There are many now being deceived into taking a microchip or an RFID Chip underneath their skin in order to buy or sell..Do you think it is the actual mark of the Beast in which the word of God has condemned those who receive it? Watch this video and let's discuss it...
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I believe an explanation is due on my part when it comes to what I posted about Babylon.
I had stated in an earlier post that "Babylon is a city, not a nation".
This was an error on my part, and I do apologize for it.
When I posted the above, I was referring to the city of Babylon as recorded in Rev. 18.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding I may have caused.
I know there is nothing trulyChrist-like about the anti-Christ, that needs no further explanation.
What I posted was the fact that the anti-Christ will mimic every aspect of God.
According to the Word of God, Satan will do many "miracles", cause (a fake) peace to reign throughout the Earth, (but it will only last for 3 and 1/2 years), and so forth. This is how he will cause many, including those who claim to be Christian, but yet do not belong to Christ, to be fooled.
I find it rather ironic that this is also how many people, who are aware of what the Word of God says about the end times and what it will appear like, accept Christ.:
IMHO, all to often we tend to forget just how wise Lucifer is. Although he is not "all wise", nor can he be, he is wise enough to (attempt to) fool many people by striking at their weakest point.
God say Babylon is a nation!! So it is best to go by what the Word of God says and not incert our own thoughts.
Prince Danny said:
Sheri, I have talked about only two Beasts. One, The is the Antichrist, the son of Satan, who will politically unite world governments into a global unity and the other Beast is the false Prophet who will unite all world religions into a global unity, including Islam..Here is some proofs that Mystery Babylon is the "Whore" of a "religious" System. Here are 9 proofs of this for your studies. 1) Playing the whore in symbolic language always refers to religious fornication and Idolatry. Old Babylon had many gods just as "Myster (Revelation Reveled) Babylon will have!!
2) Her causing the many nations to commit fornication with her, proves that idolatrous religious practices are being referred to, as in the passage Isa.23:17, 57:3-7. Jer.3:2-9,Ezek.16:1-63,20:30-32, 23:7-49. Hos.4:12-19
It proves that she markets herself out to other nations as an idolator of money luxuries, wealth, false religions, false idols etc......
3)She is not a political power for she is not classed as one with "the kings of the earth". She only causes the kings and the inhabitants of the earth to be drunk with the wine of her fornication. Since fornication here refers to religious harlotry then her influence over the nations is through religion.
Babylons leader is the red beast!! He is refered to as the king of Babylon. Since the woman NATION is riding her that shows that the country is still in control over this leader/king.
4) The Beast which the woman rides is the eight kingdom, made up of the many waters or people inside the old Roman Empire territory, since the Beast itself is the kingdom, the woman must be religious dominating the kingdom until she is destroyed by it.
That makes no sense.
5) The attire of the great whore identifies her as a religious system or as a whore committing spiritual fornication, duping political powers by her whoredoms and idolatries. The purple, scarlet, precious stones, pearls, and golden vessels indicate the wealth of the system.
All emperors wore those colors, it has nothing to do with religion.
6) The golden Cup in her hand, full of uncleanness, spiritual fornication, and abominations by which she dupes political powers proves her to be a religious power.
That proves nothing of the sort... The golden cup John saw could have been the statue of libety's (ISHATAR) torch... It also represents God's ordences... America was founded on the 10 Commandments but has polluted her laws with abortion, freedom of blasphemy, idolatry, covetness, theift, murderers, etc... This country began with laws against those things...
