Maybe you've already encountered the literature: pamphlets, subway ads, billboards on the side of the highway. "Judgment Day is coming" reads one billboard, which features a man praying in silhouette against a sunset backdrop. These are the works of a peculiar breed of Christian activists who've taken to the road to preach their belief in the fast-approaching End of Days. The self-appointed harbingers are not tied to any particular church -- they claim organized religion has been corrupted by the devil -- but rather to Internet- and radio-based ministries. And their lone mission is to tell anyone and everyone that the end of days is May 21. That's when, they insist, God's true believers will be lifted into heaven and saved, during a biblical event widely referred to as the Rapture.
The finer points of Christian eschatology have long been the subject of dispute (not to mention the inspiration for movies and books, like the blockbuster "Left Behind" series). Though mainstream churches reject the the notion that doomsday can be predicted by any man, fringe scholars continue to work feverishly pinpointing the moment of the final, divine revelation. And one such man -- 89-year-old radio host Harold Camping -- has been at the game for decades.
In the early '90s, Camping published a book titled "1994?," which claimed judgment day would arrive in September of that year. When confronted with such a staggering anticlimax -- the world, after all, kept on spinning -- Camping chose not to be discouraged, but to learn from his mistakes. (He hadn't considered the Book of Jeremiah, he says.) A civil engineer by trade, Camping went back to the drawing board and continued to crunch the numbers, before arriving at the adamant determination that Rapture would come on May 21, 2011. He began to spread the word through his broadcasting network, Family Radio, in 2009, and quickly built up a fervid following.
Okay I got this from a news site.I find it interesting all the same.
The rest can be found here.
Hi James,
Your quips and straw man arguments will have no bearing on my life whatsoever. Only my choices will produce outcomes in my life. My today, my future and my eternity are important to me. When I get off this bullet train called life, I have to get off all by myself. The rubber will meet the road.
My yesterday was awesome because I took the Lord at His Word. "To the merciful, I will show Myself as merciful and to the forward, I will show Myself as forward." Sow/reap, garbage in/garbage out. Mercy in/mercy out. You have to make your choices and I have to make mine.
But Jesus died for us while we were all buried in foolishness. There is a good chance that today I will open my mouth and insert foot, so if I ask the Lord to help you with your day and me with mine, He will run interference for us. So that's what I'll do.
Have a great day, James,
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi James,
It's 4:30 am and I am getting my day started. I am going to have one awesome day. I will finish listening to Daystar reflections, as I look through a few quote emails for mind triggers to write an entirely new quote, post it on twitter, follow back any new folloers. In a half an hour or so, I will get on my knees in front of my prayer chair and tell the Lord how much I appreciate Him and pray over my prayer garden.
I will do a quick mini workout, then shower, shave get dressed, eat a few cashew nuts, take my vitamins and be out the door by a few minutes after six. I will have a great day because I have determined it to be so through prayer and perspective.
I didn't read your whole post. I read the first few words to get the jest of it. We both must becareful of our words as we set things in motion with them.
I have made my choices. God has written the outcome on the tables of my heart through His Word. I just need to be about the work He has assigned me to. To pray without ceasing, to share what He has shared with me and to as much blessing I can be through word and deed. To be as much as example I am capable of to all He sends across my path.
I will continue to pray for you, but it may be possible for you to override those prayers, if you want. You don't have to spend eternity with the Lord, if you really don't want to. That way, you never have to worry about the Jews, you will have your own problems to worry about. A little friendly sarcasm maybe, but I think we all over worry about things outside our control and ignore the things in our lives that are in our control.
If I go into work upset, the only day I ruin is mine and all those God placed in my path. I will continue to pray for the Jewish people and with them, send my very little bit to On Wings Of Eagles, then do the best I can to what God has called me to do; be a good neighbor and set an example to all those He places in my path.
I personally won't change the world, but I set some kind of example to those in my little corner of the cosmos, everyday.
My salvation is secure, but I am looking forward to my rewards, also. They won't be as great as a lot of others, but I can increase or decrease them with my words, thoughts and actions with the time I have left. Someday my last breath will leave, it could be today at noon, and time is up. I will do what I can now, when I can.
Have an awesome day, James,
A little history on how the country of Israel came to be. If ya care to know the truth.
IMO, the world would be better off if the above never happened. A bunch of politicians made the country of Israel. They lied to the surrounding Arab nations and to the Jews.Yap, they screwed that real good.
If Christians felt as threatened as Hamas and Hezbollah they would be as bad if not worse. In the United States most people claiming to be Christians have done a great deal of fire bombing and killing of other people that won't follow there rules.
Now Christian militant groups are growing fast.Some have been caught planing to over throw the United States government. As I have brought up before and where you defended them.
Really, you believe that the future is already written? How can there be free will if the future is locked in place?
Can't have it both ways.There can not be any freewill if the future is already locked in place.
No Paul here in this thread,only you and I. Paul did make a few good points, in the end Jesus helped all no matter what they believed. Jesus (from the bible) was a socialist plain and simple.
For two thousand years the Jews have been in and out of war with someone if not, they were fighting among them selfs.
In history Christians were not good to Jews. Where John preaches against "the Jewish sickness".Such heated language would build a climate of distrust and hate of Jewish settlements. Christians issued a set of decrees which established official prosecution against Jews. Jews were not allowed to own slaves, build new synagogues, hold public office or try cases between a Jew and a non-Jew. Intermarriage between Jew and non-Jew was made a capital offense as was a Christian converting to Judaism.During the Middle Ages, Jews were generally better treated by Islamic rulers than Christian ones. By the 1300 the friars and local priests were using the Passion Plays at Easter time, which depicted Jews in contemporary dress killing Christ, to teach the general populace to hate and murder Jews.
So you like me. I would not trust you as far as I could throw you.I believe you would stab me in the back first chance you got thinking you were doing Gods work. Your daily prayer is for me to convert after all.
I can thank you for something.It is people like you that keep me in the fight to insure this great country keeps religion out of government...
Night night,
Hi James,
I am working hard at getting my buttons under control. On twitter, I post motivational quotes and have just now started finding ways to share the Lord without sounding like I am preaching.
I wish I hadn't said that bit about little girls. I read a little about sex trafficking and it seems some disappear into the Arab countries. But they disappear in a lot of countries, Us has its dark spots.
I certainly don't hate the Arab people and I don't know how many would love to make peace with Israel if the radicals weren't so imposing and financed foreign nations.
I often wonder who was the god of Ishmael. It wasn't Allah. Allah is a foreign god introduced to the Arab people, some 2600 years after Ishmael. And Abraham had a lot more sons than just Issac and Ishmael. And then enters Esau, so following the family trees it seems, would be extremely difficult. We know that Abraham went to Egypt, so how much intermarrying over time?
The Jewish people don't feel smug or supreme. Right now, they are scared to death, they are being squeezed into a cross-fire.
Scripture says, man's wrath will bring Glory to God and the rest He will restrain. Either that statement is true or it is false. No greater test case than this one. We shall all see. But for many, they will see it too late and like the rich man looking up at Lazarus. they will wish they had it to do over.
So I have made my choice, James. I love and pray for Israel. Scripture tells me to love Muslims. I try, but I hurt so much for Israel, I ask God to help me love them and to open their eyes.
If this weren't a spiritual war, it would be easy for the 'Muslim Brotherhood of Nations' to let Israel have their little piece of land and carve out a land for the Palestinians and help them build it with their oil trillions. All could live in peace and brotherhood. But Allah is not a god of goodwill. He is Satan, a god of rage, hatred for mankind and destruction of the Apple of God's Eye.
The final battle is getting close. How close? I don't know. But whatever good we would do, we ought to do it now.
Talk to ya later,
Hi James,
Paul hit the nail on the head about your Straw Man arguments, while ignoring reality. There are no people on the planet wanting peace and wanting to show peace, generosity and the good neighbor spirit than the Jewish people. But Scripture warns us to be wise as serpents, while going the extra mile to be harmless as doves.
This people you are talking about, serve a god of hatred, death, lust for feudal power [as well as lust for little girls], walk around with sacks over their heads with Katusha Rockets and machine guns looking for a Jew to kill.
The Hamas and Hezbollah have convinced and infiltrated the everyday Palestinian tribes or families or hold their family hostage, so that families do their bidding and they are religiously dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
But you know what James? Regardless of what you or I think, everything will unfold right on time and there is no stopping it. The Jewish deceased with have their day of rest and the Jewish living will go right on into their thousand years of blissful peace, while the followers of a Babylonian moon god, Satan in disguise, won't be there to torment them anymore.
The rubber will meet the road and we will all go to the place of our choice. And it is not too far off. Yes! Come, Lord Jesus!
So you and the Hamas can rant all you want and it won't change a thing.
