*Taken from freedomist.com by Katey Raymond
Author Anne Rice famed for her Interiew With A Vampire has learned to know Jesus is to know peace. She confesses this in a video in which she shares her return to Christianity.
In a recently posted video called I Am Second, Rice shares about her 38 years as what she calls a ”Christ-haunted atheist” Her vampire novels, a reflection of her internal struggle in the godless world she created.
And returning to Christ has changed everything in her life. For one, she no longer feels she can work with the vampire metaphor. “I wasn’t a person in a godless world [anymore], far from it,” she says.
Now Rice devotes her time writing books that are “directly to God and devoted to Jesus Christ.”“I have changed and I have to do this,” she says with determination. “I have to write for Him.”Her Christian books include Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana, and Angel Time: The Songs of the Seraphim.
Rice is the latest celebrity to give a video testimony on “I Am Second,” a movement which seeks to lift up Christ by declaring that He is first and we are second.
And why not?
Atheist-Vampire Novelist Finds No Jesus No Peace-www.christianpost.com
Sure it is.
Would you not (if you could) place creationism in public schools? Would you if you could do away with real sex education where teens learn abnout birth control? Would you vote for a law letting only male/female couples wed? Same with abortions,Bet you would vote to end all of them. Sounds great but it is not realistic.
At least you told Mark to go see a doctor when he was having chest pain. Faith healing of kids would be the only thing I can think of that I would vote away from a religious group.
Juanita said:
Been there done that. I see it the other way around.It is you living in darkness,because you place a 2000 plus year old book over science.
Juanita said:
James... you are a person living in darkness. You can't see/understand/experience what it is like to walk with God. It IS life. God isn't just 'part of my life'. He is life. Life, beauty, truth... dimensions you can't imagine. Because you are blind.
You want logic. God gives you foolishness.
You want reason. God give you absurdity: you have to die to live. You have to become a child to become wise. You have to give up everything or have nothing.
You can never get to God on the path you are walking. Never. And, He designed it that way.
Well... perhaps her refusing is a response to 'imposed regulations' from 'her church', now ex church. I can understand that. It is not the way I live.
This is how I live: God himself gives me strength and hope. I don't look at life as following rules. It is a walk, a dance if you will.
Well, I became an atheist as a young adult and have never felt better for doing so. The weight lifted off me was life changing.
IMO, you already use a glass bottle, wrapped in a new goat skin at best. You take advanage of so may thing giving to man kind by sceience,science you deny is real. It is so much more then evolution that bible literal Christians must throw out,it's mind boggling.
Anne Rice abandoned Christianity over its attitude to birth control, homosexuality and science.Hmmm, much like you do.
I quit being a Christian. I'm out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen. Quote from Anne Rice.
Anne found her lost faith in a God shortly after losing her husband to cancer.I believe she will snap out of it in time.
Juanita said:
Well, I became a Christian as an adult and spent the first almost 30 years in the old wineskin. It was not without benefits.
However, I am now in a new wineskin. Imagine, a group of people who share common care for each other, common commitment to each other's welfare, common goals and the common joy of accomplishing the things that we are striving for. And, imagine - this will be your hardest stretch, the things we are striving for/ God told us what the objective is, how difficult the journey would be and what the end will be. The Kingdom of God is lived out among us ~~ it is the most glorious, challenging, painful, fullfilling season of my life. Living high adventure. :-) I wouldn't trade it for a glass bottle ~~ or anything else. ;-)
James said:
Juanita said:
Last I read about Anne Rice being a Christian was that she was done with it. She still believes in Jesus it is the church organization that she don't care for.
In her words posted on facebook Jul 30, 2010
"I remain committed to Christ as always," she explained further on Facebook, "but not to being 'Christian' or to being part of Christianity. It's simply impossible for me to 'belong' to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I've tried. I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else."
The whole thing makes me think of that line from Gandhi “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”