Freedom Watch- @freepaulcollier- 3-12-12- Progressives Declare Open Civil War- Egypt wants Sinai- No cross at work- prog death doctrine- buddhist wants communion- Paul Collier


Progressives inch closer to Civil War - The progressive actions to manipulate advertisers, from without and from within, to stop airing ads on conservative talk radio shows is inching this nation towards ever more clearly defined, unbreachable lines between the progressive godless idealogues and the Freedomists of Liberty- will this nation careen towards Civil War within the next 20 years?-

Egypt’s Sinai demands- While playing the role of mediator in the Israel-Hamas dispute, Egypt has thrown their own demand into the mix- give us back the Sinai- the ever-increasingly Muslim Brotherhood ruled nation seems as if it is preparing to go to war with Israel-

The cross that got her fired- A woman wearing a cross to work in England is fired, and the courts ok the move-

The progressive doctrine of death defended at all cost- The progressive case for abortion reveals its ungodly principles on human life, that all life is only valuable insofar at is viable, economical, and benefits the whole-

Prog Buddhist Lesbian gets Priest suspended- How a progressive, Buddhist Lesbian got the Catholic Church to acquiesece to her godless demands and suspend a priest for refusing to offer communion to someone who is openly against Christ Himself



Progs step up Civil War brinksmanship with advertiser ban


Egypt demands Sinai

Have Cross, no work- England’s Religious Intolerance

If it ain’t viable, economical- kill it- progressive logic

Lesbian has way with Priest- with Church assist

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