Is it ok for Christians to drink, in your personal opinion? By drinking, I do not mean drinking in excess, I mean having a glass of wine with dinner or having a drink or two in a social situation. What made me ask this question is I read this pamphlet I found sitting somewhere and it said that it is totally unacceptable for Christians to even have a drop of wine or alcohol, which I disagree with. I'm not looking to get into a debate on whether Jesus drank wine or if it was just grape juice, just looking to get a variety of opinions from people.
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I think everyone has gotten their word in that wants to on the issue of Christians and the consumption of alcohol. I am going to close this discussion as the creator of it. Thank you to everyone for sharing your opinions!
We offer these folks up to you as people who need to know your love and be filled with your Spirit. Lord, we know your desire is for us to live our lives in a way to encourages, strengthens and builds up the church as a whole. We know the destructive power of recreational drug usage and pray that you will open these folks eyes to he horrific abuse, lifestyle and violence that results from alcohol use. As your Word says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
Yeah, I was basically told that I have a lust problem as well. But, what matters is that I know before God that I do not. I drink socially MAYBE once a month and its no more than 2 drinks at a time. Also, ZDenny, are you saying that Christ gave into the lusts of His flesh? Because Jesus DID drink wine and they did all throughout the Bible. So if you believe that Christ drank wine, which He says He did, then you are claimning that He was not perfect. As Valia posted earlier, the Bible encourages wine at times. Again, it is about moderation. ANYYTHING without moderation can be harmful.
Also, I do live in a college town. I am 23 and I once in a while will go and hang out witha couple of friends at Changos which is a local modern bar. Changos has a stopping policy. If ppl start getting too wasted they kick em out. I never drink more than 2 drinks and usually just go with one because I am too afriad of getting drunk. Alochol is a choice. If its not right for you then dont do it but as someone else said, it isnt Christlike to go calling ppl you dont even know out about their "lusts" when you have no clue. I love Jesus more than life and find no problem with the occasional drink, hoever its when it becomes something you ahve to have or need to have, then there is a problem.
Rob said:
Wow. You have my entire life figured out because I mentioned the possible health benefits that doctors have stated about alcohol. That is some keen insight you have been graced with. Everyone who disagrees with you must not be
Genetics vary with each generation. In addition, not all alcoholics are predisposed to becoming alcoholics...for some it is simply a choice.
Of course, they drank wine in the Bible, the water was polluted. You didn't want to drink the water that a leaper had been bathing in. They recognized that alcohol purified the water so wine was added to the water. Strong drink on the other hand is condemned.
The Bible condemns recreational drug usage, not medicinal. Alcohol had a medicinal use in Biblical times. However, today, alcohol is not needed as we have all kinds of ways to purify the water.
The power of Jesus first miracle of turning water into wine is that Jesus had come to purify Israel! Most miss the point of that miracle if they don't understand people's knowledge that bad things can be passed in the water. As a result, water had to be purified.
Rob stated, "I do not think that you show the best example of what a Christian is when you attack in a condescending manner like you often do."
I think this is important here for Christians to know because when you speak the truth in love...everyone throws this at you. It is an emotional reaction to conviction.
Have you heard this? "YOU ARE A SINNER IN NEED OF A SAVIOR" As you can tell, this is very condescending; however, this is the heart of the gospel.
The reason people take offense is because they disagree. That is why liberals are offended by conservatives and conservatives are offended by liberals. That is why Muslims are offended by Secularists and Secularists are offended by Muslims.
It is important to note that Christians are different. We love are enemies!! We love those who are brothers and sisters in Christ despite who they are or what they say. You could call me every name in the book and the call of Christ is to love that person!! That is what they did to Christ. The religious leaders thought Christ was condescending; however, he was just speaking the truth.
I would encourage everyone to not be a pharisee; rather, allow the love of God to flow through your heart. The reason that Rob would even make the accusation is because he doesn't know the love of God at this point. He either needs to get saved or mature in the faith.
We are to spur one another on to good works as the Scripture says and that is all I have been doing.
May I add that my father was/is still an alcoholic to my knowledge, and so by that fact I am predisposed to alcoholism. Yet I have only had maybe 3 or 4 drinks in my lifetime, and I did not start consuming alcohol until I reached the age of 21. Does the same genetic predisposition ring true for other substances? Because my father also used/still uses drugs and I have never once tried drugs nor had the temptation to, and I never intend to, either. (When I mention drugs here I am not referring to caffeine or vitamins, because if you want to get technical, these are considered drugs as well).
I don't think anyone here is trying to "attack" anyone. We are merely discussing a topic which many people feel strongly one way or another about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
There is no health benefits to alcohol. A person taking that position is either driven by lust or misinformed. I hope it is just misinformed. The health benefit that comes from drinking wine is solely from the grape skin and the seed. The alcohol has a negative impact on your liver. Liberals oftentimes through the same argument at me so I did some research into the matter. I hope you understand that I am use to defending a Christian worldview so there are very few arguments I haven't heard.
If a Christian drinks, will they go to Hell? We are completely free in Christ as the Bible say which means that sin no matter how horrific it is has no impact on our future; however, a believer who is saved who knows the love of God will be compelled by the love of God to do what is right out of love for their neighbor.
A person who is predisposed to alcoholism genetically only takes one drink and they are alcoholics for life. I have spoke with many of them. They call it a disease and for good reason. That knowledge alone would make me never want to look at alcohol again...however, there are many many arguments against recreational drug usage. Alcohol and drugs have the exact same effect.
Now you are comparing recreational drugs with Cola and Milk. Just understand that no one else is doing this. The college kids certainly are not doing this. The liberals are trying to push through the legalization of drugs by comparing alcohol and drugs.
I am sorry you can't see it at this point...In time, I am sure you will though as we all grow at different speeds in our walk with Christ.
God Bless...
Valia said:
Respectfully, I am not only referring to wine, but all types of alcoholic beverages in general (i.e. beer).
The person who wrote that content I pasted is a doctor with a Ph.D. Of course in all studies I understand there's a level of speculation, but still, these are studies conducted over years, and real health measurements using professional health equipment.
I know you say comparing milk to alcohol is not a logical comparison, but I think it is, for the simple fact that too much of ANY substance can have negative health effects. Not only that, but look at all the additives, preservatives, and growth hormones they put in our foods today. I would almost argue that consuming an abundance of processed food is as unbeneficial to one's health as consuming too much alcohol.
Did you know that food companies are purposely putting certain additives in our food to make us crave it more? Some of these additives are in almost all processed foods - just look at the nutrition labels. Two examples of these additives are high fructose corn syrup, and monosodium glutamate or msg.
So, the mere act of eating a food product containing high fructose corn syrup or msg can cause you to crave more food, making you susceptible to overeating. Does that mean you should not consume any food with high fructose corn syrup or msg? I personally try to avoid these when I can, but I don't make a big deal out of it if I consume a tiny amount, because I know when my stomach is full and when to stop eating.
Do you drink coffee? Caffeine is a drug, yet many Americans have more than one cup a day.
Just some thoughts for you. I am not trying to change your personal convictions, I think that's great, just trying to get you to see things from the other side of the looking glass.
Respectfully, I am not only referring to wine, but all types of alcoholic beverages in general (i.e. beer).
The person who wrote that content I pasted is a doctor with a Ph.D. Of course in all studies I understand there's a level of speculation, but still, these are studies conducted over years, and real health measurements using professional health equipment.
I know you say comparing milk to alcohol is not a logical comparison, but I think it is, for the simple fact that too much of ANY substance can have negative health effects. Not only that, but look at all the additives, preservatives, and growth hormones they put in our foods today. I would almost argue that consuming an abundance of processed food is as unbeneficial to one's health as consuming too much alcohol.
Did you know that food companies are purposely putting certain additives in our food to make us crave it more? Some of these additives are in almost all processed foods - just look at the nutrition labels. Two examples of these additives are high fructose corn syrup, and monosodium glutamate or msg.
So, the mere act of eating a food product containing high fructose corn syrup or msg can cause you to crave more food, making you susceptible to overeating. Does that mean you should not consume any food with high fructose corn syrup or msg? I personally try to avoid these when I can, but I don't make a big deal out of it if I consume a tiny amount, because I know when my stomach is full and when to stop eating.
Do you drink coffee? Caffeine is a drug, yet many Americans have more than one cup a day.
Just some thoughts for you. I am not trying to change your personal convictions, I think that's great, just trying to get you to see things from the other side of the looking glass.
Alcohol has no health benefit, it is the skin and the seed of the grape that have the health benefit. I have heard that argument a million times, but it is just false. Alcohol has no health benefit at all... in fact, it has a negative impact on the liver. I don't believe you have ever heard of the alcohol You may have heard of grape seed extract and revestrol.
We offer these folks up to you as people who need to know your love and be filled with your Spirit. Lord, we know your desire is for us to live our lives in a way to encourages, strengthens and builds up the church as a whole. We know the destructive power of recreational drug usage and pray that you will open these folks eyes to he horrific abuse, lifestyle and violence that results from alcohol use. As your Word says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
In Jesus Name... Amen
Also, I do live in a college town. I am 23 and I once in a while will go and hang out witha couple of friends at Changos which is a local modern bar. Changos has a stopping policy. If ppl start getting too wasted they kick em out. I never drink more than 2 drinks and usually just go with one because I am too afriad of getting drunk. Alochol is a choice. If its not right for you then dont do it but as someone else said, it isnt Christlike to go calling ppl you dont even know out about their "lusts" when you have no clue. I love Jesus more than life and find no problem with the occasional drink, hoever its when it becomes something you ahve to have or need to have, then there is a problem.
Rob said:
Of course, they drank wine in the Bible, the water was polluted. You didn't want to drink the water that a leaper had been bathing in. They recognized that alcohol purified the water so wine was added to the water. Strong drink on the other hand is condemned.
The Bible condemns recreational drug usage, not medicinal. Alcohol had a medicinal use in Biblical times. However, today, alcohol is not needed as we have all kinds of ways to purify the water.
The power of Jesus first miracle of turning water into wine is that Jesus had come to purify Israel! Most miss the point of that miracle if they don't understand people's knowledge that bad things can be passed in the water. As a result, water had to be purified.
God Bless..
I think this is important here for Christians to know because when you speak the truth in love...everyone throws this at you. It is an emotional reaction to conviction.
Have you heard this? "YOU ARE A SINNER IN NEED OF A SAVIOR" As you can tell, this is very condescending; however, this is the heart of the gospel.
The reason people take offense is because they disagree. That is why liberals are offended by conservatives and conservatives are offended by liberals. That is why Muslims are offended by Secularists and Secularists are offended by Muslims.
It is important to note that Christians are different. We love are enemies!! We love those who are brothers and sisters in Christ despite who they are or what they say. You could call me every name in the book and the call of Christ is to love that person!! That is what they did to Christ. The religious leaders thought Christ was condescending; however, he was just speaking the truth.
I would encourage everyone to not be a pharisee; rather, allow the love of God to flow through your heart. The reason that Rob would even make the accusation is because he doesn't know the love of God at this point. He either needs to get saved or mature in the faith.
We are to spur one another on to good works as the Scripture says and that is all I have been doing.
I don't think anyone here is trying to "attack" anyone. We are merely discussing a topic which many people feel strongly one way or another about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
There is no health benefits to alcohol. A person taking that position is either driven by lust or misinformed. I hope it is just misinformed. The health benefit that comes from drinking wine is solely from the grape skin and the seed. The alcohol has a negative impact on your liver. Liberals oftentimes through the same argument at me so I did some research into the matter. I hope you understand that I am use to defending a Christian worldview so there are very few arguments I haven't heard.
If a Christian drinks, will they go to Hell? We are completely free in Christ as the Bible say which means that sin no matter how horrific it is has no impact on our future; however, a believer who is saved who knows the love of God will be compelled by the love of God to do what is right out of love for their neighbor.
A person who is predisposed to alcoholism genetically only takes one drink and they are alcoholics for life. I have spoke with many of them. They call it a disease and for good reason. That knowledge alone would make me never want to look at alcohol again...however, there are many many arguments against recreational drug usage. Alcohol and drugs have the exact same effect.
God Bless..
Now you are comparing recreational drugs with Cola and Milk. Just understand that no one else is doing this. The college kids certainly are not doing this. The liberals are trying to push through the legalization of drugs by comparing alcohol and drugs.
I am sorry you can't see it at this point...In time, I am sure you will though as we all grow at different speeds in our walk with Christ.
God Bless...
Valia said:
Respectfully, I am not only referring to wine, but all types of alcoholic beverages in general (i.e. beer).
The person who wrote that content I pasted is a doctor with a Ph.D. Of course in all studies I understand there's a level of speculation, but still, these are studies conducted over years, and real health measurements using professional health equipment.
I know you say comparing milk to alcohol is not a logical comparison, but I think it is, for the simple fact that too much of ANY substance can have negative health effects. Not only that, but look at all the additives, preservatives, and growth hormones they put in our foods today. I would almost argue that consuming an abundance of processed food is as unbeneficial to one's health as consuming too much alcohol.
Did you know that food companies are purposely putting certain additives in our food to make us crave it more? Some of these additives are in almost all processed foods - just look at the nutrition labels. Two examples of these additives are high fructose corn syrup, and monosodium glutamate or msg.
So, the mere act of eating a food product containing high fructose corn syrup or msg can cause you to crave more food, making you susceptible to overeating. Does that mean you should not consume any food with high fructose corn syrup or msg? I personally try to avoid these when I can, but I don't make a big deal out of it if I consume a tiny amount, because I know when my stomach is full and when to stop eating.
Do you drink coffee? Caffeine is a drug, yet many Americans have more than one cup a day.
Just some thoughts for you. I am not trying to change your personal convictions, I think that's great, just trying to get you to see things from the other side of the looking glass.
Alcohol has no health benefit, it is the skin and the seed of the grape that have the health benefit. I have heard that argument a million times, but it is just false. Alcohol has no health benefit at all... in fact, it has a negative impact on the liver. I don't believe you have ever heard of the alcohol You may have heard of grape seed extract and revestrol.
God Bless...