Someone posed this in another discussion...
I am moving the conversation to this new thread so that that discussion can stay on topic.
Mike M said:Now here is where I stand on this issue, I am 26 and have three children, my wife is 25 we were young when our oldest was born. Abortion was never a topic we discussed.
So as for age I think that is an excuse.
Now, I have shared my view on this with many forum members which is I please hold the stones. I am not Pro Choice, however I am Anti-Judge. I feel as a man that I have no right to tell any woman (other then my wife) that what she feels is wrong. Now I do feel that it is WRONG!
I think the main reason abortion is becoming more "cultural acceptable" is because too many people see a single mother with 2 children and make a comment like " my tax money is taking care of those kids" That is a problem as well for another thread.(this happens WAY WAY too much in tioga county) Instead of looking and saying wow she is doing a good job .
The second biggest reason is GUYS!! Yes I said it, guys are ready to play but then will run away when they hear those three words! This alone can lead to woman making quick and irrational decisions.
I'd like to comment on this that you wrote...
I am not Pro Choice, however I am Anti-Judge. I feel as a man that I have no right to tell any woman (other then my wife) that what she feels is wrong. Now I do feel that it is WRONG!
Last night we saw a movie, The Changeling. It was about a mother who's 9 year old son went missing. The corrupt police insisted that another boy was her son. As it turned out, a local man was a serial killer. His accomplice identified her son as one of those boys the serial killer murdered.
It was a very disturbing true story. Right after I saw the movie, I read your post, above. It took a long time to get to sleep as these things ran around in my mind last night.
We look at the serial killer as a monster. He killed 20 boys.. He was hung - capital punishment.
Yet, every day doctors murder babies. Little ones and big ones. At the bottom of this post is a picture of the baby currently in the womb of one of my friends. Babies like that are killed every day.
By professional killers, also known as doctors.
With the contest of their mother.
Thinking of this causes me the same pain as the movie caused. It is the same pain that prevented me from finishing the movie, Schlineder's list.
How can you say this?
I am not Pro Choice, however I am Anti-Judge. I feel as a man that I have no right to tell any woman (other then my wife) that what she feels is wrong. Now I do feel that it is WRONG!
Abortion isn’t about telling a woman what she can do with her own body. Abortion is about what a mother can do with her baby's body.
What would you say to those who killed the Jews? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell them it was wrong?
What would you say to the serial killer who murdered those 20 boys? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell him it is wrong?
What would you say to the abortion doctor who, for his hard day’s work ends the life of 10, 20 or 30 babies? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell him it is wrong?
Look into the face of my friends baby. Babies, just like this are being murdered every day…
How can we stand by and “non-judgmentally” do nothing as babies are murdered?
Mike M said:Finally some one asks the million dollar question. Thank You
Before I answer you question I want you too know that I know some one dear too me that hand an abortion and
it has really affect my outlook on this topic. And she had one because a MAN told her what too. This woman has since made it very clear that she was confused and made a life changing decisions that she has to live with however it gave me insight that I never ever had.
What would you say to those who killed the Jews? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell them it was wrong? Here is the difference for this one this is a Criminal act defined by the LAW of the Land. (NOW ABORTION SHOULD BE) So it would be easy for this to be stopped and it is easy to say it is wrong.
What would you say to the serial killer who murdered those 20 boys? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell him it is wrong? Once again see above
What would you say to the abortion doctor who, for his hard day’s work ends the life of 10, 20 or 30 babies? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell him it is wrong? Tell some one they are wrong and passing judgement on the people that do it are to very different things. Also my issue is with telling the women what they are doing is wrong. I think it is very very different for a woman, my wife and I have this same disagreement because she is a mother and as are you So it is unthinkable for you both to sit by and do/say nothing. As for me and men I think that we walk a very fine line on the subject, it is clear that men can stand on either side of the line. I stand on the side that says Yes this wrong however it is a decisions that she has to live with ever single day for the rest of HER life. That is all I am saying.
Yes, I agree... people make terrible choices and it causes lots of suffering. I feel bad, too. And, in that sense, I don't 'judge' them & maybe that was what you were trying to say... "Judge" can have different shades of meaning. In regard to making wrong choices... we are all in the same boat on that one. We have all made choices that were wrong and had consequences. :-(
One comment on Hitler...
On Hitler...
I said: What would you say to those who killed the Jews? You want to be anti-judgmental. But, could you tell them it was wrong?
You said: Here is the difference for this one this is a Criminal act defined by the LAW of the Land. (NOW ABORTION SHOULD BE) So it would be easy for this to be stopped and it is easy to say it is wrong.
Actually, the LAW of the Land was to kill the Jews. People risked their lives saving Jews & violating the law of the Land. And, many of those who took the risk were caught and killed.