How did Jesus die?

So I have been studying Christ's death and ressurection in my Devotional time. I read a theory about his death and thought it was very interesting. The author spoke that most ppl think Christ died from his physical suffering. But, the writer believes Jesus may have died from a broken heart. When the heart is under extreme pressure/stress it creates a type of water sack around itself. Jesus was obviously under more stress than i can even imagine. He was carrying alot. I dont think we realize that when Jesus carried it all to the cross that means he experiences Sin, the result of sins, the emotions of sin, the physical pain every person has ever and will ever feel, etc. (That is my own personal belief). He was so stressed out and overwhelmed he actually sweated drops of blood. He even asked God, "if it is possible please take this cup away from me."
So, either way He was stressed out. Plus, God, who Jesus had always had with Him, was gone, completely. So this author believes Jesus died from a broken heart. The water bubble suffocated his heart and made it so blood was unable to get to it. That explains why when they pierced him with the staff thing water and blood flowed out.
I think this is an interesting theory and wondered what other ppl think.

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