When Juanita let me join, I was following threads and sometimes I thought I was answering a thread and I was answering a general post. Somewhere I was reading a back and forth on whether the US is a Christian Nation.
It's wonderful that Christians can share back and forth, learn from each other, disagree and then turn around and pray for each other.
I was just trying think of something to get a discussion going and I think this is a good one.
This is just my opinion and like most of my opinions, it is probably partially right and partially wrong. :-))
I think the first colony was the Virginia Commonwealth and it was started by British Blue Bloods [no offense, England, I love you :-))] like Francis Bacon. Europe was just coming out of the dark ages and was riddled with Secret Societies and they thought the New Land was the New Atlantis. Rivers flowing with milk and honey, gold everywhere. I think it was an occultic interpretation of Scripture.
The Blue Bloods created a Commonwealth where everyone puts every thing in the pot and divides the pot equally. Only problem was everyone was taking out of the pot and no one was putting in the pot. They almost collapsed.
At the same time England had separated from the Catholic Church [again, no offense, my Catholic brothers and sisters, I love you...'] and two threads of Protestant Christianity appeared, the Puritans and the Separatists. The Puritans said they could work with the existing Church and the Separatists said they needed to trash it all and start over. King James had just rose to power and inherited the upheaval. He kicked the Separatists out of England and they went to The Netherlands.
When the Virginia Commonwealth was collapsing, Francis Bacon offered the Separatists passage to the New Land to grow their new Religion. I think the thought was a cast system. The Separatists were going to put in the pot and the Blue Bloods were going to control the pot.
But as they got near the New Land, a storm blew up and blew them 100 miles north and they landed at Plymouth Rock.
An occultic origins colony in the south and a Christian colony in the north. They grew up together. The US both promotes occult structure and at the same time has the greatest Christian witness the world has ever witnessed.
What do you think? You won't hurt my feelings if you point out where I have things confused or mixed up. I get things confused all the time. :-))
Hi James. I missed this one. Thanks for this cordial response.
I think I must explain fundamental Christianity. It's what makes it different from every 'Religion" in the world. It's receiving Christ as Savior. It's a growing relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior. It's "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places." It's "pray for one another, bear one another's burdens and love one another." Sometimes we have to work at those things, but the Holy Spirit won't let us get by with doing otherwise.
If you find a true Christian militant, you will find a prayer warrior. Christians want to save the world through Christ, not take up arms against it. You will find us Christians have a lot of different views about a lot of things, but upon these fundamentals we all agree, because that is what Scripture teaches us.
It's true that there have been many that have done things under the name "Christian", but a mouse in the cookie jar doesn't make him a cookie. Jesus didn't teach us to bear arms against one another, He taught to "love one another"
The Apostle Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, taught us "Faith, Hope and an Agape spirit, these three, but the greatest of these is agape love."
But Scripture teaches someday, the High Court will hold session. Courts don't hold session to hear about good works, they hold session to deal with charges. The New Birth takes us out of the jurisdiction of the High Court and puts us under the tutorship of the Holy Spirit. He is changing us from the inside out, not the outside in.
I don't have porn on my computer, because the Holy Spirit has took that desire away from me. I know the Holy Spirit knows my deepest thoughts. Yes, sometimes He has to take me to the Woodshed. Learning fear of consequences produces joy and removes sorrow. But now I am wanting to please Him, I want to be pleasing in His Sight. I stumble, He picks me up and dusts me off and we do it again until I get it right.
I get to take the Author of the Universe's classes everyday. But He is not teaching me about quarks and leptons, He is teaching me the principles of the Book of Proverbs, the Book of Psalms and the Book of Romans. "He that is faithful over little, I will make him faithful over much."
A true radical Christian is one who is not content with just getting Home. He wants to take as many as possible with him [her].
But this is a process. It took me 42 years to receive Christ. My mom and sisters planted a lot of seeds and the Lord plowed the ground as others watered the seeds planted. They finally took root.
I don't brow beat others with Christianity; at work I try to live by example and I choose joy and cheerfulness before I leave home.
Cordially speaking, James, a Christian fundamentalist is not a gun toting radical, but a Spirit filled prayer warrior and for some like me, it takes years to get there. The only requirement of the New Birth is to receive Jesus as Savior and then the growth begins.
Thanks for listening,
James said:
I had a letter war with a local baptist priest on this very thing last spring 6 letters in all 3 a piece. I live in a small very religous farming town and was a little worried about what would come about because of my letters. The phone started ringing at my house a few hours after the paper came out.I was floored by the calls of support I got.
I to enjoy this site. On others I've been to people are not as nice. I don't want to take away anyones faith in God any God. IMO it is fundamentalism that is the danger.Weather Christian or Muslim fundamentalism is where the danger lays. Just Goggle growth of christian militant groups if ya need a scare.
Hope we can do more of this. Tell then take care. James
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi James.
It's good to hear from you. Thank you for your thought provoking response. It's always good to hear other views. It helps us to dig deeper into our own. It seems I picked a good topic.. :-))
Have a great day, James.
Your friend,
James said:
Then he married a 14 yo girl.Whom he used to beg for money from friends. Then he left her after she was caught with another man.He died alone and broke.
Blue Bloods I like the way they got that name. The term "blue blood" has always been associated with the term "thin-skinned." Experts on pigmentation and coloration say that those people who have long been part of the New England and New York social gentry -- what we have come to call Puritans -- were remarkable for their general lack of pigmentation. In other words, they had genetic markers which allowed the veins carrying blood to their extremities to be more visible than other Caucasians and doubly more visible than Mediterranean peoples who are Indo-European in origin. Thus, the blue color of the blood inside the body was very pronounced.
The desire of these pioneering Puritan families -- renouncers of the ostentation of Catholicism in the late 1500s and early 1600s -- to keep their families from being mixed with any southern European types and specifically to keep their families form being 'corrupted' with Irish Catholic mixtures, has always puzzled me.
The whole thing is funny.Ya got a bunch of people that fled to American to escape religious persecution yet many now want to believe these same people wanted that very thing here.
Hi Steve.
Thank you so much for the reply. This is such a wonderful Website, I am grateful to be here.
I totally agree with you. As long as we as Christians individually and collectively, seek the Lord, America will continue to be used and even blessed by God.
Sometimes on an elevator, a student will tell me they're apprehensive about a test and I ask them for their name and tell them I will be saying a prayer.
I love the US and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
Thanks so much, Steve.
Your brother in Christ,
Steve Belttari said: