Recently someone told me that they thought that Christian are wimps. I wondered about that. And today I wonder even more.
When Paul was waiting for some friends in Athens, he was PROVOKED by what he saw around him. He immediately went to the synagogue and began to argue with the Jews. He went to the marketplace as well..
I have been on twitter a bit the last few days. I am provoked. Not only with groups like atheists, but also with Christians.
The following quotes are just a tiny sample of what the atheists are posting. These types of posts should be provoking us all!
@plushe The Collapse of Intelligent Design: Kenneth R. Miller Lecture (#p2 #tcot)
Synthaetica. we're 'unglued' on hell becuz god rules by fear and manipulation. your god is a coward. made in his image, right? #atheist
fact3r If his goal is to make everyone worship and believe him, he's losing his own game.
@plushe I think the point is not to convert Juanita, but to keep the debate going so everyone can see how nutty her beliefs really are.
Many of the atheists are arrogant, profane and virtually unchallenged by believers!
My provocation with Christians came when I asked for some help defending attacks on creation. I have over 1500 followers on twitter – most Christian. When I asked for help – what do you think I got? Nothing, except for ONE person! Even the atheists saw it & this is what one of the wrote:
rationalbehavio @rwAtheist the night she was bugging me I saw her ask for help from other theists...none came to her aid though
Nice. Plus – twitter is a public forum. Even this conversation will be passed around and laughed at. Will Christian respond. Maybe. But, probably not. Am I provoked? You betcha.
Many of the atheists on twitter are a close knit club. They comb the web for all kinds of anti-god material and then post it. Continually. Are they challenged? For the most part – NO. Hitler said to tell a lie loud and often enough and people will believe it. Every post they make should be countered. We should be ashamed. The U.S. is going to hell in a hand-basket and too many of us are so busy building our own kingdom – we don’t have time for the Great Commission.
Lets look at some myths that keep us ineffective.
Myth #1. There is a ‘right’ time to tell people about Christ and we need to be on the lookout for it.
Truth: Preach the good news in season and out of season. When is the right time? Always.
Myth #2. If we ‘do it right’ people will come to Christ and everything will be peaceful.
Truth: The gospel is offensive. And, if we share it, we are the offenders. Read Acts. They went to where the people were and told them the truth. This is not popular. They were beaten, stoned and criticized. So?
Myth #3. We’re full of God.
Truth: The test to see if we are full of the Holy Spirit is if we are bold witnesses. I’ve seen thousand of Christian tweets. Few, if any, add the hash tags that will get them read by those who really need them. Here are some great hash tags. #atheist #gay Plus, there are tons of others. When you use these hash tags, you will get attention. And, much of it will not be nice. Be prepared to lose Christian followers. Too many have bought into the lie that we need to be politically correct. Jesus wasn’t.
Myth #4. I can’t witness boldly to atheists and others because I don’t know how.
Truth: None of us can be bold witnesses-ourselves. But God will speak through us if we will open our mouths. Learning to be relevant is a skill. I used humor in my tweets to the atheists – it is a language we all speak. You may do something else. And you may fail, I may fail. I’d rather fail trying to do great things for God than to live a sterile, fruitless life.
Are we wimps? What do YOU think?
For Twitter: Are Christians Wimps?
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No one chooses to come to Christ because a Christian won and argument or debate with them about religion.
I couldn't agree more. Confrontational Evangelism often breaks up the 'hard ground' and then people start asking questions. When people ask questions, the seed needs to be planted, watered and when the fruit is ready, harvested. It takes the whole body to do this!
No one chooses to come to Christ because a Christian won and argument or debate with them about religion.
This is not an "us or them". They desperately need Jesus just like we all do. We are called to love.
We are called to share our message with the the world with grace, seasoned with salt (ie, make it interesting).
Colossians 4:2-6
Sharing our life, our message, our Christ is not something we do to in a provoked mindset, but with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15-16
The world watches The Church closely. We should be responding to all things in our life in a manner that brings glory to Christ and shame to those who slander us or Christ.
