A church is a place where all are welcome to come and worship the Lord. With that being said, how do you know if your church is doing all it can to make sure it is accessible to everyone? Here is a checklist your church can use to make sure you include everyone in your church:
1. Is your church wheelchair accessible? Churches are not required by law to be wheelchair accessible, so it is very important to make sure you accommodate people with disabilities. Put a wheelchair ramp leading up to your church entrance to make sure everyone can get in your church with no problems.
2. Can everyone hear the pastor? Do you have assistive listening devices available for the hearing impaired or for those who speak another language? Again, churches are not required by law to have assistive listening devices so this may be something your church has overlooked. You may want to consider investing in assistive listening devices so you can be sure everyone can hear and understand the pastor speaking.
Make sure all can hear the Gospel-Hear the Word Pro Assistive Listening/Translation 6 Person System-Click here now.
3. Does your church have an elevator? (for multi-story churches): If your church is more than one story, do you have an elevator in addition to stairs to accomodate people who are unable to walk?
4. Is your church restroom designed to accommodate the disabled? If not, you may want to redesign your church restroom to be accessible to the disabled. Here is a design from the UN for ideas on making your restroom wheelchair accessible.