7) Her name is MYSTERY BABYLON indicates she is not a literal Babylon. The word MYSTERY identifies her with the religious rites and mysteries of ancient Babylon. According to Hislop's "The Two Babylons" which quotes 260 sourses, the ancient Babylon cult, started by Nimrod and his Queen, Semiramis, spread among all nations. The objects of worship were the Supreme Father, the incarnate Female, or queen of Heaven, and her son. The cult claimed the highest wisdom and the most divine secrets, Besides confession to priests there were many mysteries rites, Julius Caesar become Head of the Roman branch of the Babylonian Cult in 63 B.C. Other emperors held the Office until 376 A.D. when the Emporerratian, for Christians reasons refused it because he saw that Babyloninism was idolatrous, Demasus, bishop of the Christian Church at Rome, was elected to the headship in 378 A.D. and from here on Babylonianism and organized Christianity became one. The rites of Babylon were soon introduced into the Christian Church. Heathen temples were restored, beautified, and their rituals encouraged, Worship and veneration of images, saints, relics, private confessions, penances, scorgings, pilgrimages, signs of the cross, Christmas, Lady Day, Easter, Lent, and other pagan rites and festivals, little by little, became a part of Christian Worship. 8) The name MOTHER OF HARLOTS identifies the whore as a religious system. The harlots refer to many branches which have sprung from her and have become as much prostate as the great whore herself. She is a symbol of Apostate religions being linked together after the Rapture of the Church to dominate the 10 kings of the "Revised Roman Empire" until the Antichrist comes to full power over the kingdoms (United Nations) by the middle of Daniel's 70th week.. The Antichrist shall have power over the United Nations as well as over "Mystery Babylon" All world religions..And he will caused them to receive His mark of ownership in order to buy or sell. Those receiving his mark shall not enter the coming Kingdom of Christ on this earth but shall receive the wrath and plagues of Almighty God for their rebellion against the God of Glory and His Christ! Those Christians who missed the rapture, by carnal living, must be killed for their faith in Christ...
1) hidden thing, secret, mystery
1a) generally mysteries, religious secrets, confided only to the
initiated and not to ordinary mortals
1b) a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding
1c) a hidden purpose or counsel
1c1) secret will
1c1a) of men
1c1b) of God: the secret counsels which govern God in
dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from
ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly
2) in rabbinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense
2a) of an OT saying
2b) of an image or form seen in a vision
2c) of a dream
Howard the Anti-Christ is just that AGAINST CHRIST!! Nothing about him is Christlike!!
Howard Sherman said:
Here are some more thoughts on this topic that I believe play a part in understanding certain aspects of it.
First and foremost, one must remember that the anti-Christ will appear like (mimic) the Son of God, Jesus Christ, in every way. In order to do this, the "incarnated" anti-Christ who comes to power will have no traceable roots to who his father is. B.H.O's is traceable. (Just ask the lawyers who are getting rich from B.O.'s wanting to keep everything that would prove him ineligible to be the president, hidden.)
Second, I personally do not see the U.S.A. as being the Babylon referred to in the Word of God; since Babylon is a city, and not a nation That being said however, I find it to be rather interesting that the city of New York appears to match up in/on all too many points to be coincidental. Wall Street is located there, the United Nations, is located there. It has harbors for shipping, and (the last I heard), there are more languages spoken there within a small radius; than anywhere else on Earth. What does this have to do with this topic? Lots! ( No, not Abraham's nephew. :) ) Before the Tower of Babel could be built, the Lord intervened, causing people to speak different languages. Those who spoke a certain language, found others who spoke the same language, and they all went their separate ways. (Readers Digest Version) The people in NYC, though they speak different dialects, still live and work daily among others who speak a different language. I see this as an attempt to re-create a pre-Tower of Babel setting. by those who place money and man on pedestals to be worshiped. I do not believe in coincidences, so to have the U.N. building situated within this city, wasn't by mans choosing, but by Gods design. When our current financial situation came crashing down: who (or what) did those "in charge" seek to help? It certainly wasn't the American citizens. It was Wall Street, Fanny Mae, "Fred" Mac, and so forth. So to tie this all together with "micro-chips and the mark of the beast", Although I don't see this as being the actual "mark"; I do see this as a step in that direction. Getting people desensitized to the idea of needing a personalized number that is a permanent part of you, as opposed to using our current system, is key to Lucifer's wearing down, (desensitizing) the people in any given country.
I could share more, but since this is entirely speculation on my part, (except for the not believing in coincidences), I think it best not to.
Sheri, I have talked about only two Beasts. One, The is the Antichrist, the son of Satan, who will politically unite world governments into a global unity and the other Beast is the false Prophet who will unite all world religions into a global unity, including Islam..Here is some proofs that Mystery Babylon is the "Whore" of a "religious" System. Here are 9 proofs of this for your studies.
1) Playing the whore in symbolic language always refers to religious fornication and Idolatry.
