My drawback on America being a "Christian Nation" is the same as Iraq, Iran, etc being called a "Muslim Nation". It stereotypes its people. Most ppl in America claim to believe in God or even be Christians, however there is no fruit to back their claim up. America is a Christian Nation in name only. It is not a forced religion but it makes it seem as tho America is claiming to be something it is not. I believe that until Christs Return we cannot have America as a Christian Nation. A nation that enforces many, many things that are unBiblical and ungodly cannot be a Christian Nation.
Ps 2: 2-3 says "Why do the nations rage, and the leaders plot a vain thing, against the Lord and against His people." -paraphrase.
The nations, including America, will always fight against Christians, the nations will always be at war with God until prophecy is fulfilled and the world starts over after the Great Tribulation.
Again, this is all just my OPINION, not a thus sayeth the Lord.
Do with it what you will.
I do remember the Bill of Rights, a compromise that should have never been made. Ordered Christian liberty would have been better served under the more decentralized Articles of Confederation. The scripture says that in times past God overlooked such ignorance(ignorance of God before Jesus Christ), but He is now calling all men to repentance. Do we really wan't to excuse a form of government that has led people away from a knowledge of the truth? I think it is about worshipping God in spirit and in truth.
Juanita said:
I think that Bills point is not that the US can be a Christian nation, but that pursuing freedom 'from' religion will take us into bondage.
REMEMBER THE BILL OF RIGHTS? Which is it? Freedom FROM religion or Freedom of Religion?
The scripture says that "God is angry with all nations", so in that sense we will never be 100% Christian nation. What we can be, which would be consistent with our Christian orgins, and would have popular support of the majority of the people, would be a theonomy.
Valia said:
I just speed read that article. I am opinionated on everything so I can't hold back my opinion on this. Here's what I think. We will never, ever be a Christian nation so long as God is not here to rule the earth himself. Sure, we could have a pastor, like Rick Warren, be president of the United States but there would still be godlessness. The Bible says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Maybe I'm just cynical. We can try to fix what's broken in this country, but it won't ever be a Christian nation, not as long as satan still holds dominion over the earth.
I just speed read that article. I am opinionated on everything so I can't hold back my opinion on this. Here's what I think. We will never, ever be a Christian nation so long as God is not here to rule the earth himself. Sure, we could have a pastor, like Rick Warren, be president of the United States but there would still be godlessness. The Bible says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Maybe I'm just cynical. We can try to fix what's broken in this country, but it won't ever be a Christian nation, not as long as satan still holds dominion over the earth.
I'm not complaining about the founding of the United States. The United States of America was founded during the American Revolutionary War(1775-1783). Our founding document is the Declaration of Independence which takes a definitive stand on God. The U.S. Constitution is a product of a coup, the state ratifying conventions were of dubious legality. The U.S. Constitution is a humanist document that is reliant on man's wisdom and not God's, therefore it does endorse atheism.
So how are you being intellectually honest about the Bible? It seems to me that you are listening to whatever loser of the day says about God not existing. There are 4 ways that you know that God exists: 1.) Nature 2.) Conscience 3.) Jesus Christ 4.) Holy Spirit. Assuming that you are not a reprobate, # 4 is at work trying to convict you of being a sinner in need of a savior #3. That is why it is essential that we mention this to you.
Francis Thomas said:
The US Constitution does NOT advocate ANY religion or irreligion. I fail to see how it is responsible for producing Atheism; I’m in the UK and it is technically a Christian Country yet Atheism is more common and accepted that in the US.
So on one hand you are complaining about the founding of the United States and yet against it on the other.
The cross contains no “power”. If Jesus died in the 20th century then you’d be wearing an electric chair round your neck instead…
Trust me I am thinking for myself and I am being intellectual honest about the Bible.
Steve Belttari said:
The U.S. Constitution does advocate atheism, because that is what it has produced. Many Americans at the founding of the United States(1775-1783) were influenced by Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, so he is a relevant authority to site. The cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, but to us who believe it is the power of God. Instead of following apostates who can't think for themselves, why not think for yourself and be intellectually honest about the Bible.
I know I shouldn't have laughed at this but I found your comment funny:
"The cross contains no “power”. If Jesus died in the 20th century then you’d be wearing an electric chair round your neck instead…"
*imagines people wearing metal electric chair necklaces*
Francis, I think you're missing the point. The cross is merely a SYMBOL of the sacrifice Jesus made. Of course the cross itself has no power, it's just a piece of rotted wood. If Jesus were persecuted today, the electric chair would be symbolic of the sacrifice He made.
Also, your comment made me think. Of all the people wearing a cross around their neck, I wonder how many actually understand what it means. Because, let's face it, anyone can wear a cross around their neck, but it doesn't automatically make them a Christian.
The US Constitution does NOT advocate ANY religion or irreligion. I fail to see how it is responsible for producing Atheism; I’m in the UK and it is technically a Christian Country yet Atheism is more common and accepted that in the US.
So on one hand you are complaining about the founding of the United States and yet against it on the other.
The cross contains no “power”. If Jesus died in the 20th century then you’d be wearing an electric chair round your neck instead…
Trust me I am thinking for myself and I am being intellectual honest about the Bible.
Steve Belttari said:
The U.S. Constitution does advocate atheism, because that is what it has produced. Many Americans at the founding of the United States(1775-1783) were influenced by Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, so he is a relevant authority to site. The cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, but to us who believe it is the power of God. Instead of following apostates who can't think for themselves, why not think for yourself and be intellectually honest about the Bible.
The U.S. Constitution does advocate atheism, because that is what it has produced. Many Americans at the founding of the United States(1775-1783) were influenced by Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, so he is a relevant authority to site. The cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, but to us who believe it is the power of God. Instead of following apostates who can't think for themselves, why not think for yourself and be intellectually honest about the Bible. Francis Thomas said:
Who cares what Sir William Blankstone has to say on this? Argument from Authority much?
The US constitution doesn’t advocate Atheism; it separates church and state.
Excuse me? Atheists aren’t immoral barbarians automatically because they are Atheists. What an ignorant thing to say. When you look back through history it is the Theists who have raped, murdered and stolen. Why wait? Why accept some Iron Age mythology without any evidence at all? Hmm because I’m not a moron….
It’s also very ironic for someone who has a torture device as they symbol to call anyone barbaric.
Steve Belttari said:
Sir William Blackstone said that any government that was not based on God's law was not legit. Prior to 1789, 13 American colonies recognized God as the source of their laws. As fallen human beings they were not perfect in how they went about doing God's will, but that was their objective. It is only when the colonies/states lost their sovereignty under the godless U.S. Constitution, that the United States began the descent to godlessness. It will be the strong Christian base in America that will alter or abolish the godless government, as our Declaration of Independence teaches us. The godless are immoral barbarians, there is some restraints that are in effect that keep them from acting out their barbarity. When the Church is no longer here, those atheists that are truely reprobates will become totally lawless and rape, murder and steal at will. Those atheists that are not reprobates will repent of their folly, receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and then will die as Christian Martyrs. Why wait Francis, today can be the day of your salvation.
Who cares what Sir William Blankstone has to say on this? Argument from Authority much?
The US constitution doesn’t advocate Atheism; it separates church and state.
Excuse me? Atheists aren’t immoral barbarians automatically because they are Atheists. What an ignorant thing to say. When you look back through history it is the Theists who have raped, murdered and stolen. Why wait? Why accept some Iron Age mythology without any evidence at all? Hmm because I’m not a moron….
It’s also very ironic for someone who has a torture device as they symbol to call anyone barbaric.
Steve Belttari said:
Sir William Blackstone said that any government that was not based on God's law was not legit. Prior to 1789, 13 American colonies recognized God as the source of their laws. As fallen human beings they were not perfect in how they went about doing God's will, but that was their objective. It is only when the colonies/states lost their sovereignty under the godless U.S. Constitution, that the United States began the descent to godlessness. It will be the strong Christian base in America that will alter or abolish the godless government, as our Declaration of Independence teaches us. The godless are immoral barbarians, there is some restraints that are in effect that keep them from acting out their barbarity. When the Church is no longer here, those atheists that are truely reprobates will become totally lawless and rape, murder and steal at will. Those atheists that are not reprobates will repent of their folly, receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and then will die as Christian Martyrs. Why wait Francis, today can be the day of your salvation.
Ps 2: 2-3 says "Why do the nations rage, and the leaders plot a vain thing, against the Lord and against His people." -paraphrase.
The nations, including America, will always fight against Christians, the nations will always be at war with God until prophecy is fulfilled and the world starts over after the Great Tribulation.
Again, this is all just my OPINION, not a thus sayeth the Lord.
Do with it what you will.
Juanita said:
REMEMBER THE BILL OF RIGHTS? Which is it? Freedom FROM religion or Freedom of Religion?
Valia said:
I'm not complaining about the founding of the United States. The United States of America was founded during the American Revolutionary War(1775-1783). Our founding document is the Declaration of Independence which takes a definitive stand on God. The U.S. Constitution is a product of a coup, the state ratifying conventions were of dubious legality. The U.S. Constitution is a humanist document that is reliant on man's wisdom and not God's, therefore it does endorse atheism.
So how are you being intellectually honest about the Bible? It seems to me that you are listening to whatever loser of the day says about God not existing. There are 4 ways that you know that God exists: 1.) Nature 2.) Conscience 3.) Jesus Christ 4.) Holy Spirit. Assuming that you are not a reprobate, # 4 is at work trying to convict you of being a sinner in need of a savior #3. That is why it is essential that we mention this to you.
Francis Thomas said:
"The cross contains no “power”. If Jesus died in the 20th century then you’d be wearing an electric chair round your neck instead…"
*imagines people wearing metal electric chair necklaces*
Francis, I think you're missing the point. The cross is merely a SYMBOL of the sacrifice Jesus made. Of course the cross itself has no power, it's just a piece of rotted wood. If Jesus were persecuted today, the electric chair would be symbolic of the sacrifice He made.
Also, your comment made me think. Of all the people wearing a cross around their neck, I wonder how many actually understand what it means. Because, let's face it, anyone can wear a cross around their neck, but it doesn't automatically make them a Christian.
So on one hand you are complaining about the founding of the United States and yet against it on the other.
The cross contains no “power”. If Jesus died in the 20th century then you’d be wearing an electric chair round your neck instead…
Trust me I am thinking for myself and I am being intellectual honest about the Bible.
Steve Belttari said:
The US constitution doesn’t advocate Atheism; it separates church and state.
Excuse me? Atheists aren’t immoral barbarians automatically because they are Atheists. What an ignorant thing to say. When you look back through history it is the Theists who have raped, murdered and stolen. Why wait? Why accept some Iron Age mythology without any evidence at all? Hmm because I’m not a moron….
It’s also very ironic for someone who has a torture device as they symbol to call anyone barbaric.
Steve Belttari said: