Even though it is almost 1:00 a.m., I thought I'd jot a few notes. What has happened this week is nothing short of miraculous.
* Early in the week Paul Gordon Collier was visiting what he calls 'the mountains', our area, staying with Johnny and I. He told me that things were about to explode, that I needed to prepare, that I needed to have a team, that he'd take responsibilities on the team. We worked on the Roadmap and he left with action items.
* Steve Strang's company reached out and asked that I get my book submitted by Tuesday so they could consider publishing it. I was talking about sharing the DNA concepts... The lady I was talking with was a little concerned that if I shared the DNA too broadly it might take away from the book. Have you met me? This is what I do ~ proclaim the DNA of the Kingdom. I think she may not have realized that the book is really a narrative that illustrate the DNA, not a technical book. She wanted to make sure, since I'm not published yet that someone doesn't pick up things, distribute them and blur where they came from.
* I was talking to Bill Collier right after the call on the book. I was telling him about the caution I'd just received from the publisher because I am not published. As I was checking the views on SlideShare for my presentation on the DNA (link at bottom ~ yeah! 15,000+ views), anyway ~ I have been on this page hundreds of times. Suddenly I saw a presentation on the right: The 5 x 7 Model. Hey! That is a core component of the DNA! So I clicked that link. Wow. I had put up under a kingdominc link in 2007. I had totally forgotten about it and had not seen it in literally years. And there it was JUST as I was mentioning to Bill I had not been published. Maybe not in book form, but that model has been up since 2007. Green light from God to keep proclaiming. Good thing, too....
* Tonight Johnny and I talked to Dave Fitzgerald who has had a vision regarding God EXPLODING something that we are working on.... the explosion and impact is going to be bigger than we can imagine. We validated to Dave that there is something ~~the living out and proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom ~~ that is unfolding and just earlier this week was spoken about to us prophetically. We rejoiced together. We related that some time ago there had been three of us in Lance Wallnau's conference when he listed many, many problems the world and church are facing. Lance said, "I don't know the solution to these problems, but I know God is raising someone who does." All three of us almost stood at the same time and said, "Today this has been fulfilled in your hearing. There are answers. We have them." We didn't and the moment passed. Hoping that Dave will give an intro so we can share the answers with Lance. Then, Bill Johnson's name came up... he has been saying that the next big thing God is doing will come out of Pennsylvania. As some of you know, God has impressed on me that He intends that the DNA we are living out will become a real force... that we will build training centers in regions across the country and around the world. Everywhere there is a center DNA will flow out strengthening the entire region, distributing the blessings of Isa. 60. Awesome. Dave's plan to introduce to Bill may help Bill to see the incredible things that God is doing here, along with other GREAT things God is doing in PA, is it. :-) Plus, Dave gave some incredible words about what God intends to do with and through our family.
* The Harpella is ALMOST done! Michael David is close to finishing the harp so that it can go into production. Praise God.
God is so good. Resting and rejoicing in his praise!
I enjoyed reading this news, thanks for sharing! It's exciting to learn what God is doing in the endless mountains region of PA.