2) Her causing the many nations to commit fornication with her, proves that idolatrous religious practices are being referred to, as in the passage Isa.23:17, 57:3-7. Jer.3:2-9,Ezek.16:1-63,20:30-32, 23:7-49. Hos.4:12-19
3)She is not a political power for she is not classed as one with "the kings of the earth". She only causes the kings and the inhabitants of the earth to be drunk with the wine of her fornication. Since fornication here refers to religious harlotry then her influence over the nations is through religion.
4) The Beast which the woman rides is the eight kingdom, made up of the many waters or people inside the old Roman Empire territory, since the Beast itself is the kingdom, the woman must be religious dominating the kingdom until she is destroyed by it.
5) The attire of the great whore identifies her as a religious system or as a whore committing spiritual fornication, duping political powers by her whoredoms and idolatries. The purple, scarlet, precious stones, pearls, and golden vessels indicate the wealth of the system.
6) The golden Cup in her hand, full of uncleanness, spiritual fornication, and abominations by which she dupes political powers proves her to be a religious power.
7) Her name is MYSTERY BABYLON indicates she is not a literal Babylon. The word MYSTERY identifies her with the religious rites and mysteries of ancient Babylon. According to Hislop's "The Two Babylons" which quotes 260 sourses, the ancient Babylon cult, started by Nimrod and his Queen, Semiramis, spread among all nations. The objects of worship were the Supreme Father, the incarnate Female, or queen of Heaven, and her son. The cult claimed the highest wisdom and the most divine secrets, Besides confession to priests there were many mysteries rites, Julius Caesar become Head of the Roman branch of the Babylonian Cult in 63 B.C. Other emperors held the Office until 376 A.D. when the Emporerratian, for Christians reasons refused it because he saw that Babyloninism was idolatrous, Demasus, bishop of the Christian Church at Rome, was elected to the headship in 378 A.D. and from here on Babylonianism and organized Christianity became one. The rites of Babylon were soon introduced into the Christian Church. Heathen temples were restored, beautified, and their rituals encouraged, Worship and veneration of images, saints, relics, private confessions, penances, scorgings, pilgrimages, signs of the cross, Christmas, Lady Day, Easter, Lent, and other pagan rites and festivals, little by little, became a part of Christian Worship.
8) The name MOTHER OF HARLOTS identifies the whore as a religious system. The harlots refer to many branches which have sprung from her and have become as much prostate as the great whore herself. She is a symbol of Apostate religions being linked together after the Rapture of the Church to dominate the 10 kings of the "Revised Roman Empire" until the Antichrist comes to full power over the kingdoms (United Nations) by the middle of Daniel's 70th week..
The Antichrist shall have power over the United Nations as well as over "Mystery Babylon" All world religions..And he will caused them to receive His mark of ownership in order to buy or sell. Those receiving his mark shall not enter the coming Kingdom of Christ on this earth but shall receive the wrath and plagues of Almighty God for their rebellion against the God of Glory and His Christ! Those Christians who missed the rapture, by carnal living, must be killed for their faith in Christ...
Here are some more thoughts on this topic that I believe play a part in understanding certain aspects of it.
First and foremost, one must remember that the anti-Christ will appear like (mimic) the Son of God, Jesus Christ, in every way.
In order to do this, the "incarnated" anti-Christ who comes to power will have no traceable roots to who his father is. B.H.O's is traceable. (Just ask the lawyers who are getting rich from B.O.'s wanting to keep everything that would prove him ineligible to be the president, hidden.)
Second, I personally do not see the U.S.A. as being the Babylon referred to in the Word of God; since Babylon is a city, and not a nation
That being said however, I find it to be rather interesting that the city of New York appears to match up in/on all too many points to be coincidental. Wall Street is located there, the United Nations, is located there. It has harbors for shipping, and (the last I heard), there are more languages spoken there within a small radius; than anywhere else on Earth.
What does this have to do with this topic? Lots! ( No, not Abraham's nephew. :) )
Before the Tower of Babel could be built, the Lord intervened, causing people to speak different languages. Those who spoke a certain language, found others who spoke the same language, and they all went their separate ways. (Readers Digest Version)
The people in NYC, though they speak different dialects, still live and work daily among others who speak a different language.
I see this as an attempt to re-create a pre-Tower of Babel setting. by those who place money and man on pedestals to be worshiped.
I do not believe in coincidences, so to have the U.N. building situated within this city, wasn't by mans choosing, but by Gods design.
When our current financial situation came crashing down: who (or what) did those "in charge" seek to help?
