Where is our identity? In a Christian society, our identity in our home, work and social lives is Christian. It was this way in America. Once. That has changed...
What is the answer?
And, what is the result of the secularization of American society? As society goes, so go our churches!
We have spoken of this many times on KingdomInsight!
It is most refreshing to hear other voices echo the call...
There need be a restoration of Christian Peoplehood. God is raising a standard. A people of God will unite under that standard. How do we know?
The gates of hell itself will not prevail against God's ecclesia... We translate ecclesia 'church', but the concept 'church' has been hijacked to refer almost exclusively to institutions often bound by buildings. Yet - it is clear: Jesus is the King. He established his domain, the Kingdom. And, the government of his Kingdom IS the ecclecia. It isn't something we 'attend', it is something we live out among ourselves and other believers. And, it is big - encompassing all believers, yet a quorum is quite small: two or three.
God is calling those who have ears into Christian people hood...
What will your response be? Here is a well-articulated description of the call
Hey all,
I read the link "Loss of Christian Peoplehood" I fully agree with a few problems brought up in the story.Mainly our pursuit of making money over taking care of our children. It's really sad to me to hear people blame the lost of school prayer as the main reason for schools failing now days. The number of parents that show up at school meetings shows this well. Funny, how at Parents teacher conferences mostly it is parents of children that are doing well that show up. Where are the parents of the children that are not doing well? Why do children starting school not know any manners these days?
People today are not really any different then they were a hundred years ago. Today less is done in the closet. Woman no longer feel they have to stay with an abusive husband. Many homosexuals no longer live a lie but come out and live their lives in the open.Families of teens that get pregnant don't feel the need to hide in shame.American protestant and catholic no longer beat each other in the streets over which Bible to read.Mixed race couples are also now free to get married.That took the a Supreme Court ruling in the landmark Loving v. Virginia case in 1967.In 1968 72% of Americans were still against mix race marriages. It was 1991 before a majority of Americans agreed that mixed race marriages were okay. WOW right?
Ladies, do you really want to go back to the days where woman were almost forced to be stay at home house wives? After WW II women were pretty much forced to quit work and go back home.
Today, New York City has 20,000 homeless. In 1884, 43,000 families in the city were evicted from their homes because they couldn’t pay the rent. Half the city lived in slums. In the 1920s, according to a study by the Brookings Iinstitution, over 60 percent of American families didn’t earn enough to satisfy basic human needs.
In closing,The good old days were only good to a privileged few but meant severe hardships for most.