It’s both, of course!  The Church is both a business and a spiritual organism with Jesus as the Head.  The questions are: “How much is the church like a business?  How much is it not like a business?”  As long as the church of Jesus Christ functions in this world, it must, at least, abide by solid principles of money handling, honest contractual relationships, and clear reporting of all physical responsibilities.  That demands solid business principles and practices.


Some might argue that best practices in marketing are not needed in the church.  OK, let’s not use radio, television, smart phones, texting, email, or any of those new-gizmos humans have invented.  If fact, let’s not even learn how to use them.  No, that would foolishly give those gizmos over to the devil for his use.  Humans don’t own those gizmos.  God does!


On the other hand, the body of Christ is a spiritual organism functioning under the leadership of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We work and serve under His direction!  We march to His commands.  He is our All and in All.  We are depended on Him for all resources.  He is the fountain of all blessing!  Nothing worthwhile will happen without Him! 


It is a delicate balance, now isn't it!  We strive to build the kingdom of God using both solid business practices and by walking in the Spirit of God.   Balance in life is hard to keep.  Our Lord elects us to be mentally alert people at the same time we need to be faith-walking people.  Keep the balance, brother!

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  • So true!  -Admin

  • Great comment, Corkie!!!

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