It certainly wasn't the American citizens. It was Wall Street, Fanny Mae, "Fred" Mac, and so forth.
So to tie this all together with "micro-chips and the mark of the beast", Although I don't see this as being the actual "mark"; I do see this as a step in that direction. Getting people desensitized to the idea of needing a personalized number that is a permanent part of you, as opposed to using our current system, is key to Lucifer's wearing down, (desensitizing) the people in any given country.
I could share more, but since this is entirely speculation on my part, (except for the not believing in coincidences), I think it best not to.
Feel free to use my stuff, as long as it isn't for profit. :) I know it isn't... The Anichrist rises out of Mystery Babylon, which God says is a Nation....NOT nations {Rev 17}
Habakkuk 1:6 "For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans (New Babylonians), that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not their's
Jeremiah 50:12 Your (Babylon's) mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: Behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.
Babyln falls BEFORE the man is incarnated with Satan.... Revelation 14 and Rev 17...
Prince Danny said:
Sheri, I agree with you about Islam and how Muslims have their agenda to take over the world for the sake of Allah but you must not rule out the fact that Prince Charles may be the long awaited Messiah both of the Jews and Muslims.. I believe we shall see a great deal more of the Prince, once the Queen passes in death.. Love all your posts, again, I can see you are very knowledgeable and if you don't mind if I use some of what you have written, I could use it to help others in their walk with Jesus.. Blessings..
Sheri, I agree with you about Islam and how Muslims have their agenda to take over the world for the sake of Allah but you must not rule out the fact that Prince Charles may be the long awaited Messiah both of the Jews and Muslims.. I believe we shall see a great deal more of the Prince, once the Queen passes in death.. Love all your posts, again, I can see you are very knowledgeable and if you don't mind if I use some of what you have written, I could use it to help others in their walk with Jesus.. Blessings..
I had stated in an earlier post that "Babylon is a city, not a nation".
This was an error on my part, and I do apologize for it.
When I posted the above, I was referring to the city of Babylon as recorded in Rev. 18.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding I may have caused.
I know there is nothing truly Christ-like about the anti-Christ, that needs no further explanation.
What I posted was the fact that the anti-Christ will mimic every aspect of God.
According to the Word of God, Satan will do many "miracles", cause (a fake) peace to reign throughout the Earth, (but it will only last for 3 and 1/2 years), and so forth. This is how he will cause many, including those who claim to be Christian, but yet do not belong to Christ, to be fooled.
I find it rather ironic that this is also how many people, who are aware of what the Word of God says about the end times and what it will appear like, accept Christ.:
IMHO, all to often we tend to forget just how wise Lucifer is. Although he is not "all wise", nor can he be, he is wise enough to (attempt to) fool many people by striking at their weakest point.
Prince Danny said:
1) hidden thing, secret, mystery
1a) generally mysteries, religious secrets, confided only to the
initiated and not to ordinary mortals
1b) a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding
1c) a hidden purpose or counsel
1c1) secret will
1c1a) of men
1c1b) of God: the secret counsels which govern God in
dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from
ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly
2) in rabbinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense
2a) of an OT saying
2b) of an image or form seen in a vision
2c) of a dream
Howard Sherman said:
1) Playing the whore in symbolic language always refers to religious fornication and Idolatry.
2) Her causing the many nations to commit fornication with her, proves that idolatrous religious practices are being referred to, as in the passage Isa.23:17, 57:3-7. Jer.3:2-9,Ezek.16:1-63,20:30-32, 23:7-49. Hos.4:12-19
3)She is not a political power for she is not classed as one with "the kings of the earth". She only causes the kings and the inhabitants of the earth to be drunk with the wine of her fornication. Since fornication here refers to religious harlotry then her influence over the nations is through religion.
4) The Beast which the woman rides is the eight kingdom, made up of the many waters or people inside the old Roman Empire territory, since the Beast itself is the kingdom, the woman must be religious dominating the kingdom until she is destroyed by it.
5) The attire of the great whore identifies her as a religious system or as a whore committing spiritual fornication, duping political powers by her whoredoms and idolatries. The purple, scarlet, precious stones, pearls, and golden vessels indicate the wealth of the system.
6) The golden Cup in her hand, full of uncleanness, spiritual fornication, and abominations by which she dupes political powers proves her to be a religious power.
