This one has always gotten my attention. Goes deeper then this. We got hades being hell or it being a grave.We got hell being eternal torture lasting forever or second death (soul being destroyed).
Start off with a few passages that support my view of Heaven after Jesus return.
Daniel12: 2
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-10
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished;never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun.Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. 0 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
The death of Lazarus story is another one.
Jesus told them Lazarus was asleep and that He was going to awaken him. The disciples responded that sleep was good because it would help him get well. Jesus then plainly told them, "Lazarus is dead". Notice that Jesus stated emphatically that Lazarus was dead, but at the same time He described death as a condition like sleep.
Lazarus had not gone to heaven or hell. He had been entombed, where he slept in death until Jesus called him out of the grave.
Okay just one more.
John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.
Sincerely, I want to know what your opinions are.
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for weigh in with that thought provoking reply. I, too, like metaphysics. For me, I tend to think of a matrix that is always in motion. I input into the matrix with every thought, word and deed. I think when I do that the matrix is out of balance and moves to right itself. Since as a Christian, I weigh everything by Scripture, I think Sow/Reap means, "What I plant in your garden, will grow in mine."
I believe God loves me and will forgive me, but it doesn't change His Sow/Reap matrix' outcomes. The knife never left David's house even though David was "A man after God's own heart."
I know very little about The Law of Attraction and how it relates to Scripture, but I so agree with you that a positive focus, attitude and disposition will create joy as a state of being in our lives.
Like Jan was saying, the more Scripture we have in us and the more prayer that comes out of us will determine our ability to focus positively. We have read the end of the Book. The only reason The Book of Ruth is so wonderful is we got to read the whole story. If we had stopped after the first few paragraphs, we wouldn't have thought it was a very good story.
Barbara, I use what you are talking about at work. I tell the first person I meet, "It's going to be a great day!" Sometimes they will say, "I see you are not fully apprised of the situation..." I answer, "I am writing to the formula of the fabric. I will say a prayer that we both have a great day." The Lord now has something to work with. His Name has been added to the equation.
Thanks Barbara for sharing that. I agree, there is so much going on in the unseen realm that we don't understand, but a positive attitude is a very good place to start.
Thanks again,
Hi Lisa,
It is good to hear from you. You are like a breath of fresh air. We all lost focus and started throwing rocks at each other's glass house and got our feelings hurt, I think. But the Lord hears Juanita's tears for her Website, forum and desire to bring glory to His Name. I believe He has already set things in motion to answer her prayers, even if He has to bring people from afar to do it.
I do like James and appreciated the conversations we had. I pray for him and want his life to go well and we will rejoice together when we get home.
I will pray for you and with you for your computer.
Thanks for coming back, Lisa.
Now that is a neat substitution for swearing. Have plenty to work on in that area myself. This slow computer often reveal how far I haven't come. Have the knowledge to make it better but not the extra green so I deal.
Looks like James has dropped out of the discussion.
Hi Lisa,
I hate it when I do that...spend 15 minutes thinking through and typing out an answer and then hit the wrong key, Grrr... is a good answer. While I try not to cuss now, every once in a while something like that will happen and before I catch myself, I will say, " Sh-t, sh-t, sh-t...' like a machine gun. The Lord is replacing my words, not too long ago, I was being so careful working with 277 volts and a coworker was talking with me and I went across it. There were about four of us standing there and out of no where I yelled, "Ariba A-Ree-Ba!" Everyone laughed for several minutes. I don't know where it came from as I haven't watched Speedy Gonzalas for years. But I understand what it feels like to wipe out 15 minutes of work with a move of the mouse or wrong key. But you made a really good comeback.
I like and agree without everything you said. God made Adam first, so Adam had nipples before Eve did. They were just deactivated in Adam with a dominant male hormone and activated in Eve with a dominant female hormone. I'm sure there is much much more there if we dig, but "Here we know in part..."
And if we pray for our gay friends, it invites the Lord in to work on their behalf-"Pray one for another and bear one another's burdens..." When we get home we will have a long, long time to rejoice together that the Lord got us home, safe and sound."
Thanks Lisa. It is so good to hear from you and a pleasure to converse and hear about things that has happened in your life.
Grr...I was mostly through typing hit the mouse or wrong key and lost everything....let's try a cliff notes version.
Could vestigal, seeminly purposeless organs like nipples have a purpose? Just a goof ball thought...
