DVD Duplication Services, Duplicators, & blank DVDs from Kingdom http://bit.ly/qna523 #churchtech #dvd #jesustweeters #church #duplication

A DVD ministry is an awesome way to evangelize to the lost. Here are some ideas you may not have thought of that you can put into action to witness to the lost using a DVD ministry!

1. Witness to total strangers: How many times have you wanted to witness to someone you saw but didn't know- maybe in the grocery store or at a sports game- and you were unsure how to go about it? Handing that person a DVD would be a great way to get them the message of Christ! 

Article Continues Below Kingdom.com is your home for Church Tech, Church Supply Needs. Whether you are looking for CD Duplicator Supplies or Communion Supplies, Kingdom.com is the place to go for the best quality products and the best quality customer support. Go to Kingdom.com or call 1-800-480-1011

2. Start a truckstop DVD ministry: Hand out DVDs at your local truck stop to witness to travelers! Truck drivers will be sure to listen to your message on their long truck drive, and maybe even share the Good News with someone in another state. Wouldn't it be amazing to reach people all over the country with the Gospel via a trucker ministry?

3. Hand out DVDs at your movie theater: Is your movie theater showing a movie about religion (i.e. The Passion of Christ), or maybe one that undermines the message of Christ (i.e. The Da Vinci Code) or just one that gets people thinking about religion in general? Why not hand out a DVD to people showing them the truth about Jesus? This would be a powerful way to reach people when they are thinking about religion.

These are all simple ways your church can harness the power of a DVD ministry to reach the lost, especially during the holiday season when people are looking for hope, peace, love, and joy. So, show them how to get all these things with a recorded DVD message of the Gospel today!

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