Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
Can we measure or identify the Kingdom of God by earthly means, as in what we eat or drink or surface things like that? The kingdom of God is not to be found in meat and drink, it is found in righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Romans 14:7)
It is measured in righteousness because Jesus came so that, if we walk in the Spirit and not our flesh, we might be able, through Him, to fulfill the righteous standards and principles of the law, which, in our own selves, we could never do. (Romans 8:1-4).
It is measured in joy because, through the Word of God, and the words of Jesus Christ to His People, His joy might remain in us and our joy in Him might be full. (John 15:11)
It is measured in peace because Jesus Christ gives us His peace, not the kind that the world gives (peace through conquering), but the kind of peace that allows us not to be troubled in our hearts, no matter what is happening around us. (John 14:7)
Are we walking in the righteousness of the law, instead of the letter of the law? Are we in the Spirit, which brings us life, instead of trying to follow the letter of the law, which leads to death? (2 Corinthians 3:6) We know this, that the whole culmination of the law is to love (Romans 13:10), therefore the first greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love others as you love yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39) THIS is the "righteousness of the law" fulfilled!
Are we walking in the joy of the Lord, which is our strength, (Psalm 28:7) joy that comes because we have been ransomed by God to be partakers of His Zion? (Isaiah 35:10) Our ultimate joy will come when we hear the voice of Christ, as a groom coming to meet his bride in the wedding ceremony, when the bride hears him speak and has great joy. (John 3:29) So we joy in the coming of Christ, not only in the culmination of the ages, but in our hearts right now, because He is our Lord, (Hebrews 12:2) even when we face many troubles and trials. (James 1:2)
Are we walking in peace by being in harmony with fellow Believers and being of one mind, knowing that God is a God of peace? (2 Corinthians 13:11) Are we being peacemakers for God, so that we can reap a harvest of righteousness? (James 3:18) If we do not walk in the way of peace there will be no justice among us, and if there is no justice among us, how can we expect there to be justice in the world around us? (Isaiah 59:8)
Jesus said that we must be converted and become as children in our faith (Matthew 18:3), and indeed conversion was preached by the Apostles (Acts 3:19), not some watered down “gospel” of salvation from death without being saved from the LAW of sin and death! (Romans 8:2, 1 Corinthians 15:56) To be converted means to make Jesus Christ the center of your life, as your Lord and Savior, the Lord who Saves you, and nothing less than this will do! (John 10:27, John 12:26, Matthew 10:38, Mark 8:34)
Have you come to the point of 'baptism' - I don't mean have you been baptised, but have you died to yourself and have you chosen to live for for Christ. That is 'making him Lord of your life - it is giving him all of you - your time - your money - everything. Nothing else ahead of him. This is something we do for the first time when we are saved and when we live for Christ, we have to do this every day.
Have you done that?
Steve Belttari said:
Jerry Hartman said:
Jerry Hartman said:
Freedomist said: