Think Media Ministry is just limited to producing CDs of your weekly sermons? Think again. There are many ways your church can use media ministry- some ways you may not have ever thought of before! Here are some creative ways your church can incorporate media ministry:
- Worship skits. Your church's worship team could do a worship skit set to Christian music that goes along with the message of the song, record it, and upload it to YouTube. Don't forget to include a link to your church's website in the video description!
- Commercials showcasing ministries and events within your church. Get creative and make commercials showing off all your available ministries and fun events like church picnics, retreats, and more!
- Bible study videos. Create a Bible study series that you can upload to your church website.
- Audio and video testimonials. One of the most powerful forms of testimony is when the person who experienced the awesome power of God talks about it first-hand. Ask members of your church to tell their story of salvation on a recording and play the recordings during your services as well as upload them to your website. These would make great CDs to put in doorhanger bags!
- Make a church video diary. The pastor could start a video blog on your church website via YouTube and embed the videos on your website. The videos could be a documented history of what God is doing in your church!
These are just a few ideas of how your church can get creative with media ministry. I'm sure you can think of even more ideas that aren't on this list! The best thing is you only need a video camera and a computer with internet access to get started.