God’s Word predicts people will turn their back on God saying a stone has brought them forth (Jer 2:27)! Evolutionists teach that once-upon-a-time a big Bang produced a big rock, then it rained on the rock (stone) for long ages to produce hot soupy primordial oceans. Then, non-living matter came to life to begin the Darwinian tale. However the Law of Biogenesis holds that life only comes from living matter. Never has non-living matter been known to produce life. The scientific facts refute the religious philosophy of Darwinism from the very start. Real science is a Believer’s true friend. God bless and have a great day.
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God bless your day!
The Law of Biogenesis, attributed to Louis Pasteur, is often cited by Creationists as evidence for the need of an intelligent Creator, who they believe is their God. They describe the law of biogenesis as stating that life cannot come from non-life, it can only come from other life. This is a misunderstanding of the law. The law states that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria cannot appear fully formed. The law says nothing, however, about the biogenesis of very primitive life from increasingly complex molecules.
Source: Talk Origins
I think the 1st amendment has given atheists some air time for their pseudo-scientific theories. God's revealed truth in his Word(Romans 1) teaches that real science is a believers true friend.