There is obviously a difference of opinion in the church today about this subject - the person. Jesus talked about the end days that even the elect might possibly be decieved. He also said the love of many would grow cold. The word love here is 'agape'. It is the special word created to signify the God Kind of Love shed abroad in the heart of a Christian by the Holy Spirit.
so that my question. Is Barak Obama a chrisitan according to biblical and fruit standards - no politics, no personalities, no party spirit, no opinions - just bible scriptures please.
Lets be sure we are thinking clearly with the headlights on.
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WHO IS BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA?? - is he predicted in the bible? The first question many need to settle is - IS BARAK OBAMA a christian? Why is that important? it is important because without the christian vote he would not have been placed in office - thus released to do what he is doing. Further, if he is a christian he should have our full - loud - support. If he is not a christian - and operates in opposition to the Lord, his plans, his Purpose, his people - THEN WE NEED TO RESIST..........
So we quickly say - ' we are to pray for our leaders - true' .... but it does not tell us what to pray. Do we suppose if we were in the early church in rome we would pray for emporer Nero - who yielded to an anti-christ spirit more than any to that time and history has proven him to be one of the leading most powerful demonized antichrist spirits the world has ever known - and Hitler - there were others - but these tow set out to persecute and kill the elect of God...which is part of the meaning of the greek term 'lawless one' - let me add something here that will open the fruit of the operation of this evil spirit ...the fruits:anomia NT:458, "lawlessness,"most frequently translated "iniquity; "in 2 Thess 2:7..the mystery of lawlessness" is not recognized by the world, for it does not consist merely in confusion and disorder
the... display of "lawlessness" by the "lawless" one v. 8 will be the effect of the attempt by the powers of darkness to overthrow the divine government.its essential character as the rejection of the law, or will, of God and the substitution of the will of self."without law,""lawless," "the lawless one" (KJV, "that wicked"), of the man of sinwhere the thought is not simply that of doing what is unlawful, but of flagrant defiance of the known will of God. .. I can't reference the other part right now but I had sent it to my wifes email with some links I will find it later - it sais..IT IS NOT JUST WHAT THEY DO IN LAWLESSNESS -wicked - iniquity (all ways this word or root is translated) but WHAT THEY or the LAWLES WICKED ONE when he comes will do to Gods people) - THINK ABOUT THIS AND WATCH AND PRAY....ask the Lord....Be Ready!!! ....
back to PRAYING FOR NERO - so I am sure the apostles peter and paul were not leading the roman christians to say o.k. father now we ask you to BLESS NERO in the name of Jesus.....and bless the work of his hands and bless and prosper everything he does.....Nero was killing them, torturing them, destroying them as a people - come on people of God lets wake up...stop being decieved....get a glimpse of Jesus manifest in the book of revealtion - not as the revelation of jesus of the amercian way..... ANOTHER JESUS
WATCH what PAul prayed - and this is how we should pray for the leaders........
1 Cor 16:22
If anyone (anyone - anyone is how many? - ANY) does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed . O Lord, come!
and for the lovers / believers in Jesus
23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 24 My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.
WE COULD PRAY something like this. father in the name of Jesus we ask you to remove the corruption and idol worshipers, the lawless and Godhaters from our government along with the puffed up and arrogant the rebellious and the sexually perverted and all adulterers and fornicators. we aks you remove all those who work only for power, fame, self glory and self interest adn give us those you have called, God fearing and upright in practice....In Jesus name....
This preacher sees too much, we are as a nationto far gone. We have been punished and judged by the Lord by giving us this evil king. this one we have believes, agrees with and implements in practice, pushes and exports to the nations the very things, the national sins, that god gave us mercy and a space but we have never repented of NOW WE HAVE JUDGMENT.
Our preachers preach another Jesus - the saints want there ears itched, the preachers want to be loved of men, or a nice career........ and it has cost us the favor of God.....and has brought us to judgement.
The Lord sent His warning signs and every body argued that 'God is Love' - He did not do that... yes He did and you have not seen anything yet.......its time to REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! ITS TIME TO repent or you will likewise persih!!!
