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Social Media sites are everywhere. We are a people CO-N-N-E-C-T-E-D. Would you say this fact has had a positive or negative affect on your personal relationship with God?
Does social media draw you closer to Him or is it more of a distraction?

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  • Hasn't effected my walk one way or another but I use it to share the Word.


    Sue Joan

  • Agreed. I use Social Media alot...both socially and for Ministry purposes. But its about finding a balance.

  • I find a mixed impact ~ sometimes social media becomes a time waster for me, like TV.  Other times, it really helps!   I think it depends on how we use it!

  • Thats awesome Sierra! I've read some of your posts and I gotta say- they're pretty fantastic

  • For me, I love Social Networks!

    I use them not just to personally connect with people but I use it for witnessing and encouraging the Body of Christ! I mainly use wordpress ( facebook and twitter.

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