I have been listening to the song "You Know Me" by Steffany Frizzel on repeat since late last night.
You can listen to it Here.
This song has been wrecking my heart all last night into today. I was up until 6am just listening to this song for hours and hours.
My mind is officially blown.
I have finally come to the realization that GOD, the CREATOR of the World, the King of all Kings, the Holy One...He loves ME!
Yes its true...God loves me. God KNOWS me.
Have you ever just sat and thought about that?
We are just little humans, people riddled with wounds, and faults, and just human issues...and God finds us worthy of His affection.
I find it totally amazing. When God looks at me He doesn't see a girl with wounds, or baggage, or a smart mouth or someone who struggles with pride sometimes...He sees me completely different.
He sees me as beautiful and lovely, and talented, anointed, gifted, loveable, and so many other things.
"I am dark, but lovely"-Song of Songs 1:5a
We see ourselves completely different than how God sees us. HE sees us as lovely despite our "stuff".
It amazes me to no end how great, how big and how wide His love for us is.
He loved us so much He created us in His image! We are created in the image of Almighty God!
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."-Genesis 1:27
God knows the most intimate things there is to know about us. He takes the time to know us.
He chooses to know everything there is to know about us.
He doesn't have to know us so intimately, but He chooses to.
There is War, Christian Persecution, Abortion, Murder and just ALL OUT CHAOS in the world, but He still has time to get to know us!
Blows my mind....