WHO IS BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA? we must take the blinders off and first examine the fruit.....Is HE a CHRIST FOLLOWER?..... he and others portrayed him as such when he ran for president......many Christians were DECEIVED and voted him in - just in the catholic block alone was enough to put him in office, and then there were a majority of blacks that voted him in because??? ....
Lets just speak the truth in love...the ELECT are not supposed to be decieved so lets learn our lessons...
remeber there is a 'looks like a lamb' RISING' - to work with the first beast (anti-christ)...
and the admonition of the apostle paul through the Holy Spirit who said..
2 Tim 3:4-5
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
2 Tim 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 Tim 3:7-8
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres ( the power of witchcraft, sorcery, divination, occult - dark arts)resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt 9devil is called the corrupter of minds) minds, disapproved concerning the faith;
2 Tim 3:5
5 having a form of godliness (sounds good, sound right, sounds ethical, moral, good thing) but denying (saying no to, refusing, unyielding) its power 9power of god, power of the Holy Spirit - convincing, convicting, prooving). And from such people turn away (get away from and stay away from these kind)!
In my personal opinion from what I have heard about him/heard him say directly, I would have to say no, he is not a Christian according to what the Bible describes as a Christian. However, I know that the supreme judge is God, and only He knows Obama's true heart.
Here is the evidence I've found that has lead me to believe Obama is not a Christian:
-He has referred to the Koran as "The Holy Koran" in his Cairo speech, and even quoted it. This is what Obama said in his speech: "As the Holy Koran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.'"
The Bible very clearly states that the only God-inspired scripture is the Bible itself. By Obama calling the Koran holy, he is giving it biblical significance.
These next three points are not really biblical, but I thought I would bring them up anyway.
-Just the mere fact that Obama's father was a Muslim automatically makes Obama a Muslim by default, according to the Muslim religion. "As the son of the Muslim father, Senator Obama was born a Muslim under Muslim law as it is universally understood. It makes no difference that, as Senator Obama has written, his father said he renounced his religion. Likewise, under Muslim law based on the Koran his mother’s Christian background is irrelevant." - New York Times
-Obama has said in one of his pre-Presidential speeches that "It's true that McCain hasn't talked about my Muslim faith." He then quickly corrects himself and says "My Christian faith." I don't think a Christian would joke about being a Muslim.
-Obama has said that there are 57 US states. It's interesting to note that there are 57 Islamic states.
I could probably think of other examples, and if I do I'll add them to the discussion.
hot Potatoe
hot pottatoo
nobody wants to touch this one?? -!!
any other takers???
WHO IS BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA?? - is he predicted in the bible? The first question many need to settle is - IS BARAK OBAMA a christian? Why is that important? it is important because without the christian vote he would not have been placed in office - thus released to do what he is doing. Further, if he is a christian he should have our full - loud - support. If he is not a christian - and operates in opposition to the Lord, his plans, his Purpose, his people - THEN WE NEED TO RESIST..........
So we quickly say - ' we are to pray for our leaders - true' .... but it does not tell us what to pray. Do we suppose if we were in the early church in rome we would pray for emporer Nero - who yielded to an anti-christ spirit more than any to that time and history has proven him to be one of the leading most powerful demonized antichrist spirits the world has ever known - and Hitler - there were others - but these tow set out to persecute and kill the elect of God...which is part of the meaning of the greek term 'lawless one' - let me add something here that will open the fruit of the operation of this evil spirit ...the fruits:anomia NT:458, "lawlessness,"most frequently translated "iniquity; "in 2 Thess 2:7..the mystery of lawlessness" is not recognized by the world, for it does not consist merely in confusion and disorder
the... display of "lawlessness" by the "lawless" one v. 8 will be the effect of the attempt by the powers of darkness to overthrow the divine government.its essential character as the rejection of the law, or will, of God and the substitution of the will of self."without law,""lawless," "the lawless one" (KJV, "that wicked"), of the man of sin where the thought is not simply that of doing what is unlawful, but of flagrant defiance of the known will of God. .. I can't reference the other part right now but I had sent it to my wifes email with some links I will find it later - it sais..IT IS NOT JUST WHAT THEY DO IN LAWLESSNESS -wicked - iniquity (all ways this word or root is translated) but WHAT THEY or the LAWLES WICKED ONE when he comes will do to Gods people) - THINK ABOUT THIS AND WATCH AND PRAY....ask the Lord....Be Ready!!! ....
