JESUS HATES SIN, NOT THE SINNER. He hates homosexuality but not the Homosexual!
SIN. All of the things I mentioned above are all SIN. What does Gods Word say about sin?
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)
Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, neither in this age, nor in that which is to come. (Matthew 12:31-32)
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. (James 2:10)
Sin is Sin though the Bible does say that there are some sins that are technically worse than others-
12 A worthless person, a wicked man,
Walks with a perverse mouth;
13 He winks with his eyes,
He shuffles his feet,
He points with his fingers;
14 Perversity is in his heart,
He devises evil continually,
He sows discord.
15 Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly;
Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.
16 These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
So, it sounds as though some things are worse than others to me, but all sin has the same ultimate consequence-DEATH. Some sins have more consequences than others.
Here is what I am getting at. Today I posted something on Twitter this morning that caused a bit of an uproar in the Christian Community…Some Positive and some Negative feedback:
I recieved this:
@LeighaTerrorsaid, “Omgosh, THANK YOU!! Amen.”
@wisdommoon amen!
@lukeNprogress Didn’t know you was a preacha sista! Lol Good words though, good words.
I HATE seeing Christians go to Gay Pride Events, stand there with signs like these:
Signs like this make me sick! God DOES NOT laugh when Homosexuals die and using the word “faggot” is no better than using the word Ni**** or Sp**-ITS ALL HATE. God is not a supporter of hate. God is a God of LOVE.
What I want to know what makes these people think they’re so “worthy” to carry these signs and judge? We ALL SIN!
Why dont we protest drug addictions? You dont see these same people carrying around signs saying, “Drug addicts go to hell” or “God hates Cocaine Addicts”. You dont see signs against Adultery, Lying, or Stealing. What makes us think being gay is the worst sin? What makes being gay worse than being a habitual liar?Jesus doesnt hate gay people so why should we? If Jesus hated gay people then He would have to hate all of us since WE ALL HAVE SIN!
When Jesus walked the earth you dont read even one story of Him getting all riled up and yelling, protesting, screaming or carrying around signs condemning sin. What Jesus did was He hung out with these people! *GASP* Jesus hung out with sinners INCLUDING gay people? Yep, He sure did. The Gospels are all accounts of the sinners Jesus hung with-adulterers, liars, tax collectors, lepers, etc. I am sure He hung out with Homosexuals as well. Being gay isn’t a new thing.-read the old Testament. Jesus LOVED people. He went to them, He hung them, got to know them, and He just LOVED people. He didnt go around yelling Hell and Condemnation on them. Since Jesus is our example we should do as He did.
We have to just love people and stop spreading hate.
When a gay person hears the word “Christian” automatically they dont want to hear anything you have to say because they associate Christianity with hate, judgement, and condemnation.
WE HAVE TO CHANGE IT! I am telling you Jesus’ ministry was so awesome because He LOVED people. If you remember people flocked to Him. They knew He really loved them. Yeah, he preached some judgement stuff but He never yelled, screamed and held up signs saying people were going to hell for their sin. He never acted as though being gay was worse than committing adultery, lying, stealing or hating someone.
I see articles blasting TV show Glee and Lady Gaga’s song Born This Way and all I can say is I see why they are doing it. Their is so much hate against gay people that the Non Christian world is picking up the slack the Christian World is blasting. Rather than blasting the gay community why not be engaging with them, loving them? Glee has a very pro-gay stance but with all the hatred surrounding being gay and gay kids shooting themselves I cant really blame them. Glee just wants gay kids to know things will be ok, and they’re doing that because the Christian community makes the gay community feel like their the worst people in the world-but are they? Uh…no! So, rather than giving the World more reason to support the pro-gay agenda why not shine with Christ’s love toward the Gay Community? Stop feeding the world reasons to hate Christians. Im not saying support being gay, but I am saying we need to stop acting as though being gay is the ultimate sin. There are a lot of sins going on in this country that we ignore-Divorce being a major one and whats really funny is that stats show that more Christians are divorcing now than ever before. The Bible says God hates divorce. But we dont protest divorce.
The point I am getting at is this, “WE HAVE TO STOP HATIN ON PEOPLE AND LOVE THEM!
How will they get saved if all we do is shove judgement and hate down their throat and then preach about a loving God?
Hi Sierra,
I too believe God loves people in whatever state. Homosexuals don't need more straight talk as Jesus didn't die to make natural man a better person. God is not trying to teach natural man anything. "For God so loved the world, the He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." "Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom."
With Jesus, we get it all & without Jesus, we lose it all. We can be saved and still get tricked by Satan into foolish arrogance, lust, greed or any of their combinations such as jealosy or envy. But the great thing about having Jesus is "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:"
So while we pray for the homosexual, we should also pray for our brother or sister in Christ.
Thanks for that great post. There sure was a lot of thought provoking material there. As we share back and forth God's Love, we all get a chance to grow.
Thanks again for posting...
HI James, good to hear from you...
The last question,"How will they get saved if all we do is shove judgement and hate down their throat and then preach about a loving God?
Might be better to ask,How will people be saved after shoving judgment and hate down others throats.
What gets me is how churches will marry people a second even a third time.
In Luke 16:18 Jesus says:
Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
And he said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; 12 and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."