In the US, we are a nation ruled by the people. If you think about it, you will realize that our government and society around us is a reflection of what is happening in the church. We, the people of God, are unfruitful. It shows in decay all around us.
So, what does that mean for us? For some...
-They are demoralized.
-They are discouraged.
-They are close to hopeless, waiting for the heaven.
For others, what does this mean?
It is time to arise and learn what it means to be the people of God. We cannot count on our nation being godly. It is time to see what God means – we are supposed to be a Christian nation, a holy people. The walls of our society are broken down and the gates that held back unrighteousness are destroyed. Nehemiah lived in a time when the walls were broken down. We would do well to follow in his footsteps:
1) Confession. Nehemiah confessed the things he and his people had done wrong. This downward slide in the US has happened on our watch. We need to confess!
2) Consecration. Nehemiah consecrated himself - he offered himself for service to rebuild the walls. Every one of us lives in an area where the walls are crumbling. We need look no further than to the things/people and circumstances that we interact with every day. We need to consecrate ourselves - offer ourselves for service to rebuild!
3) Commissioned. Nehemiah was commissioned by God and King to rebuild the walls. If we confess, if we consecrate ourselves - God will assign us a commission: specific things to do to rebuild.
What is the end result? God desires to set aside a Christian people, a Holy Nation, a Christian Nation to do the work of extending his Kingdom. This is what it means to be fruitful for Christ. It means to make skilled followers of all nations, starting right in our own communities. We can easily over spiritualize the concept of what it means to be a people of God. We can think of it as some type of ‘invisible’ thing that exists but cannot be seen. God intends his Kingdom to be seen, He intends for us to make disciplened followers of NATIONS. As that happens, it should be visible. We need to learn how to not just talk about being the people of God but how to be fruitful as a Christian nation, a nation that is seen doing the Kingdom work He has called us to. We should be seeing the fruit - visible and tangible outcomes from our efforts!
For this holy Christian nation to exist with the tangible fruit of making skilled followers of every nation starting in our own communities, we need a new paradigm. We are talking about seeing and doing things we haven't done before. We are talking about fruitfulness like we have never experience in our life times. How do we get from where we stand to where we need to be?
Consider these things...
Follow fruitfulness. Over and over (and over and over) scripture tells us to be fruitful. If you aren't - find and follow fruitfulness. Live life like it is your only chance to make a difference. Because, that is the way it is!
Watch what happens as a group of people begin to live out Christian Nation principles in the Endless Mountain Region of PA. We're plowing new ground. We're not just thinking of new strategies and doing them... we're rethinking down to the DNA level of what we do as Christians. Is it working. To put it mildly, I'd say, "The lid is coming off!!!" And, we are ONLY just beginning!
More on the Endless Mountains region HERE.
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Yes, I think we need a Christian Commonwealth - it will be in the US and beyond. We need to be deliberate, we need to organize, we need to advance the Kingdom!
Steve Belttari said:
You bring up some good points Juanita. When the people of God are not being fruitful it does effect our culture and government. So instead of democracy, we have hierarchy(rule by the holy ones). We are to be a holy nation and I think we will break our political bonds with the world and will legally become a Christian Commonwealth. To do this legally we must have an article V constitutional convention.
You bring up some good points Juanita. When the people of God are not being fruitful it does effect our culture and government. So instead of democracy, we have hierarchy(rule by the holy ones). We are to be a holy nation and I think we will break our political bonds with the world and will legally become a Christian Commonwealth. To do this legally we must have an article V constitutional convention.
Steve Belttari said: