"Theres gonna be a wedding, its the reason that Im living-to marry the Lamb. - Shine"
Before you read this post click HERE and listen to this song...
Ok, now that you've (hopefully) listened to that song you are (hopefully) overwhelmed by how much Jesus loves you. I have been listening to this song on repeat for about 30 minutes now and am getting slammed by the revelation of just how much JESUS wantsme (us).
I just picture Jesus as a bridegroom asking God, "Dad, when can I go get them?! When can I go God!?" Jesus is so excited to marry us, to have us WITH HIM FOREVER.
Isnt that an amazing thought!?
Jesus, the Son of the Holy God, WANTS you, LOVES you and DESIRES you.
You and I in all our sin, our brokenness and humanness, Jesus WANTS and LOVES US!-Incredible.
I am just so overwhelmed by the thought that Jesus cannot wait til the day He can come and get His bride! Jesus is full of expectation, He is full of longing, He is LOVESICK for His Beloved.
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Burning Ones
by Jerame Nelson
The Burning Ones is a call to action. Christians- you- are encouraged and motivated to consider seriously stepping in the role of "burning ones" to spread the Kingdom of God in the earth.
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I read something on my friend Jamie's Facebook, "Be Prepared" was all it said. It got me thinking about Jesus' return. Being prepared means many things but to me it also includes being prepared by loving Jesus in return. You don't want to get to Heaven and hear about how much Jesus loves you, how the wait has been so hard for Him, how hes been longing for you to get there and all you can do is look back on your life and think about all the other things you put before your love for Him-family, friends, entertainment, material possessions.
I want to get to Heaven and be able to tell Jesus truthfully that I loved Him with all of my heart, soul and mind while living on earth.
It reminds me of when a couple has been dating and the guy says "I love You" and means it with all of his heart and the girl gets really quiet and says, "I love you too" but you can see she had to think about it before saying it and you're not even sure she means it.
I dont want that to happen with Jesus! I want to be so insanely lovesick and deeply in love with Jesus with all that is within me, not have to look at Him and think about it or look back and think about all the things/people I put before my love for Him.
Jesus comes first-He MUST come first in our lives.
Now, for those of you who read this and didnt listen to the song and NOW want to listen to it, here it is: :)