Anguish in the Church

What does it mean to be Anguished?
- excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain
- to suffer, feel, or exhibit anguish
- extreme pain or misery; mental or physical torture

Anguish is not a word we hear in the Church. David Wilkerson tackles a topic most churches are afraid of dealing with.

For too long the Church has mirrored the World. We allow sin in our leadership, sin in our congregations and sin in our churches without calling it sin and dealing with it.

Where is the anguish in the Church? Why are Christians staying in their Churches while the world is going to hell? Why are we content with our programs and our little “church lives” and we forget that the world is going to hell?

David Wilkerson calls the Church to rise up! To begin to fast and pray and stop focusing on Christian fluff-the programs, the agendas.  We have to take on the heart of God for the churches, our cities, our families and our world that is going to hell. We need to stop hiding behind the light and fluffy side of Christianity and preach the truth as David Wilkerson does. There IS a HELL, and it is REAL and if Christians don’t step up and do what we were commanded to do, then HELL will be reality for everyone.

As David say, “The hour is getting late and its getting serious. Does it matter to you at all that God’s spiritual Jerusalem, the Church, is now married to the world?”

-----Article Continues below Sponsor-----

Burning Ones

Burning Ones

by Jerame Nelson

The Burning Onesis a call to action. Christians- you- are encouraged and motivated to consider seriously stepping in the role of "burning ones" to spread the Kingdom of God in the earth.

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-----Article Continues----

We are in a critical time in History. Time for Christians to stop playing Church, conference hopping, etc. The Church has gotten so self-centered. We think about how we can grow the Church-but for what reason? So that you have a mega-church with lots of people or is it about making a name for yourself? Its sad when the World looks at the Church and doesn’t see a difference between the world and the Church. Why do you think the world hates Christians? Theres a reason for it.

Why is the Church so obsessed with agends? Where is the weeping at the altar? Where are the mothers and fathers weeping over their lost children? Where are the Pastors anguished over the sheep that leave the Church and join the World?  Where are the Leaders who weep over young adults and teens who are running in the world and are on their way to hell?

We spend hours in front of TV, Social Networks and socializing with our friends….but where is our time in prayer for those who need it?


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