In our ever-changing world of technology, it is important to stay on top of the latest tools people use to get information. Think back to how Jesus got out His word to the people of His day. He spoke His word as communication was largely done verbally, and then it was written down because a main source of communication in the past, and even today, is written works.
The Internet is such a vital tool in our society, so much so that virtually every aspect of our lives is somehow included on the Internet. We do our banking online, chat with family and friends, and use search engines such as Google to seek out answers to questions.
Video on the Internet was largely popularized by the social video site YouTube. Practically everyone who uses the Internet has watched a video online. Web videos can range from entertainment, to instructional, to, you guessed it, ministering to people.
As so many people watch videos online, just imagine the impact you could have on people's lives if you shared the Word of God through an internet video. Imagine someone typing in a phrase such as "meaning of life" into Google, clicking on your video in the search results, watching your video, and getting saved because they came across your video! This is just one way someone might come across your videos. There are many others, which I will discuss in later postings.
There are many ways you can go about putting videos online. One way is to upload your videos to popular sites such as YouTube and GodTube. Another way to put your videos online is to compile them into a video stream, or a WebTV channel, so your videos are constantly playing whenever someone visits your WebTV channel.
If you would like more information about how to get the Word of God online through web videos, stay tuned! I will go into more details in this thread.
I am also starting a group on Kingdom Insight called Internet Tools where I will be talking about tools you can use on the Internet to minister to people, and how to use these tools.
Are you already using video online? If so, how? I would love to hear how you are using videos online! Also, join the Kingdom Insight Group Web Warriors to share how you are using not only web videos, but any type of web technology, to be a warrior for Christ!
If you are not already using videos online, are you planning on using videos online? If so, how do you plan on using web videos?
You need to be a member of KingdomInsight to add comments!
Kingdom has a 24x7 WebTV program called WebSee TV that simplifies the technical aspects of creating a WebTV channel. If you have used our MessageShare program, and even if you haven't, you will be able to use WebSee TV.
WebSee TV basically works like this: We set up your channel for you. All you have to do is enter your video properties and upload your videos! Of course, there are other things you can do to further customize your WebTV channel, but to get your channel up and running it's as simple as 1,2,3!
What's more, we have several WebSee TV packages and are ready to recommend a package for you when you answer a few questions about your ministries wants and needs! Give us a call at the WebSee number at 1-800-385-3437 or send an email to
Read below to learn how a WebTV channel can help your church and your community!
Why would you want a 24x7 channel on your website? Besides the points mentioned in my first post, there are many more reasons to put up a WebTV channel on your website. If you would like a more detailed report, please call the WebSee TV number, we can hook you up!
1. Being a Solution to Community Problems
Let me start by asking you a question: Are there any problems in your community? Think about common problems in our society today: alcohol addictions, drug addictions, and divorce to name a few.
Now, imagine yourself as a non-church goer, who is suffering from an addiction, walking past your church building. Do you know what's going on inside the church building? If you answered no, as a church member ask yourself why? There are many ways to go about making sure people in your community know what goes on inside the church, but we'll leave those for another post. Right now, let's focus on your website.
Now, say you are the same non-church goer suffering from an addiction and you decide you want some help. Who do you turn to? Chances are you will use the Internet at some point in your search for help. Say you come across a church website in your community and decide to check it out. What do you see on the website?
If the website is composed of just text content and church jargon that a non-church goer typically would not have an understanding of, you will most likely just scan through the text quickly and then leave the website. But, if there are videos on the website, specifically videos centered around a cure for an addiction, you will probably be motivated to click on that video and watch it. If there is more than one video on the website, you'll probably bookmark the website and come back later to watch more.
2. Teaching Lessons
Let's say your church has regular missions trips and you want to be able to equip people on how to witness to non-believers before they go on their trip. WebTV is a great way to provide teachings online. You could have your teachings in a weekly series like Part 1, Part 2, etc. so people are coming back to your website on a weekly basis to watch that week's teachings.
3. Keeping the Church Community Connected
Every week, people are missing from church whether they are sick, on a missions trip, etc. When someone is not able to come to church, wouldn't it be great to be able to view the week's sermon on the computer? WebTV enables you to put up your weekly sermons so those who missed the lesson can still watch it, and those who did see the lesson can re-watch it, thus retaining more knowledge.
Again, we have a report that goes into even more detail with the points mentioned above, and more! Give us a call at the WebSee number to learn how you can get this report!