Having said that, I still like you and pray everyday for you and we will both rejoice in the wonderful place Jesus has prepared for us and we will thank him for not listening to our foolishness. I don't rant the way you do, but I do my own foolish things that I have to repent for and work at, like thinking I have to defend the Lord, when it is He that has to make sure I don't get sifted everyday. God is good.
Have a great day, James!
How Sad. The Palestinian citizens living in Israel suffer greatly under discrimination from the Jews.
As part of its longstanding effort to "divide and rule", Israel identifies them as "Arab Israelis" rather than the Palestinian citizens of Israel to separate them from their kin in occupied territories.
The majority of them live in all-Palestinian towns and villages located in three main areas: in Galilee in the north, in the "little triangle" in the centre, and in the Naqab, or Negev, as it is referred to in Hebrew.
By referring to the desert area of Naqab as Negev, Israel tries to achieve a fait-accompli to erase what remains for the natives - a name.
Up to 220,000 indigenous Palestinians are displaced within Israel and not allowed to return to their homes, while 43 villages, where more than 70,000 Palestinians live, are not recognised by Israel.
"The Israeli state was established in 1948 on the ruins of the Palestinian people. It was done by force.
Negatively indentified as "non-Jews" in Israeli statistics, and subdivided into groups according to religious affiliation rather than nationality, Israeli law establishes Jewish nationality status as well as Israeli citizenship as differentiated levels of civil status.
The theocratic character of the Israeli legal system is shown by the fact that the enjoyment of full rights is determined by faith.
Every year, Israel demolishes dozens of houses belonging to Palestinian Bedouin in unrecognised villages in Naqab, leaving dozens of families without shelter.
As many as 78 per cent of them reject the idea Arab parties should join the government or any crucial political decision-making body.
Other Israeli statistics show that half of Israel’s non-Jewish population is defined as "poor".
Among non-Jewish citizens, 51.2 per cent of the families were poor as opposed to 15.4 per cent of the Jewish families in 2006, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.
As stated by the Law of Return, relatives of Palestinian citizens of Israel abroad cannot return to Israel, while Jews automatically qualify for citizenship.
Your helping to pay for it.How sad indeed.
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi James,
The proof is in the pudding. I may disagree with other branches of Chrisianity or even other religions, but I am not running around with guns and rockets, looking for someone to blow up. The Palestanians that have it the best are the ones living in Israel. They have a structured society, a job to go to, a home to come home to and not worried about Hezbollah or Hamas having a bad hair day.
The Bible is teaching me to love my neighbor and to do good for those who spitefully use me, not carry around rockets, ready to kill the first thing that moves. You shall know them by their fruits. That's true for each of us.
But the bottom line is rewards or consequences of choice. I choose to believe Israel is the Apple of God's Eye and any individual or nation plotting her destruction will have God to answer to, eternally.
I am going to continue to send as much as I can to On Wings Of Eagles>bringing Jews home from the North and Ethiopia. That is my choice. I will go into eternity with it.
We shall all see how this unfolds. We are the generation that other generations could only see from afar off. I don't know how God will deal with Muslims eternally. I know if I miss Jesus, I will go to Hell. But I have set my anchor. Others will have to decide about theirs.
I also know God's Word will unfold before our very eyes and all of Satan's shenanigans will fulfill God's Word. Israel will have her day or rest and each of us Gentiles will have made our choice to receive Jesus or not. It's the best of times and the worst of times. For me, I know time is short and I want to get as many deposits made in Accounts Receivable before it closes and Accounts Payable opens. But that is my choice. We each have to make ours.
You are so right about our government. Every president has been deceptive. But as individuals, they too, have to make their choice about their eternity. I am instructed to pray for those in power, that we may live quiet and peaceable lives. It's hard to do sometimes, until I remind myself how flawed I am and then it is easier to say, "Lord help them and help me. Teach them and teach me." God's Word will be fulfilled, so it is not about an individual, it's about prophecy unfolding before our very eyes.
It's so easy to get lost in politics, James. We miss the forest for the trees. Jesus is coming soon. At the sounding of the last trump... But more important, let him that is wicked, be wicked still, let him that is redeemed, be redeemed still... Time's up. This was only a test to see what we would choose. I'm going to a wonderful place and I can't wait. Heaven? Heaven on earth? Whereever, it's going to be awesome and no smell of sulfur.
Talk to ya, soon...
Hello Mark,
So you don't agree with Obama on having Israel go with pre-1967 borders? How about when George Bush jr administration was asking for the same thing? George Bush said the same thing on Apr. 4,2002 in his Bush Road Map for peace speech. He did not come out and say it.