Why not Eve created from a rib of Adam as they seem (per Genesis) to be created as adults? Could God have then designed a biological system where the sexes are the same until a hormonal flood causes dimorphism? Seems like it is simpler to have just one diverge and the other to continue as started. Why female first I cannot say, I'm not God.
Have met a number of homosexuals both gay and lesbian. Nice folks all. I think most did believe in God and have some level of faith. However, I still think that this part of their lifestyle is sin. That belief does not give me a right to berate them or kick them out of church. It does meant that I don't think they should be in leadership positions. I think the same of those struggling with other sins...such as adultry, drug use, alcoholism... I haven't walked in thier shoes so cannot know but have reason to wonder if the lifestyle choice is a response to emotional pain.
Check out Corinthians and maybe the other scriptures too in The Message. I believe it is a paraphrase not a translation but it uses the language of our time and is much easier to understand than other versions.
With just 2 employees under me this summer I had an iteresting black and white demonstration of how nice it is to work with someone with a kind, gentle, helpful, positive attitude versus someone with a negative, doesn't want to work, selfish attitude. I'll take the positive attitude any day. This person challenged me to work on my own sometimes poor attitude.
Think the biggest problem here is the belief or hope that being a good person will get one into heaven. Only problem with that is I can be labeled a good person but am quite capable of slipping up and committing a sin such as taking the Lord's name in vane. Throw in the New Testament understanding that to have lusted or murdered in your though life is to have committed the sin and I am guilty as charged though I have not commited the crime. This is why we need Jesus who took our place, became the permanent faultless sacrifice and made a way for us to be seen as sinless by God the Father. It is both so simple and so profound that it confounds our minds. However, to benefit from this act I must both believe in the cross and repent of my sins.
Then again I think we all know that. Walking around carrying a Bible is not going to get anyone to heaven. Accepting Christ as outlined above will...or Christ is the biggest nutcase who ever walked the earth...take your pick.
Hi James,
For 42 years the above messages were preached to me. If I was drinking a beer, after they were finished, I would add some things as I had another beer. There is a time for everything. Sometimes we forget until we take a walk down memory lane.
I used to drink beer with my brother in his garage and in making small talk we would tell each other about our day's events. We would end up bad mouthing all the people we perceived was flawed. We were trying to pull the splinter out of our neighbor's eye, ignoring the beam in our own.
I used to play Euchre at lunch at work and in making small talk we would almost always take turns on what was wrong with our workplace, individuals in our work place. All of that came with the package of the natural man.
If I am different now, it is because God has been so patiently working with me. I forget that. We are going to have a Workplace Evaluator come in and speak with groups to see what needs to be changed in the workplace. The University of Dayton tries everything it can to make a great workplace. I was going to mention my big picture speech. After reading my speech to you, I am not.
My managers and coworkers really are good people. It is so easy to get depressed or overwhelmed. My job is to pray without ceasing and to set an example. This is what the Lord did and is doing for me. And He does it patiently. Lots of times, I am not a very good student. I have to take lots of classes over. But He is patient and says, "Let's try this again." I have such a long way to go.
If the Lord had have given others the same classes He has given me, they would have graduated by now. I am still struggling with sophomore classes. But it is not the beginning, not the middle, but the end that counts for each of us.
My mom and my sisters didn't get depressed or give up when I appeared not to be listening and continued the same party life and the same foolishness that came with my natural man people package. They stayed cheerful always glad to see me and always had a kind and cheerful word. In that respect, I always had a cheerful word back, I just wasn't ready to give up what I thought was the good life. I remembered the momentary ecstasies but conveniently forgot the headaches and turmoil that filled in around it.
I seemed so happy with my life the way it was, I know they thought, "He's got a long way to go before he reaches his bottom." But they stayed at it. They would call me and ask me to come over and play cards with them. Always cordial, always joyful, always genuinely happy to see me. Never preached to me. They would talk to each other about the goodness of the Lord and it make it easy to listen because I wasn't being put in the hot seat.
It is so easy to forget those things. We want to jump in and help God and He has to stop and take us aside and say, "Relax. I didn't need help doing My work in you. If you need something to do, sing."
Have a great day, James
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi James,
That is what I like to hear, a cordial response.
I like to watch missions programs. A great percentage of the world thinks even our lowest wage earners have a great life. I think gratitude is the #1 attitude missing in the US. But I don't give my gratitude to politicians or whoever is in office.
I pray for them that many might be saved and that we might live quiet and peaceable lives, but i give my gratitude to the Lord of Glory.
I work for a University started by the Catholic Church. I am around statues everyday. I pay no attention to them. I see some that love the Lord and some that do not. I remind myself if I accuse or excuse, I can be of no benefit to them or myself. I pray all day long. "I sought for a man to stand in the gap..." I do it because of what my Lord did and is doing for me. I love UD and I want to bring value to the position they are allowing me to fill.
In my department, we have whisperers, backbiters, people who ridicule and people who are sarcastic. We have wonderful people who are a joy to work with. The people who are negative are constant complainers on what UD should or should not have done. They are miserable; almost seem to be in pain. The people who are grateful to be working in an island of employment in a big sea of unemployment are happy and always have a nice or kind word to say. I live and work in Dayton, Ohio, a city whose heyday is past and industry is dying.
Yesterday we had a team meeting and others voiced the same thing. Why are some people so negative all the time? No gratitude. They live life in a very little window always accusing someone of something. Some are managers paid the bigger money to build a team, but their negativity, backbiting and always trying to pit one against another, dismantles it. No gratitude. Life in the big window says, "What is my purpose? What do I want to accomplish? "How can I best bring value to the position I am being paid to fill?" Life in the big window, keeps little things little. Life in the big window is a grateful spirit. Grateful for things that haven't happened, but could in the flash of an eye. Life in the big window is looking for purpose, "What can I do to make this situation a little easier?" Life in the big window knows everyone gets a turn in the barrel and how we treat another in the barrel is what we can expect when it is our turn in the barrel.
2 Timothy 3:
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
We see it in the work place, we see it in the nation and we see it in the world. We need Jesus. It's time to pray.
God uses adversity to strengthen His children. Before I always tried to be of value, a joy to work around and make sure I don't bring or contribute to the negativity. The buck stops here, so does the gossip. "Your name is safe in my mouth." But now I want to go further. I almost want to find a high building and scream from the top of my lungs, "We need Jesus!"
But I would say at the very least, a good place to start is the spirit of gratitude.
Have a great day James
Glad to hear your happy.Lucky for both of us we live in a country where we are both free to believe or not believe in the supernatural. It is my hope that furture generations will still have that freedom we both enjoy.
Sound good to you?
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Again, it is choice, James. I choose the believe God's Word, the Bible. He has affirmed it in my heart as joy is becoming a state of being in my life. I am not accusing or excusing, I am praying without ceasing. My peace of mind is important to me. My eternity is important to me. So I will not let the foolishness of man or conniving demons pulling someone else's strings talk me out of it.
Because of Jesus, I am a joy to myself, a joy to my coworkers, managers, customers and those I meet. I tried it my way and it produced nonstop stife, misery and a life that had no value to myself or others. I start with gratitude. Lord, thank you so much for coming to my rescue, for giving me a life where I can sleep in the boat in the middle of the storm and thank you for my awesome eternity, I am looking forward to it. I will feel sad for those who chose to fall into Sheol, but by your Grace, I will not let them drag me down there with them.
Life is choice, James. I have made mine.
James said:
The fastest growing Christian population in the world is China. I watch TBN and they get letters nonstop from Muslims who have accepted Christ. Most know they are in danger of being decapitated.
But I have made my choice and it is bearing fruit. You have made yours and it is bearing fruit.
1Cor 2:
7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
This is my focus. I have a lot of growing to do, but I will not be sidetracked by demonic activity who gave up their first estate and are trying to get me to do the same.
I don't talk about politicians or the foolishness of temporal activity of natural man. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.."
It is so funny you keep mentioning Christian armies. I don't own or desire to own a BB gun. All wars fought in history outside of attacking Israel, is a demon plotting against a demon.
James2:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
I am trying to use the intelligence God gave me to learn from Him. I listened for the first 42 years, but I was caught up in lust and the pomp of "I am the center of all things." Demons led me around by the nose. God came to my rescue. Thank you Lord. I have no desire to go back. I have things that still need to be worked on as I am flawed to the core. But the Lord promised me, "I will finish the good work that I have started..." if I will keep my eyes on Him and hang on tight. That is what I intend to do.
We each have to make a choice, James. I have made mine.
James said: