A lot of Churches are trying to get their Youth and Young Adults more involved in Church. What are some ways your Church can do that?

1. Use Youth and Young Adults on the Worship Team

A lot of this age group are musicians and love expressing their love for God through worship! Let them on Worship Teams, lead Worship and dont be afraid of them making mistakes! They will! Give them a place at the table and help clean up after them til they learn to lead correctly. Give them room to grow!

2. Let them collect the offering

3. Let the Young Adults lead things!

Small Groups, Outreach, etc. This age group wants to serve! Find ways for them to serve and pick out some you can raise into leaders for these activities!

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3. Let your Young Adults and Youth serve in Greeting, Hospitality and Service areas in the Church!

Let them be Greeters, visit the sick in Hospitals or in homes, or in Nursing Homes. Find ways for them to be useful in these areas.

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