Maybe a day in my journey is not quite accurate; it has been more like a few days! I have been preparing my manuscript to submit to the publisher. I am hopeful they find it print worthy.
I have been reflecting on the world around us. It seems that we live in the osteoporosis society. You may have seen the artist drawing: This is healthy bone; all the cells are packed tightly and nicely together. Then you see the osteoporosis drawing; the cells are spaced widely apart and barely connected. That'd be a picture of what life is like for many. This is not God's plan of course. The blessings He gives us in the Kingdom come from many things ~ the word, the Holy Spirit. And, they come from the body. If we live in an era where people are scattered, that will effect the blessings that are part of our inheritance in the Kingdom.
If we don't experience the blessings, we won't pass them on, either.
"Divide and conquer", this phrase is ascribed to Julius Caesar. Of course, our great enemy uses it too! So simple. So effective.
How to reverse the trend is unclear to me. The answer is in devoting ourselves to the key things we need to do. These are HERE.
The chicken and the egg ~ how can people devote themselves, together, to anything when they are divided?
Time to share this on Facebook! -Admin
It that was a very inspiring note you shared! Glad to see God is extending your fruitfulness! We are continuing the journey & contemplating how to stir people to rebuild their foundations, as disciples, in their marriages and in their families + learning to be family together.
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi Juanita, Great thought provoking article.
God brought a young woman in my life-a relative of a member of our church. She needed a little financial assistance and it opened the door to talking a lot by phone. Her life is not going very well and God opened the door to sharing with her what He has shared with me. She got emotionally injured a couple of years ago and Satan has used it as a root of bitterness.
She has been counseled by well meaning people with a carnal world view. "They're playing games" So for the last two years, "They're doing it again" they meaning different people in different environments.
Enter the Kingdom view. "What 'we' sow, we reap, not what 'they' sow, we reap. She is a Christian, so her salvation is not in question, only the quality of her life while we are here.
How to share without pointing fingers, sounding judgmental or making her feel any worse than she already feels. I used my life as an example.My transition from a carnal worldview to a Kingdom worldview has been a long slow process.
What I plant in another person's garden will grow in mine. So if my garden if full of nightshade, I need it look at what I have been planting. My seeds are my words, my thoughts and my actions. It is easy to pray for someone who has been good to us or likes us. It is not so easy to pray for someone who hasn't been good to us or doesn't like us until we have a Kingdom view.
We are all in the same boat. We all make mistakes and fall short of the mark...just in different areas. The devil uses us all sometimes to say things, think things or do things we shouldn't. When I learn to say "Lord, help them and help me. Teach them and teach me. Come to their rescue and come to mine. If I refuse to say a bad word about anybody, be it Obama or Brittney Spears and instead say Lord, help them and help me, nightshade will stop popping up in my garden and wonderful things will be in its place.
So a wonderful Christian website like this that focus's on Kingdom view-"Love one another, bear one another's burdens, pray for one another and pray without ceasing instead of carnal view "What's in it for me" or "Look at what they did to me" or "It's all their fault.",our life begins to change from crap to an awesome adventure. Thanks.
God taught me that some people are easy to criticize- the government, different religious systems and etc. but when I realize the seeds that I am planting will grow in "my" garden, I will stop planting them and say "Lord, help them and help me.
Thanks Juanita, for helping us with a Kingdom worldview.
It starts with me. ***I**** choose to connect, on this basis (7 devotions, gateway skills, life pillars) with Christians around me whom I am already connected to in life- people I work around, my wife, people I am close to and regularly interact with, people I worship together with- and not only that, I encourage THEM to do the same thing, or at least that's the idea.
I might add this- osteoperosis creates a lot of 'empty space'- that empty space in our lives, in our connections to one another is ALWAYS filled with the lies of Satan- wherever we don't fill our lives with Christ, Satan has an open door to walk right in