I've been noticing many of you taking advantage of Kingdom Insight's ability to customize your profile's theme. And WOW, I've seen some pretty nice looking profiles! It's amazing how adding a little splash of color to your profile page can take it up an extra notch and make it look really cool.
For those of you who don't have a clue as to how to customize your profile's theme, here's how:
1. Click on My Page at the top of the page.
2. Below your profile picture on the left-hand side of the page, click on the link that says Change... My Theme.
3. At the top of the Appearance page, you will see several themes to choose from. Click on the arrows on the right side of the page to see even more themes.
4. To apply a theme, simply click on the theme's thumbnail that you want for your profile's theme.
5. If desired, customize your theme's colors and fonts even further at the bottom of the page. (NOTE: The All Options and Advanced tabs are recommended only to those with a good knowledge of HTML and CSS)
6. When you are all finished choosing and customizing your theme, click on Save at the bottom right-hand side of the page.
I look forward to seeing all of your themes. Remember, your Kingdom Insight page is your own profile, so customize your profile page to your heart's content : )
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