7) Her name is MYSTERY BABYLON indicates she is not a literal Babylon. The word MYSTERY identifies her with the religious rites and mysteries of ancient Babylon. According to Hislop's "The Two Babylons" which quotes 260 sourses, the ancient Babylon cult, started by Nimrod and his Queen, Semiramis, spread among all nations. The objects of worship were the Supreme Father, the incarnate Female, or queen of Heaven, and her son. The cult claimed the highest wisdom and the most divine secrets, Besides confession to priests there were many mysteries rites, Julius Caesar become Head of the Roman branch of the Babylonian Cult in 63 B.C. Other emperors held the Office until 376 A.D. when the Emporerratian, for Christians reasons refused it because he saw that Babyloninism was idolatrous, Demasus, bishop of the Christian Church at Rome, was elected to the headship in 378 A.D. and from here on Babylonianism and organized Christianity became one. The rites of Babylon were soon introduced into the Christian Church. Heathen temples were restored, beautified, and their rituals encouraged, Worship and veneration of images, saints, relics, private confessions, penances, scorgings, pilgrimages, signs of the cross, Christmas, Lady Day, Easter, Lent, and other pagan rites and festivals, little by little, became a part of Christian Worship.
8) The name MOTHER OF HARLOTS identifies the whore as a religious system. The harlots refer to many branches which have sprung from her and have become as much prostate as the great whore herself. She is a symbol of Apostate religions being linked together after the Rapture of the Church to dominate the 10 kings of the "Revised Roman Empire" until the Antichrist comes to full power over the kingdoms (United Nations) by the middle of Daniel's 70th week..
The Antichrist shall have power over the United Nations as well as over "Mystery Babylon" All world religions..And he will caused them to receive His mark of ownership in order to buy or sell. Those receiving his mark shall not enter the coming Kingdom of Christ on this earth but shall receive the wrath and plagues of Almighty God for their rebellion against the God of Glory and His Christ! Those Christians who missed the rapture, by carnal living, must be killed for their faith in Christ...
First and foremost, one must remember that the anti-Christ will appear like (mimic) the Son of God, Jesus Christ, in every way.
In order to do this, the "incarnated" anti-Christ who comes to power will have no traceable roots to who his father is. B.H.O's is traceable. (Just ask the lawyers who are getting rich from B.O.'s wanting to keep everything that would prove him ineligible to be the president, hidden.)
Second, I personally do not see the U.S.A. as being the Babylon referred to in the Word of God; since Babylon is a city, and not a nation
That being said however, I find it to be rather interesting that the city of New York appears to match up in/on all too many points to be coincidental.
Wall Street is located there, the United Nations, is located there. It has harbors for shipping, and (the last I heard), there are more languages spoken there within a small radius; than anywhere else on Earth.
What does this have to do with this topic? Lots! ( No, not Abraham's nephew. :) )
Before the Tower of Babel could be built, the Lord intervened, causing people to speak different languages. Those who spoke a certain language, found others who spoke the same language, and they all went their separate ways. (Readers Digest Version)
The people in NYC, though they speak different dialects, still live and work daily among others who speak a different language.
I see this as an attempt to re-create a pre-Tower of Babel setting. by those who place money and man on pedestals to be worshiped.
I do not believe in coincidences, so to have the U.N. building situated within this city, wasn't by mans choosing, but by Gods design.
When our current financial situation came crashing down: who (or what) did those "in charge" seek to help?
It certainly wasn't the American citizens. It was Wall Street, Fanny Mae, "Fred" Mac, and so forth.
So to tie this all together with "micro-chips and the mark of the beast", Although I don't see this as being the actual "mark"; I do see this as a step in that direction. Getting people desensitized to the idea of needing a personalized number that is a permanent part of you, as opposed to using our current system, is key to Lucifer's wearing down, (desensitizing) the people in any given country.
I could share more, but since this is entirely speculation on my part, (except for the not believing in coincidences), I think it best not to.
Habakkuk 1:6 "For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans (New Babylonians), that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not their's
Jeremiah 50:12 Your (Babylon's) mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: Behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.
Babylon: Jer 50 & 51, Isaiah 13, 14, 47, 48, Rev 17 & 18, Habakkuk
Babyln falls BEFORE the man is incarnated with Satan.... Revelation 14 and Rev 17...
Prince Danny said: