The first priority out from prayer, praise and worship of the Lord Jesus as Kings, priests and prophets of the Lord is to memorized His word. I believe that we need to start for those who haven't already as to studying the word, we need to daily put the word of God to memory.. I am here to teach believers how to be Kings and Priests of God and those who are also chosen of God will find no problem in doing those things in which is their duty to do..Did you think your kingship and priesthood came without responsibilities? Iron sharpens Iron..If you are wanting the results that Jesus himself and the early Church experienced, you must know the word.. This week I want to challenge this body of believers as well as those on other Christians groups to put these Holy Scriptures to memory..Jesus said if you continue in my word, you are my disciples indeed. If you are going to see results you first have to sow the seed into other people's lives. Jesus confirms His word will signs and wonders.. If your not speaking the word, you are missing the mark...I have seen those who have put to memory not just verses but whole chapters and even books..In other countries where the word of God is forbidden, they put to memory what books they have of the Bible because if they are found with any pages of the bible they are arrested and tortured for their faith. They would literally tare the covers off and disperse the pages to everyone there because there were so few Bibles and one man received the whole book of John and he cried because of the preciousness he held for God's word. We need to do the same.. The order for this week for the development and training as true kings and priests unto Christ, here are your memory verses..
Rev. 1:3-5
Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father -- to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
until next week, blessings..
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Lisa, That is great! People need to have the word broken down so it is easier to understand and to digest, it like what Paul stated you first start out on the milk of the word before you get into the meat of it....That comes along the lines with the teaching ministry..Maybe this is a calling you may check into.. I love your sense of humor! Blessings
Not arguing with any of that. In fact I would do much like you said, possibly using the same scripture. I know those scriptures not because I have memorized them just to be memorizing but because I have used and learned them in situations and teaching that are relevant to me. When doing a sereis of scripture memorization with a class I once taught, I tried to explain what the verse meant so that it wasn't just a bunch of words the students needed to know. I learned it because I was teaching and trying to understand it as well as memorizing. Only some Christians go home and watch TV. Some of us choose not to own a TV. Instead we read magazines, listen to CD's or the radio (including Christian teachings), talk with family, maybe read our Bibles, work on a sewing project etc. Am very familiar with words of knowledge or wisdom and the moving of the Holy Spirit. It may not manifest in the way you describe. However, I pick up the darndest things that need prayer.
Lisa, You made a very good point yet Memorizing scriptures is apart of studying..If you think it is useless then it is useless..Okay, as the logos (written) word is spoken forth the Holy Spirit quickens the word and makes it Rhema (living) We are to teach, proclaim the word and heal the sick. It will not be done speaking our own words and this is why it is important to put the word to memory. It is not saying that you have to know what was memorized a month ago, the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance when it is needed for the given occasion. We are to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded which brings forth death.. Tell me the difference of a carnal way of thinking when one gets a cold or a headache.. Their thoughts tell them to go to the Doctor, get some medicine.. A spiritual way of thinking is, "For He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was placed upon Him and by his stripes we are healed." So it is then we are able to put on the whole Armor of God and stand in the evil day and having done all to stand, stand therefore..I mean a spiritual mindset flows from your lips the word of God.. God watches over his word to preform it on your behalf but it is His word not our own we speak before any manifestations of the Holy Spirit will occur.. Yet, if you in your studying God's word bring this about then they both work the same purpose for the glory of God...The point is to put God's word First place in everything we do.. What does his word say about such and such? How does God feel about this or that? The word of God is spirit words, our words are spirit words, they will produce life or death... I wonder if a Christian was put in a situation where he had no access to the written word of God, what would he do in order to bring faith to those who heard him in order for God to bring salvation to them if he had not already put the word to memory? It seems to me that there are so many denominations of the Christian faith who are not putting to practice the word of God. They go from Service to Service hearing the Preacher preach and then they go home and watch the TV until time for bed. There is no importance of how the word of God is the Sword of the Spirit nor how to use there sword. People are sick and dying, they are in need of deliverance and Salvation, they are needing to know how to be anointed as true kings and priests then they need to know how to put the word of God forth in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit of God! This is what the world is needing and other countries in certain areas are receiving the word of God and the Holy Spirit is working the works of Jesus though the Believers who are teaching, proclaiming the word of the Lord.. Okay, You are walking down the street and up ahead there is a person whom you do not know, a woman, and the Spirit of God whispers to you, Stop and introduce yourself and say you are a christian and the Lord has informed to you that She has a illness in her Body, cancer. and ask her if you can pray for her.She says, yes. The Holy Spirit brings up the word you speak it forth binding the spirit of Cancer and casting it out of her Body..She is delivered and set free then you again lay hands on her to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.. She is delivered, set free and anointed of God to be in the royal family of God.. You've then experienced the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. I see the Holy Spirit doing exactly this with all the Children of God!! Blessings.
