I always admired a good fight movie such as Conan the Barbarian, 300, Star Wars, Transformers, Xmen etc. in these movies we always come to depend on the hero to conquer in the end and know that good can always overcome evil. However like every war story the hero always goes through a surprise attack. This is why we should always be on guard before your enemy steals in to defeat you. As written in Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take a stand against the devil’s scheme”. And know that God had already defeated your enemies but he still wants his soldiers to be prepared to fight any battle and we do that my staying in his words. We often go around mad at a co-worker, spouse or a close ones who did us wrong and this is the work of the enemy to throw us off guard. A response to this is to refer back to Ephesians in chapter 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. This passage God is simply explaining to us that are war is not with person or people who do you wrong but it’s the force behind them and that’s the enemy who wants you to be mad. But because we are not of the world and made new creatures we must maintain a conquering mentality and stay focus on the real enemy at hand. If we go around mad at someone we are simply doing what the devil wants us to do so we stumble and fall to defeat by his hands and it throws us off course with serving God. I say this in closing my friend we must meditate on his words so that when the enemy strikes again we are more than prepared and we all know you cant bring a knife to a gun fight…..Be encouraged and know that this battle is not yours……..God Bless and May the force be with you!