Ps 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
Ps 57:10 For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Isa 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Luke 1:50 His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.
As children we were often confused by WHAT our parents did and WHY. Sometimes we asked what was going on, but the answer did not always help. So we decided, at least some of the time, “they are mom and dad so they must know what they are doing”. Now as adults we find that we do not always understand life either. Nicodemus came to the Lord inquiring how a man could be saved. When Jesus said, “no one can enter the kingdom unless he is born again”, he asked how that could be. (John 3). The point is, there are things we will never fully understand here in this life and it is better to be as we were as children and say, “God is God and He knows exactly what He is doing, period.” It sounds too simplistic doesn’t it, but consider this. How many of us know just what happens when we put the key in the ignition and head for town? Not many, however that doesn’t keep us from making the trip, does it. We don’t hesitate a second to trust a whole lot of things in our daily lives, like the chairs we sit in. Doesn’t it then stand to reason that even more so, without any hesitation, our full faith and confidence should be in our God? For He is the same yesterday, today and forever and HE IS TRUSTWORTHY.
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And then we have the ones who don't live like hell all week... They just can't seem to treat their brothers, sisters and leaders in Christ well all the while claiming that they have the answers because they have the Word. Some difficulty comes up and in the end they fly off in a fit acting no differently than the world. I guess this is where forgiveness comes in and the understanding that just like me they are a work in progress. I wonder sometimes though what it must be like when those on the outside look in and see the rukus. It leaves even seasoned Christians asking why should I trust the Lord?
And then we have the ones who don't live like hell all week... They just can't seem to treat their brothers, sisters and leaders in Christ well all the while claiming that they have the answers because they have the Word. Some difficulty comes up and in the end they fly off in a fit acting no differently than the world. I guess this is where forgiveness comes in and the understanding that just like me they are a work in progress. I wonder sometimes though what it must be like when those on the outside look in and see the rukus.
It leaves even seasoned Christians asking why should I trust the Lord?
Wow, excellent thought Lisa. I really cannot blame a sad sinsick world for doubting God when so many who claim to know Him act so opposite to what they say. I call them pew fillers who probably think they are winning points with God for playing a role. A good friend of mine once told me, "I don't know much about religeon, but I do know it is more than going to church on Sunday and living like hell the rest of the week." That very fact still keeps him from coming to the Lord and I am sure God is grieved and that the ones who created that mindset will not like what they hear from the Lord on that day. I fear that many will hear, Matt 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
(from New International Version) At Daybreak the Lord has been impressing this truth on us for a long time.
Hope this helps
Love in Jesus
Lisa said:
Playing Devils advocate.... I have learned well that I can't trust the people I can see. Why should I trust God, an out there somewhere, something, that I cannot see? I've met His people. It appears that very few of them are what they say they are. Why should I trust God when I can't trust His people?
Playing Devils advocate.... I have learned well that I can't trust the people I can see. Why should I trust God, an out there somewhere, something, that I cannot see? I've met His people. It appears that very few of them are what they say they are. Why should I trust God when I can't trust His people?
Lisa said:
It leaves even seasoned Christians asking why should I trust the Lord?
(from New International Version) At Daybreak the Lord has been impressing this truth on us for a long time.
Hope this helps
Love in Jesus
Lisa said: