I believe that God intends to make his church everything it can be. I believe that Jesus will return for a bride that is holy, faithful, fruitful and united. I believe that God has given us everything we need to see the Kingdom advance. If we aren't 'there', I believe it is because we need to improve the way we serve. If we are not holy - we need to be called to consecration. Those who call us to this are often irratating. In the Old Testament we heard about them getting stoned. If we are not faithful - we need to be called to love and serve. Those who call us to this are the pastors and teachers among us. If we are not fruitful - we need to be called to win people for Christ and empowered for our ministries (special ways God wants us to serve). To see people won to Christ, we need the evangelists to equip and stir us to witness. Our wineskins age & no longer accomodate new wine, or new growth. Jesus said the answer to this is new wineskins. To see people start new ministires, we need skilled planters to equip us to start new works. These skilled workers exist, but their gifts and functions are not well utilitzed. Why? Two reasons... one, our bodies are divided and two, ministry opportunites and needs are often invisible. This is my calling: To bring together congregations, to see a living wall emerge... a wall made of 'living stones'. I see the knitting together of these living stones through exchange... That those churches and ministries who have strengths supply those who have needs. This is my vision: the scripture tells us that when these ministers function: The planter Those who see where the cloud is moving and help us to see for ourselves what we need to do to be in line with his plan The evangelists The pastors and teachers... ...we will no longer be tossed two and fro by every wind of doctrine and the body will experience growth and upbuild itself in love. Folks, we need to see this happen! What I need to be successful... 1) Wisdom for the team that is working on this. Can you pray for us? We are activating this in June in our region. Anticipation is high. It is possible that we might see something new and powerful emerge! 2) It has been said that as we see success in our region that many will come from around the country to learn and take back what is happening here. Would you like to come, learn and take back to your community? 3) It has been said that people from this region would go out to various parts of the nation and world taking the vision. Would you like people to come to your community & labor together with you, with the strength the Lord provides, to see that prefect Bride: holy, faithful, fruitful and united?

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  • Jacinta Njihia said:
    After reading this i feel that we should talk.please let me know if i can give you a call and if so the tel number and the time i should call.

    Thank you

    Replying by PM
  • After reading this i feel that we should talk.please let me know if i can give you a call and if so the tel number and the time i should call.

    Thank you
  • My Dream is that the Family will be what God intended,a place of love ,joy and peace.The family is the building block of all institutions.I am a founder of a family biblical counseling based ministry whose mission is to "Strengthen the family and reconcile it to God for the healing of the church and the Nations".The ministry is based in Nairobi,Kenya East Africa and we would like to partner with other ministries who would like to see the family live life to the full.
    I am currently in New Jersey.
    I thought i would share this with you.
  • FINALLY - the vision is becoming a reality

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