This only re-enforces their/our rebellion. The evidence that they are self-protecting their own set of standards, is their vitrolic responses to the words the Holy Spirit is speaking to them. I have been there and so I know first hand, that when I was told about a Holy God and what His plan was for me, it made me angry. I convinced myself that others where just trying to take away my freedom to choose what I did with my life by telling me there was going to be a terrible price to pay at the end of it all. Long story short, even though I understand exactly where they are coming from, I am not eqipped to speak anything regarding creation, except that the Word says it...I believe it...and that's it. You, on the other hand, are able to give an apt answer in the moment and I admire that. So, as on that day til now, I am supporting you & other Dragon Slayers, in prayer. And, I am following you & others, creating a name & profile of the persons you are talking with and they are being prayed for as well. I have to tell you, the presence of the Holy Spirt in these prayer times is awesome. So keep plowing; keep breaking up that fallow ground. Some will water, some will plant. Blessings!
Katherine Russell said:
Juanita, I am one of those followers on that day when you were asking for support from Christians to defend creation. I wanted to help you but because I minister from what I have learned from the Word of God and I base everything I believe on a source that the atheist rejects, I did not feel I had anything to add. I did however, made intercession for you and have continued to do so since that day. There are two things I believe about the atheist: (One) God placed Eternity in the heart of every one born on this earth. It is there, it will always be drawing them and influencing them until the day they die. Ours, is to remember it's there, love them enough to speak the words the Holy Spirit puts in our mouth and the rest is in the Hands of the Holy Spirit. (Two) I believe the main reason the atheist, and any unbeliever, refuse to accept the tenets of Christ is we all want to do things our way. We do not want to surrender our right to satisfy our own lusts, our control. Basically, we like being god and our intellect wants to reason that anything else is a fantasy.
Juanita, I am one of those followers on that day when you were asking for support from Christians to defend creation. I wanted to help you but because I minister from what I have learned from the Word of God and I base everything I believe on a source that the atheist rejects, I did not feel I had anything to add. I did however, made intercession for you and have continued to do so since that day. There are two things I believe about the atheist: (One) God placed Eternity in the heart of every one born on this earth. It is there, it will always be drawing them and influencing them until the day they die. Ours, is to remember it's there, love them enough to speak the words the Holy Spirit puts in our mouth and the rest is in the Hands of the Holy Spirit. (Two) I believe the main reason the atheist, and any unbeliever, refuse to accept the tenets of Christ is we all want to do things our way. We do not want to surrender our right to satisfy our own lusts, our control. Basically, we like being god and our intellect wants to reason that anything else is a fantasy.
1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
Matt 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
“BUT, I really enjoy a little ___(sin)___ every now and then.” Too many of us believe that it’s OK to live like the world, just a little. We will never know sinless perfection in this life but we MUST strive to live pleasing to God and the WORD tells us over and over to “be holy”. Stated plainly, live as if Jesus were right by your side, He is anyway. It is told of Henry Clay that as he was about to introduce a particular bill in Congress, some of his friends warned that it would damage his ambitions. "If you do this, Clay," said one colleague, "it will kill your chance for the presidency." Clay asked, "But is the measure right?" When his friend agreed that it was the right thing to do, he replied, "I would rather be right than be president." I don’t know why we’re afraid to take a solid stand for Jesus, but if we don’t we may suffer shame when we see Him face to face. Paul Harvey is reported to have prayed on air a prayer that closed with, "We know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that is exactly what we have done. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!" Oh church, we cannot continue to live on both sides of the fence. Let us be like Isaiah, "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isa 6:5-8)
In response to Gettin After Lefty, you said: "We have clergy that stand in front of their congregations each Sunday preaching the bible knowing that some of the very people they are preaching to are supporting abortion -but say nothing-we have priest that know people such as Nancy Pelosi-Joseph Biden support abortion but yet they still administer communion to them."
I agree that pastors should not be afraid to speak their minds about politics, but doesn't separation of church and state prevent pastors from talking about politics within the walls of the church?
I received this email today from Francis Frangipane ministries. Here is what some in the church think in response to your question: Are Christians wimps?
Bodie and Brock Thoene
We continually marvel at the strength and courage of Lori Kalner as she grew up in the Third Reich. She saw what was coming upon America and the world and signed her warnings, “I speak for those who have no voice.”
The destruction of our American freedoms by President Obama, with the complicity of the Democrat-controlled Congress, has proceeded so rapidly it rivals anything we have ever seen in history. Those of us who have attended tea parties and town hall meetings to protest are now labeled terrorists and gangsters. The White House has called for citizens to inform against anyone who disagrees with Obama.
Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid publically mock every Christian who stands for freedom and for LIFE.
The history of tyranny and oppression has replicated itself in America, and the apathetic church has given permission for government to take control of our lives. As we wrote in Munich Signature: “Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand.”
What does scripture teach Christians about how we should live in these final prophetic moments of history?
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
When Paul wrote these words he saw clearly that the moment was coming when his pilgrimage in this world was coming to an end. He said to Timothy, his beloved spiritual son, “Live FEARLESS!”
As we continue our work on EVENSONG, the Memoirs of Lori Kalner, this is the message the Lord has given to us for this moment in history….“LIVE FEARLESS!”
Those in the German church who opposed the evil rulers of the Third Reich did so by the POWER of the Holy Spirit. They acted for the sake of LOVE of others, and they spoke with the authority and SOUND MIND of Jesus Christ, according to the truth of Scripture. Many Christians who spoke out for the elderly, for the disabled, for the unborn and for those of Jewish heritage, died for the sake standing up for Christ’s teaching.
This is what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:1-5---“I CHARGE YOU in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: PREACH the word; BE READY in season and out of season; REPROVE, REBUKE, and EXHORT with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry…”
(The next time someone tells you that you aren’t supposed to be judgmental about Obama, why not quote Paul’s words back to them?)
Paul’s words spoke to the church of Germany in l934. Many church leaders wrongly quoted the scriptures which say, “Submit to those in authority…” These false shepherds yielded to the Nazi agenda of nationalized “health care” including abortion, sterilization, and mass euthanasia, and in the end, genocide. Those who were young, strong and healthy, and who could serve the State, were the ones who received National Socialist health care. All who were a “burden” to the state were simply eliminated.
This is historical fact. Don’t be fooled. It CAN happen again!
Have no doubt: Paul was also speaking to the church today. There can be no compromise with evil. We must not “SUBMIT” to the evils of a government that actively seeks to control how we worship, how we live, and how and when we must die. Obama may “talk-the-talk” as he tries to sell ‘health care reform’ to ‘religious groups,’ but he seeks to destroy our God-given constitutional freedom of speech and our freedom of worship. Our “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is on the brink of the abyss. If the church “submits to government authority” it will open a floodgate of death and destruction beyond anything the world has ever experienced.
The Bible tells Christians to reprove, rebuke, and correct false teaching! We MUST NOT submit to the lies of truly, deeply evil government policies.
When you let your voice be heard, you speak not only for yourself, but also for those who have no voice.
The Holy Spirit is moving throughout the church and the nation and the world. The Lord is speaking to your heart now! Stand up for LIFE! Do not listen to the lies of the corrupt Obama administration. Write your Congressman! If your elected officials agree with the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid or Barney Frank, VOTE THE BUMS OUT OF OFFICE! Go to a tea party! Or organize one! Attend a town hall meeting and let your voice be heard! Encourage your pastor to get off the fence and to LIVE FEARLESS!
Blessings in Jesus’ Name,
Bodie and Brock
Prophetess Laura His Gift said:
Our King Jesus is the Warrior King . The King of Glory whom leads His army into battle. He goes before us and He did go before us at Calvary.
I agree with your truth statements, exposing the 4 myths that you highlighted. The Righteous are bold as a lion and the wicked run away when no one is chasing them.
Fortunately, only about 10% of the country are so foolish as to deny God's existence and call themselves atheists. The hours that I have spent casting pearls at these God mockers seems almost pointless. In contrast, many of those who call themselves Christians, ( probably about 80% of the country) have never truly repented and come under the Lordship of Christ. These people are often receptive, (especially if they are under 25 years old) to someone sharing with them the cost of being a true follower of Christ according to Jesus himself. I would prefer to spend most of my time engaging them.
This is not an "us or them". They desperately need Jesus just like we all do. We are called to love.
We are called to share our message with the the world with grace, seasoned with salt (ie, make it interesting).
Colossians 4:2-6
Sharing our life, our message, our Christ is not something we do to in a provoked mindset, but with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15-16
The world watches The Church closely. We should be responding to all things in our life in a manner that brings glory to Christ and shame to those who slander us or Christ.
Katherine Russell said:
(Two) I believe the main reason the atheist, and any unbeliever, refuse to accept the tenets of Christ is we all want to do things our way. We do not want to surrender our right to satisfy our own lusts, our control. Basically, we like being god and our intellect wants to reason that anything else is a fantasy.
I agree that pastors should not be afraid to speak their minds about politics, but doesn't separation of church and state prevent pastors from talking about politics within the walls of the church?
Bodie and Brock Thoene
We continually marvel at the strength and courage of Lori Kalner as she grew up in the Third Reich. She saw what was coming upon America and the world and signed her warnings, “I speak for those who have no voice.”
The destruction of our American freedoms by President Obama, with the complicity of the Democrat-controlled Congress, has proceeded so rapidly it rivals anything we have ever seen in history. Those of us who have attended tea parties and town hall meetings to protest are now labeled terrorists and gangsters. The White House has called for citizens to inform against anyone who disagrees with Obama.
Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid publically mock every Christian who stands for freedom and for LIFE.
The history of tyranny and oppression has replicated itself in America, and the apathetic church has given permission for government to take control of our lives. As we wrote in Munich Signature: “Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand.”
What does scripture teach Christians about how we should live in these final prophetic moments of history?
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
When Paul wrote these words he saw clearly that the moment was coming when his pilgrimage in this world was coming to an end. He said to Timothy, his beloved spiritual son, “Live FEARLESS!”
As we continue our work on EVENSONG, the Memoirs of Lori Kalner, this is the message the Lord has given to us for this moment in history….“LIVE FEARLESS!”
Those in the German church who opposed the evil rulers of the Third Reich did so by the POWER of the Holy Spirit. They acted for the sake of LOVE of others, and they spoke with the authority and SOUND MIND of Jesus Christ, according to the truth of Scripture. Many Christians who spoke out for the elderly, for the disabled, for the unborn and for those of Jewish heritage, died for the sake standing up for Christ’s teaching.
This is what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:1-5---“I CHARGE YOU in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: PREACH the word; BE READY in season and out of season; REPROVE, REBUKE, and EXHORT with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry…”
(The next time someone tells you that you aren’t supposed to be judgmental about Obama, why not quote Paul’s words back to them?)
Paul’s words spoke to the church of Germany in l934. Many church leaders wrongly quoted the scriptures which say, “Submit to those in authority…” These false shepherds yielded to the Nazi agenda of nationalized “health care” including abortion, sterilization, and mass euthanasia, and in the end, genocide. Those who were young, strong and healthy, and who could serve the State, were the ones who received National Socialist health care. All who were a “burden” to the state were simply eliminated.
This is historical fact. Don’t be fooled. It CAN happen again!
Have no doubt: Paul was also speaking to the church today. There can be no compromise with evil. We must not “SUBMIT” to the evils of a government that actively seeks to control how we worship, how we live, and how and when we must die. Obama may “talk-the-talk” as he tries to sell ‘health care reform’ to ‘religious groups,’ but he seeks to destroy our God-given constitutional freedom of speech and our freedom of worship. Our “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is on the brink of the abyss. If the church “submits to government authority” it will open a floodgate of death and destruction beyond anything the world has ever experienced.
The Bible tells Christians to reprove, rebuke, and correct false teaching! We MUST NOT submit to the lies of truly, deeply evil government policies.
When you let your voice be heard, you speak not only for yourself, but also for those who have no voice.
The Holy Spirit is moving throughout the church and the nation and the world. The Lord is speaking to your heart now! Stand up for LIFE! Do not listen to the lies of the corrupt Obama administration. Write your Congressman! If your elected officials agree with the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid or Barney Frank, VOTE THE BUMS OUT OF OFFICE! Go to a tea party! Or organize one! Attend a town hall meeting and let your voice be heard! Encourage your pastor to get off the fence and to LIVE FEARLESS!
Blessings in Jesus’ Name,
Bodie and Brock
Prophetess Laura His Gift said:
Fortunately, only about 10% of the country are so foolish as to deny God's existence and call themselves atheists. The hours that I have spent casting pearls at these God mockers seems almost pointless. In contrast, many of those who call themselves Christians, ( probably about 80% of the country) have never truly repented and come under the Lordship of Christ. These people are often receptive, (especially if they are under 25 years old) to someone sharing with them the cost of being a true follower of Christ according to Jesus himself. I would prefer to spend most of my time engaging them.