back to PRAYING FOR NERO - so I am sure the apostles peter and paul were not leading the roman christians to say o.k. father now we ask you to BLESS NERO in the name of Jesus.....and bless the work of his hands and bless and prosper everything he does.....Nero was killing them, torturing them, destroying them as a people - come on people of God lets wake up...stop being decieved....get a glimpse of Jesus manifest in the book of revealtion - not as the revelation of jesus of the amercian way..... ANOTHER JESUS
WATCH what PAul prayed - and this is how we should pray for the leaders........
1 Cor 16:22
If anyone (anyone - anyone is how many? - ANY) does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed . O Lord, come!
and for the lovers / believers in Jesus
23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 24 My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.
WE COULD PRAY something like this. father in the name of Jesus we ask you to remove the corruption and idol worshipers, the lawless and Godhaters from our government along with the puffed up and arrogant the rebellious and the sexually perverted and all adulterers and fornicators. we aks you remove all those who work only for power, fame, self glory and self interest adn give us those you have called, God fearing and upright in practice....In Jesus name....
This preacher sees too much, we are as a nationto far gone. We have been punished and judged by the Lord by giving us this evil king. this one we have believes, agrees with and implements in practice, pushes and exports to the nations the very things, the national sins, that god gave us mercy and a space but we have never repented of NOW WE HAVE JUDGMENT.
Our preachers preach another Jesus - the saints want there ears itched, the preachers want to be loved of men, or a nice career........ and it has cost us the favor of God.....and has brought us to judgement.
The Lord sent His warning signs and every body argued that 'God is Love' - He did not do that... yes He did and you have not seen anything yet.......its time to REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! ITS TIME TO repent or you will likewise persih!!!
WHO IS BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA? we must take the blinders off and first examine the fruit.....Is HE a CHRIST FOLLOWER?..... he and others portrayed him as such when he ran for president......many Christians were DECEIVED and voted him in - just in the catholic block alone was enough to put him in office, and then there were a majority of blacks that voted him in because??? ....
Lets just speak the truth in love...the ELECT are not supposed to be decieved so lets learn our lessons...
remeber there is a 'looks like a lamb' RISING' - to work with the first beast (anti-christ)...
and the admonition of the apostle paul through the Holy Spirit who said..
2 Tim 3:4-5
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
2 Tim 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 Tim 3:7-8
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres ( the power of witchcraft, sorcery, divination, occult - dark arts)resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt 9devil is called the corrupter of minds) minds, disapproved concerning the faith;
2 Tim 3:5
5 having a form of godliness (sounds good, sound right, sounds ethical, moral, good thing) but denying (saying no to, refusing, unyielding) its power 9power of god, power of the Holy Spirit - convincing, convicting, prooving). And from such people turn away (get away from and stay away from these kind)!
Here is the evidence I've found that has lead me to believe Obama is not a Christian:
-He has referred to the Koran as "The Holy Koran" in his Cairo speech, and even quoted it. This is what Obama said in his speech: "As the Holy Koran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.'"
The Bible very clearly states that the only God-inspired scripture is the Bible itself. By Obama calling the Koran holy, he is giving it biblical significance.
These next three points are not really biblical, but I thought I would bring them up anyway.
-Just the mere fact that Obama's father was a Muslim automatically makes Obama a Muslim by default, according to the Muslim religion. "As the son of the Muslim father, Senator Obama was born a Muslim under Muslim law as it is universally understood. It makes no difference that, as Senator Obama has written, his father said he renounced his religion. Likewise, under Muslim law based on the Koran his mother’s Christian background is irrelevant." - New York Times
-Obama has said in one of his pre-Presidential speeches that "It's true that McCain hasn't talked about my Muslim faith." He then quickly corrects himself and says "My Christian faith." I don't think a Christian would joke about being a Muslim.
-Obama has said that there are 57 US states. It's interesting to note that there are 57 Islamic states.
I could probably think of other examples, and if I do I'll add them to the discussion.