Using Facebook as her vehicle, Anne Rice decided back in 2010 that she would not quit following Jesus but that she WOULD quit being a Christian. This is what she wrote:
"As I said below, I quit being a Christian. I’m out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen."
The fact that she put her own politics out so far in front that her political positions have become virtual dogma for her is one thing, but another way of seeing this dramatic claim is to consider that Anne Rice does not understand the two greatest commandments- to love God and to love one another.
God's "love language" is obedience to HIS WORD. You can't hold positions in life, in ANY part of your life, that are not rooted in Scripture, much less that actually go against what we might say is the spirit and the intent of Scripture.
That's one issue, but the other has to do with relationship.
You can't disown the Body of Christ and THEN claim to be following Christ. Sure, we can all find faults with the people and ministries within the Body of Christ, just as we can our family members, but we cannot DISOWN the Body as Anne Rice has.
The Body of Christ is not anti anything so much as we, if we are Christ-followers (Christian), are FOR many things.
We are FOR God's vision and plan for marriage and the family, not man's perversion thereof.
We are FOR absolute equal standing by ALL people, regardless of their age, race, or whether they are male or female, and we positively embrace the wonderful and diverse roles and callings God has for each of us.
We are FOR God's mandate to be "fruitful and multiply", even if we have different convictions regarding HOW to live that.
We are FOR any leader who will protect our freedoms and let the wisdom of the Word of God inform and influence their decision, and we don't much care what "Party" they belong to.
We are FOR freedom for ALL people, including Christian freedom to live for, proclaim the Gospel of, and follow the ways of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
We are FOR advancing knowledge, understanding, and wisdom and Christianity itself has LONG been in the vanguard of scientific development, so much so that much of modern science owes its origins to Christian concepts of following truth wherever it leads.
Anne Rice has no claim to be a Christ-follower, because she does not love, and in fact she is seen here slandering, the Body of Christ, a Body she has formally disowned.