I cannot count how many tweets I read on an almost daily basis from Christians who are so grateful and excited that their church enables them to participate in the services even when they can't be physically present via online video streaming. Does your church make your services available online for church members who can't be at church sometimes for whatever reason? Even people who aren't church members because they are still searching for a church they like, are not comfortable stepping in a church yet, etc. will "attend" your church from their home computer. Take a look at these tweets to see just a small sampling of Christians who watch church on their computers:
Didn't feel good today but still got to watch church online live! Gotta love technology! @gtchurchonline instagr.am/p/VHaSyEPY3d/
Tweeted by @Mr_Verde7 on January 27th
Wednesday worship/prayer is happening now! Go watch online!! #technologyrocks #reachin @ the crossing church http://t.co/40ArJMw0
Tweeted by @b_lcarpenter on January 30th
About to watch my church online @oasisflc #it'sSunday
Tweeted by @IShldBUrSTYLIST on January 27th
Love @OasisLa! We have thousands watch online and thousands here at our Church location every Sunday! http://instagr.am/p/VAFZ4RwWRx/
So glad you can watch church online.
Tweeted by @VlahosJohnM on January 27th
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Robotic cameras zoom in on what's important, great for streaming your church service online!
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Too sick to go to church...no problem...I'll just watch it online.http://t.co/Ol0u6Bo7 #elc instagr.am/p/U_6JC1Fwyi/
Tweeted by @djfurious619 on January 27th
" Can't make it to church tonight? Watch us LIVE online: http://ow.ly/h6xT8 "
Tweeted by @BellevueBC on January 27th
#Sunday is the #LORDsDay! Join us for #SundaySchool and church or watch online! #Broadcasting #LIVE -cbbcfla.com/#/media
Tweeted by @pastorstancil on January 27th
So tight how you can watch The Rock Church services online. If your not doing anything there's a service @ 7 sdrock.com
Tweeted by @D_Macc123 on January 27th
If you're not here... get online!! Watch live online at trinitychurch.tv @ Trinity Church instagr.am/p/U_dzGLomyP/
Tweeted by @JoeyOrtegaTacos on January 27th
Note: For some reason, I could not get the links within the tweets to work. Whenever I try to put a link in a tweet on Ning, it gives me an error upon publishing.