This is something I struggle with. I think many of us do at some level. There are current and former leaders I rub shoulders with at least weekly. Seems I struggle weekly to forgive these individual for both new and past actions that have caused hurt.
I recently heard a teaching on forgiveness that put it in a new light for me.
On the cross Christ said, " Forgive them for they know not what they do." Ok. It is obvious that the people who turned against Christ did not understand who He was or what they were doing. They never had the chance to come to Him in person to repent or seek forgiveness. Still He forgave!
Let's flip side it for a moment and think about the people who have hurt or upset us in some manner. Could it be that they do not understand how their actions affect us? After all whatever it is usually makes sense from their point of view. What are the chance that someone who does not understand that they hurt me will ever come to ask forgiveness? Uh-Oh looks like I have to forgive even if they never admit that they are wrong.
Also, our human nature tends to keep a record of wrong. Often we feel justified when we do. Let's take this to a much higher level. Do we want Christ to keep a record of wrongs against us in the same way that we keep a record against others? What would happen to us if we did? Could we ever be forgiven? We are called to be Christ-like. Puts a whole new light on it doesn't it? If I am truly being Christ-like, I cannot be keeping a record of wrongs.