Question: When is the earliest time to begin to teach your kids about the Bible?
Here are my thoughts...I have a friend who started reading her child Bible Stories and singing Worship songs over their baby when the baby was just a couple of months still in the womb!
So, I say start as early as you can! Even in the womb babies hear things and telling them about Jesus may not embed in their heads but it can plant in their little tiny Spirits.
What are ways you can reach your kids with Gods Word at an early age?
1. Like I said above, while their in the womb, read to them! Sing Worship Songs over them. Tell them Jesus loves them!
2. When they're babies try playing worship music in their bedrooms, through the house, taking them to Worship Services,etc
3. While your child is a baby read parts of your Bible out loud.
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4. In 2011 babies start watching TV at an insanely early age. Rather then putting on Finding Nemo put on God Rocks, or Veggie Tales. It really does have an effect on them!
5. While your kids are 3 and 4 years old use object lessons with household items like food!
6. Live by example. 3 years old and up are like Xerox machines- they copy everything. So be a good example!
7. Reading Bible stories to them not just at bedtime. Ask questions. "What kind of animal did Jonah get swallowed by?" and point to the whale and let them say the name and sound it makes. They will associate the whale with the story of Jonah.
Kids are like sponges from day 1. They listen, watch and observe EVERYTHING. Dont think that just because theyre young they dont understand.