, and multiplying the kingdom...who cares what we call it or how we do it..right?

    Great and interesting thread everyone :)
  • Dave made this comment in repsonse to something I said on a different thread. I think it applies here so pasting it in.
    To Lisa,
    There's a Catch 22 in the SOZO advertising, as you call it. Rather it might be referred to as the describing. But what if the description is so deep that only Isaiah 61 can actually do it justice? After listening to the SOZO disc trainings and explanations, Isa. 61 is more powerful than imaginable. No wonder Jesus began His entire earthly ministry with the reading and explanation of these verses. And at the end of His sermon, He said something like, "This day is this fulfilled in your lives and hearing!" I never knew that when a single person gets free of all real AND perceived offenses, that single person can actually "rebuild the ancient ruins" (Isa. 61) forwards and backwards in an entire lineage! Rather than look at the deficiency of the advertising, I "tasted to see" for myself, like God says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good!" This one is a WOW!

    Blessings, Dave
  • Pastor Van Dyke...I am wondering after reading your post to this thread
    If we are born, but not yet born into the kingdom....but then become both born--but also born again, aren't we "new creations"? So, what I am once I step into a love relationship with the almighty God and become a new creation...why do I have to consider my past again? Is it only a little bit past? All that was, is put to rest and I am new creation. Right? Am I really a new creation when I am in Christ?

    Don't get me wrong I do think Holy Spirit gently comes to us all the time during the process of working out our salvation...and I am sure He whispers and nudges us about things we need to surrender or repent of.

    What I church meeting after church meeting, and it's the same people over and over still trying to get help finding victory that they already have. It sounds like you saw this in your church in some sense. Is the need for churches to learn theopastics...or for the people to be taught surrender, integrity, holiness, character, and Christ-like-ness?

    Can you help me see how we can be new creations, but not really? That is where I trip on this...

    Thank you Lisa for this great thread.....It is an area that I too have had my questions about :)
  • Have been thinking of adding something here for a while and not got around to doing it. Dave thank you for the reminder. You see my problem with Sozo was that none of the advertising on either the website or by church leadership gave any understanding of the meat of the teachings. Seems the participants honesty is a better add than anything said when the program was launched. The comments from those going through the training are also better than any testimonies posted on the ibethel website. Among other things folks, taking the training have been learning about how the 5 love languages affect their areas of wounding and how they can use them to bless others. Had a program description explained that this kind of information would be presented been given at the start it would have been much easier to sell me on the training.
  • Pastor,
    Thanks for the simple description of theophastic.
  • Sarah, I think you are correct that this probably is not for me. However that does not mean that I disagree with it. I know there are those who have been helped by it. My experience is more like that of Jean minus the highly abusive background. For me the hurst come more from a lack of sensitivity and understanding, mixed with disrespect. IE hurtful teasing and name calling. I sat under the theophastic with no results. However, I did also go to the Lord. I went through a time where He would bring things to mind and show me where I needed to forgive and the wrong behaviors in me. Some of it I received prayer for with our church counselor. Some things I simply prayed through on my own. This lasted for roughly 2 years. There were a number of difficult things going on in the natural during this time also. However, those things are in many ways what drove me to seek the Lord and His answers so seriously. There are still things that Lord shows me and I then need to pray through. I think we need to remember too that once we receive the healing it may take some time to learn new more appropriate behaviors. For example it is hard not to behave as if angry when the only behavior you know looks like anger to others. Sometimes we need to learn how to behave differently.
  • Paige- I agree...even when the disciples could not bring about a deliverance...Jesus responded o ye of little faith...then said...but this type only come out by PRAYER and FASTING. the training that the disciples had was that they spent time with Jesus.

    Paige said:
    I really, really believe God heals...and I LOVE to watch, or hear about people being healed. In fact that is one thing I can't hear about enough. But as I read about this theophastic "method" it makes me wonder about a few why would anyone have to buy someone's theory on healing. God's healing is free, and simple...and laid out in the word of God. I wonder about some of the bible greats....and I can't imagine them putting together a training program, and then marketing it. I mean, would you see Paul and the leaders of the churches hanging flyers around Corinth and Ephesus for a the latest method of healing....saying come learn how to heal using the theopastic method. OR, would they just do it. Like would the church of Acts just have spent time in God's presence, been so in-filled that they compelled to go out and just do it so that people would believe.

    Reading this thread left me feeling confused and mixed....while I rejoice hearing that this method helped people and healed alot of pain. I wonder what happened to people just going in the power of the resurrected Jesus and with the Holy Spirit's help to minister healing without needing training. Do we make Christianity too difficult?

    What would happen if the people of faith simply began to see the hurting, broken and ill people...and we just wrapped arms of love around them inviting God to come heal them. I have watched and trained young children to minister healing....and I have seen them walk up in the Holy Ghost and in a matter of minutes be used by God to heal someone completely. And their only training was to know that according to God's word, they just needed to believe that God would do it....and then He would.

    Does the bible give us examples of long drawn out deliverence processes? Does it show us methods and suggest training? I saw examples of God invading a place or person and amazing and almost instantaneous transformation.

    I worry that some of God's glory goes to the method instead of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and that makes me sad.
  • I really, really believe God heals...and I LOVE to watch, or hear about people being healed. In fact that is one thing I can't hear about enough. But as I read about this theophastic "method" it makes me wonder about a few why would anyone have to buy someone's theory on healing. God's healing is free, and simple...and laid out in the word of God. I wonder about some of the bible greats....and I can't imagine them putting together a training program, and then marketing it. I mean, would you see Paul and the leaders of the churches hanging flyers around Corinth and Ephesus for a the latest method of healing....saying come learn how to heal using the theopastic method. OR, would they just do it. Like would the church of Acts just have spent time in God's presence, been so in-filled that they compelled to go out and just do it so that people would believe.

    Reading this thread left me feeling confused and mixed....while I rejoice hearing that this method helped people and healed alot of pain. I wonder what happened to people just going in the power of the resurrected Jesus and with the Holy Spirit's help to minister healing without needing training. Do we make Christianity too difficult?

    What would happen if the people of faith simply began to see the hurting, broken and ill people...and we just wrapped arms of love around them inviting God to come heal them. I have watched and trained young children to minister healing....and I have seen them walk up in the Holy Ghost and in a matter of minutes be used by God to heal someone completely. And their only training was to know that according to God's word, they just needed to believe that God would do it....and then He would.

    Does the bible give us examples of long drawn out deliverence processes? Does it show us methods and suggest training? I saw examples of God invading a place or person and amazing and almost instantaneous transformation.

    I worry that some of God's glory goes to the method instead of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and that makes me sad.
  • If this helps at all in this line of conversation, I'd like to relate the experiences of the late Jack Frost and his Shiloh Ministries. In Jack's messages on the Father's Love, he relates the story of Jesus coming to him during an altar call one night, and Jack found himself back in his childhood cowering in the back of a closet to hide from his physically abusive father. When the closet door opened, instead of his abusive father, it was Jesus standing there. In that visitation, Jack tells how Jesus took him in His arms, and lifted the hurts and fears out of his heart one by one. And how that, with each one, he sobbed uncontrollably. This went on for 45 or so minutes. After that night, his wife Trisha and entire family knew he was radically changed and healed. From this event on, Jack said how his entire ministry became focused on going about and being Jesus' hands, feet, heart, and love for the same healing to happen in others. I had the personal experience of hearing Jack himself speak about this. Within a few feet of Jack, one could feel God's love emanate from his person. I greatly desire the same healing for myself because God knows how much past hurts handicap my present spiritual walk and relationship with my wife.
    Jean, your one small phrase speaks volumes to me, "but we need to want healing."
    Please pray for me, Dave
  • Sarah, I think that if ibethel (Sozo) or any other inner healing method used the honesty and openess that you expressed they would hugly increase sales. I found little open or easily understood information on SOZO. Emailing to get clarification produced similar results; paraphrased "buy the DVD. We can't explain it to you." Basically it sounds like I am being asked to commit to 5 or 6 months of training without a clear understanding of what the training is to accomplish.
    Dave, I am not fully convinced that any method mentioned here is purely intercession. If I were there would be no argument. I found theophastic to be a glorified form of "search my heart oh God and show me my wicked ways". Any Christian who gets serious about the matter can do that at any time, with or without assistance. I can and have done this. If in need of follow up prayer I went to one in our number who is gifted in that area. Have been through the repent of my wrong, forgiveniess, break the stonghold, bind the spirit routine often enough that I can and have done it on my own.
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