Well heres part of it.
The proposal of Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, supported by the Arab League, has put a number of countries in the Arab world closer than ever to recognizing Israel's right to exist. The United States is on record supporting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for a Palestinian state.
Israel has recognized the goal of a Palestinian state. The outlines of a just settlement are clear: two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side, in peace and security.
Look it up, that proposal of Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has in it a pre-1967 border. The only real thing here is, Obama had the balls to say it openly in public. The last three US. Presidents administration have all started peace talks using the pre-1967 border. Hmm, only Obama catches flak for it. Thanks Fox news. NOT!!
Hmm, the Palestinians are tribal and can't build a country. Whats up with the protestants and catholics still fighting then? IMO, all humans are tribal. Thats why we live in cities and towns and we have a long history of killing each other. We are animals.
That 72 virgin thing for killing in Islam takes a few verses Out of Context to try to make Islam a bad Religion. I can do the same thing with the Bible.Easy as pie.
Here watch this. She can do a better job then I in this. The video is down the page a bit.
The end times in the Quran are very much the same as in the Bible. Go on try and show me I'm wrong. I know I've studied the Quran far more then you.
Below is from:
The subject of the end times is known as eschatology and covers both what happens after death and the events at the end of time. Christianity and Islam share some similar beliefs, with much different outcomes. For one, in Christianity and Islam, Jesus Christ plays a central role in the timing of end; Islam believes the return of Jesus will occur at the end, like Christians. Muslims also believe in the resurrection of both the wicked and the righteous and the final judgment. Islam and Christianity both proclaim an eternal dwelling of the lost and saved, in either Hell or Heaven (Paradise). Therefore, in many ways, the structure of the end (eschatology) is similar to Christianity.
However, Christians and Muslims have two different views of what the final matter is. Both views of the end, however, cannot be true since they are diametrically opposed to each other. The Muslim Jesus descends and converts the world to Islam, kills the Jews, breaks crosses, declares himself a Muslim and gets married. He dies after 40-years.
That dooms day guy is, Harold Camping, the president of the Oakland, Calif.-based Christian radio broadcasting network Family Radio. Camping, who also made a failed doomsday prediction in 1994.
So gear up for 2012, everyone. The Mayan calendar is ending , and it's sure to be a wild ride. LOL
Till next time, James
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi James,
I haven't heard much about this. I think we all have a tangent mentality at times. We focus a very narrow focus and miss the whole. Flawed creatures do stupid things at times.
The thing that has caught my eye is Obama agreeing with and insisting on dividing Jerusalem. He has good speech writers. It sounded so smooth. None of it was based in reality, but I think he must have gotten some speech writers from the same place Bill Clintion did.
The Palestinians aren't capable of building a nation. They are tribal. They have a feudal mentality. The only thing that stops them from killing each other is a common enemy, Israel.
Any time, one has a god they believe is going to give them seven virgins for killing their neighbor and using their other neighbor as a human shield, they are in a destruct/self-destruct mode.
Their version of the end times is killing all non-muslims and anyone that disagrees with them, including other muslims. Without a strong hand government such as Saudia Arabia, they would all kill each other.
I believe Satan is trying to complete Hitler's Final Solution.
I believe this final unfolding is God's timeclock. How long before it all winds to a close? I have no idea. Will there be a pre-trib rapture or mid-trib rapture? I don't know. We will find many faithful, sincere Christians build a good case for each one, but for me, to sidestep the debate, I don't know.
That guy predicting a rapture is 89 years old. He doesn't have much time left either way. If Jesus is in the center of his circle, everything else will come out okay.
"He is here, He is there, He is in the desert..." We miss the point. Do what we can do while it is day.
We aren't allowed to take things at work, because it is easy to condemn something for self gain. So I was asked if I had any computers for a woman with three kids. I said no, but there are departments that would still give them to me if I had permission. So I was given permission as long as I got a written statement from the department with a name and phone number.
Now I have three computers for a woman with three boys, working for minium wage. It's not much. It's not earth shaking, but it is something I can do, right here, right now.
I was watching 'Joni And Friends' , it about kids with disabilities. There was a young girl who grew up helping children with disabilities. She has spent her whole young life befriending them, encouraging them and helping them in any way she can. She is one of God's hidden treasures in the field.
"Think Globally, Act Locally." It is a New Age statement, but the thought process is well worth considering. "What can I do, right here, right now?"
The end times thought process should do one thing: "Time is short; whatever good we would do, we should do it now."
Hope your day is good,