Giving welcome gifts to church guests

Welcome gifts are a nice gesture for guests of your church. I used to be a member of a church that gave welcome gifts to college students who visited the church. You should have seen the look on the students' faces when they got the gifts, they were so happy and surprised at the same time! The gifts consisted of balloons, homemade cookies, and other goodies. If I had gotten a gift like that from a church I visited, it would warm my heart to know the church was thinking about me even when I left the service. Your church can put together welcome gifts too, just bake some cookies and include any other nice housewarming-like gifts. Also include a cassette tape or CD church service recording, and make sure the address of your church is on the tape or CD so your guest will know where to find your church next time they show up, which should be soon after receiving such a heartfelt gift.What a great way for your church to go above and beyond and be a light in this world!

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  • Wondering - what type of welcome gifts does your church give?

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