God's Promises


     God's promises is the way that God sanctifies us by weaning us off of the world's system.  Think about what is said in 2 Pet 1 vs 3-4:


     "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.  Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."


It is through God's promises that we "escape the corruption in the world caused by evil human desires".  This is the way of God.  Each individual believer must take what God has promised in His Word, and make it personal.  A good example of believing in God's promise and making it personal was Abraham.  God promised him that he would have a child with his wife Sarah.  Abraham waited many years for God to fulfill this promise, and along the way he made some mistakes.  When he was 99 years old and his wife was 89 years old, Abraham still believed that God was able to do what He had promised, his wife didn't-she laughed at the idea.  So Abraham as an individual had to stand on God's promise, and so do we.  Having said this, I also believe that there is a communal promise to us that is centered on the rapture.  Even though the doctrine of the rapture of the church is taught in scripture, it is still somewhat of a mystery.  However, as we get closer to that time when God fulfills His promise to us, I think more believers will gain insight into this teaching, and we will be on the same page.  Jesus said that His disciples are the salt of the earth.  Salt is a preservative.  When the preservative is no longer here, the rot will set in.  Many of those that say that God does not exist, will die as Christian martyrs during the tribulation.  At this stage of apostasy, the best thing that could happen for atheists would be the rapture.  We still should try to win them over, but be careful, Jesus also said not to cast your pearls before swine.    

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  • Amen! Well said. Lord help us walk the truth that we might be the sermon unbelievers can receive. Help us to listen to others and present the truth in a maner that does not offend.
  • The fruit of the Spirit(love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control) can be a persuasive testimony to the love of God in Christ Jesus. So it is not about making clever arguments with atheists. Hebrews 11 vs 6 says: "Without faith it is impossible to please God; for whoever would approach God must have faith in His existence and in His willingness to reward those who try to find Him." Here we have another promise from God, He will reward those that believe in His existence and seek Him. This is what we should be focused on. In a previous discussion, I mentioned the importance of knowing the Bible's teaching on the age of the earth. Presenting this truth will not help most atheists, because they reject God and His inspired Word. However, Jesus said that heaven rejoices when just one sinner repents. Somewhere out there is an atheist that will repent, if taught the actual truth in scripture.

    Lisa said:
    Wow atheist means rebellion towards God. Even Christians have moments of rebellion. Hopefully we got our act together admit it and turn back to the Lord. Do we pass or our failings and bad behavior as momentary atheism. That seems wrong. This must instead mean a long term, comitted attitude of rebillion to the things and Laws of the Lord.
    I think if Christians learn to simply behave and be loving we could make a huge difference amongst all people. I have met so many well intentioned but clueless Christians who hurt even fellow believers.
  • Wow atheist means rebellion towards God. Even Christians have moments of rebellion. Hopefully we got our act together admit it and turn back to the Lord. Do we pass or our failings and bad behavior as momentary atheism. That seems wrong. This must instead mean a long term, comitted attitude of rebillion to the things and Laws of the Lord.
    I think if Christians learn to simply behave and be loving we could make a huge difference amongst all people. I have met so many well intentioned but clueless Christians who hurt even fellow believers.
  • What is atheism? From God's perspective, it is rebellion against Him. It is important to keep this in mind when engaging atheists. There are different types of atheists, principled and de facto atheists(agnostics). Jude 21-23 says to make a distinction. As a teenager, I was agnostic, I said to people that there could not be a God, because of all the suffering in the world. I received Jesus Christ as my savior when I was 20 years old. I have mostly lukewarm towards Him. By God's grace and mercy towards me, He will lift me up(1 Pet 5 vs 6). There are probably even some principled types, that have not drank the kool aide-so to speak. Put on the whole armor of God, using the sword as an offensive weapon. As ministers of reconciliation we should be patient with those that oppose themselves, and hope that they come to repentance. Before the Lord comes as a thief in the night and snatches up His people to be in His presence forever.
    Lisa said:
    I think that we can always pray for the atheist...God knows their heart and can work with openings you and I will never see. Of course some will continue as they are. Meanwhile we may be able to tell by their comments and actions on what level we should relate to them. I think there is nothing wrong with engaging them and learning why they think the way they do or attempting to understan how they approach life. Jim has just given us a big clue regarding what doesn't work and why? Why not take the time to look through any digs and defensiveness to see if he has a point?
  • I think that we can always pray for the atheist...God knows their heart and can work with openings you and I will never see. Of course some will continue as they are. Meanwhile we may be able to tell by their comments and actions on what level we should relate to them. I think there is nothing wrong with engaging them and learning why they think the way they do or attempting to understan how they approach life. Jim has just given us a big clue regarding what doesn't work and why? Why not take the time to look through any digs and defensiveness to see if he has a point?
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