The Good News of the Kingdom is changing EVERYTHING. For Johnny and I, the journey to see the good news of the Kingdom change everything has taken a long time. Here’s what’s happening..
People suffer from ‘old wineskin syndrome’. In other words, that means becoming so used to doing things in ineffective ways, we are unable to start fresh.
I’m in that “old wineskin” boat, too. It has taken almost 25 years to look at extending the Kingdom in new ways. Now, new is not necessarily ‘better’. Today ungodly world culture seems to be permeating the church. This is what new and good means to me: to see the Kingdom permeate everything, to see the Good News of the Kingdom turn society upside down, uhm, right side up.
After 25 years, Johnny and I have built a lot of tools and learned so much. I think the learning of the past has finally synthesized to simplicity; by this, I mean we are now using a simple approach that changes everything. And, we are seeing IMPACT!
This is the first communication on this NEW thing that is taking place, what we are doing and, though we only see the germination of the first seeds, we have never seen anything like this before! I am writing to share the GOOD NEWS. I would like you to see how things unfold. If you are receiving this email, you are on the short list of people Johnny and I are feeling that it is important to keep in the loop.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS EFFORT - no kidding, it may be repeated everywhere.
However, if your inbox is flooded or you have pressing reasons to not be included in these emails, let me know and I will take your name off the list.
For those who go with us on this journey, hang on. There is already a small Kingdom brushfire catching on. We expect it to become a wildfire! No one likes to read LONG emails, more in the next email.
I’m also planning to capture these updates into a book: Kingdom Impact - Sanford FL and How To Impact Your Community.
A Brief History: Johnny and Juanita
We have worked steadily on Kingdom Building efforts for decades. Particularly 2000 through 2017. Then, in 2018, the wheels fell off. Johnny had a stroke and kidney cancer. Like clams, we pulled way back. In the fall of 2018, I began to reassume some responsibilities for, by 2019, I was fully immersed in re-assuming the role of General Manager amid many crises. 2020-21 we saw Covid 19 hit with massive impacts to our society and 2022 we did massive updates to Kingdom’s software, both our CRM/ERP and our website platform. These should have been done in separate years, but they were failing and it forced both to be done in the same year. It was brutal.
Finally, 2023 has become a year of refocusing on Kingdom initiatives. Finally. Johnny and I learned during Covid that we could operate remotely and began our snowbird life, spending winters in Florida. So, Sanford is our winter home and hence the 2023 Kingdom focus is in Sanford, FL If you think that was exhausting to read about what has happened the last few years; believe me, living it has been a challenge! Praise God, we seem to be safely on the other side.
More to come…