I don't know about everyone else, but I LOVE words, and grammar in general. On my iGoogle page, I am using a word-of-the-day widget from Merriam Webster's Dictionary website. I would like to share the word of the day from that website. Let's learn new words together!
Also, if you have any favorite words, please share them :-)
Word of the day for 4/25/10
1 a : a quick and witty reply
* b : a succession or interchange of clever retorts : amusing and usually light sparring with words
2 : adroitness and cleverness in reply
I have not seen a word of the day posted for awhile, so here is a good word to ponder on:
Iconoclast: 1.) One opposed to the religious use of images or advocating the destruction of such images. 2.) One who attacks and seeks to destroy widely accepted ideas, beliefs, etc...
Valia said:
Word of the day for 5/20/10
Bully Pulpit
a prominent public position (as a political office) that provides an opportunity for expounding one's views; also : such an opportunity
Word of the day for 5/19/10
*1 : not transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through
2 : free from disguise or falseness
I think that's a fairly simple word, so here's another word that's new to me:
1. One who frequents a particular place, especially a place offering a specific pleasurable activity.
Valia said:
Main Entry: word·smith
: a person who works with words; especially : a skillful writer
Valia said:
1 a : clever or artful skill : ingenuity b : an ingenious device or expedient
2 *a : an artful stratagem : trick b : false or insincere behavior
*1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the piano
2 : skilled in or well adapted to piano playing