#assistive #listening #systems http://www.kingdom.com/hear-the-word-pro-assistive-listening-6-person-p/hphear.htm #sponsor
Hear the Word Pro Assistive Listening/Translation 6 Person System
Affordable for every church in America. Whether some of the people you are preaching to are hearing impaired or speak another language, the goal is still the same to make sure everyone can clearly hear and understand the Word of God. We are so excited to be able to offer a combo assistive listening and language translation system that is affordable for everyone. The new Hear the Word Pro™ System has a range of 300 ft and uses long-lasting 9V batteries for up to 20 hours of runtime.Join us in supporting the Let Them Hear National Campaign. 8.4% of Americans are considered hearing impaired. How many millions of people sit in churches every week and can't clearly hear the service?
For Tweeting
Checking out "Assistive Listening/Translation 6 Person Syste" on KingdomInsight: http://ning.it/sR8e4R #churchtech #worship #ministry #God