The economy has been through a pretty tumultuous time the past few years, but could we be on the verge of rising above the recession that has plagued America for so long? Some people are saying "yes, we can."
Video cameras around the US turned to the stock market a few years ago as the stocks took a mean tumble all the way down wall street. The lack of faith in the economy, the collapse of the housing market, a looming war, less expenditure by the people, all of these reasons and more were hurting the economy.
Nothing seemed to help from either presidency, as injecting money into the economy, or reducing taxes were little more than band-aid fixes. What the people needed were jobs, and that huge sector of unemployment really showed.
But now, things are beginning to look up. People are spending more, the housing market is, gradually, making a comeback, and the unemployment rates are lowering, albeit in a rather slow manner. Maybe Americans decided to get off their butts, maybe it was just a bad slump. But whatever it is, the market lingers near 13,000 for the first time in a very long time, and that's nothing but good news.