There are a few people who stand head and shoulders above everyone else. Regarding Leadership – it’s John Maxwell. #JMOL
This series of tweets are to review some of the great things that John Maxwell says on Leadership. #JMOL
The hardest person to lead is yourself. If we master that, we multiply our effect b/c like reproduces like. #JMOL
Leading ourselves involves setting priorities. Priorities change & need to be re-evaluated. #JMOL
Don’t overestimate the unimportance of practically everything. Knowing what to do & what to overlook is an art we cultivate #JMOL
Levels of Leadership: Level 1: You accept responsibility for yourself. You understand what UR to do and do it. #JMOL
Levels of Leadership: Level 1: You do the things you should do with excellence. You do more than expected. #JMOL
Levels of Leadership: Level 1: You contribute to the whole with creative ideas for improvement. #JMOL
Levels of Leadership: Level 1: You understand that things live and grow or not grow and die. You deliberately grow. #JMOL
Levels of Leadership: Level 1: Agonize or organize. You learn how to manage your work and prioities. #JMOL
Levels of Leadership: Level 1: Mission or mission less. You develop a sense of purpose and direction. You are live deliberately. #JMOL
To see the complete series of tweets: John Maxwell on Leadership #JMOL or
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