Danny, Mo and I have similar thoughts on this. During college I began to focus my efforts on learning concepts not just memorizing. There was too mucn information to do otherwise. You see things that I simply memorize are soon forgotten. In fact my classmates made this same transition. It rather bothered the prof when a bunch of A,B level upper classmen, including myself, failed a test requiring memorization of scientific names of fish. You see I retain things that I use and understand. I was doing nothing with those fish names but memorizing so I didn't retain or even really care about them. I do the same thing with scripture. I retain scripture that I frequently hear in song, that pesonally speaks to me, that I learned through, during some significant experience, and that I can apply to myself. I have incredible difficulty remembering the reference that goes to the verse. That doesn't mean that I don't know or understand it; just that I am doing well to point to correct book, let alone chapter and verse. I agree that knowing scripture is important. How else can I apply it to my life. I am just pointing out that memorizing just to memorize is basically useless for me.
Great portion of scripture.
What immediately stands out for me is all the "God action". What God does and why He did it: He sent, He wants, He Sent, He wants...
And it is very personal. It does not say you or they, my people or those people, it says ME. He sent ME, he wants ME. This makes this portion of scripture not just a command or a statement, but a personal invitation from God to allow him to work through "ME". (Reminds me of Ephesians 3:30 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us)
This personal invitation is followed by a series of personal promises from ME - the person God invited: I Will, I will, I will.
IF we accept God's personal invitation to transformation by allowing Him to work through us for His people, THEN we see very clearly the results of those works: They will..
That sounds great, but exactly what do I need to do for God? I love this because He tells ME, not only what to do but to whom and why.
I will tell the good news to the poor, comfort the broken hearted, proclaim freedom for captives, set prisoners free, announce the year they will be free and when the enemy will be brought to justice, comfort the sad.
I will do this by replacing ashes with beautiful crowns, annoint them and give them gladness, replace their saddness with praise.
.....And by doing this their foundation will be strong and they will grow in the Lord.
So exacly who is "ME"? If you read this a few times, ME starts sounding a lot like Christ. Then you remember, oh yeah .. The Spirit of the Lord the King is on me... :-)
So ... prisoners and captives and setting people free - the theme of freedom is mentioned 3 times. All other people such as the poor, sad and broken hearted are mentioned once.
Why do you think that was so important to God that he iterated the message of freedom 3 times?
Mo, That's a great way to look at memorizing the word of God.. I though, see that all of God's word is Spirit words and they have the power to change lives, cleanse from sins, renew the mind, transform the soul, heal the body, change the circumstances, deliverer the oppressed, cast out the devils, make the blind to see and the lamb to walk again, make paupers into kings and priests of God. I see that the word of God is life and health to all to have the word of God in them, it is the very creative power that surely will move every mountain we face. This is why every Christian by putting it to memory, will use it by speaking it forth and the power of God's holy Spirit manifesting God's glory in destroying the kingdom of Satan and releasing those who are bound by his prisons of deceptions..No it's not just committing words to memory but being all the word says you are , doing all the word says you can do and going where it tells us to go for the glory of God..If Christians aren't memorizing the word of God, how else could they be renewed in the Spirit of their mind. If they constantly are feeding their mind with the secular TV shows and music, they will find their own thinking to be that of a carnal nature and Satan will see to it that the battles they encounter will be to his advantage to bring about their own defeat..This will not happen if they are renewing their mind by the words of God and speaking it forth on a daily bases.....Thank you for sharing your methods of scripture memorization..You are truly a blessing... I gave these scriptures out last week but have found a more personal translation..What do you think? I found this translation of Isaiah 61:1-3..Every Christian should have this memorized...What do you think?
The Spirit of the Lord and King is on me.
The Lord has anointed me
to tell the good news to poor people.
He has sent me to comfort
those whose hearts have been broken.
He has sent me to announce freedom
for those who have been captured.
He wants me to set prisoners free
from their dark prisons.
He has sent me to announce the year
when he will set his people free.
He wants me to announce the day
when he will pay his enemies back.
Our God has sent me to comfort all those who are sad.
He wants me to help those in Zion who are filled with sorrow.
I will put beautiful crowns on their heads
in place of ashes.
I will anoint them with oil to give them gladness
instead of sorrow.
I will give them a spirit of praise
in place of a spirit of sadness.
They will be like oak trees that are strong and straight.
The Lord himself will plant them in the land.
That will show how glorious he is. These scriptures should be embedded in the heart and mind of every Child of God to do them as Christ did..
Jesus, my Brother and King loves you so dearly... Blessings..
I find memorizing scripture more than committing words to memory. In fact, if I memorize this scripture this week, I won't remember it next week unless I 1) understand it 2) believe it 3) commit it to my heart.
The first step I take when memorizing is sort of a self-to-scripture midrash of sorts. I must understand and in order to do so I find myself wrestling with the text, diving into the history of the writer or the book or the location and history of the events in the area.
For example, for me to commit this to memory, I need to understand who is speaking, who is being spoke to and the context of the content. In this case, focus for me is on the seven spirits before his throne and why they wish for me grace and peace along with God the Father and Jesus. I would wrestle with the title of "the ruler of the kings of the earth" by going back to prophetic books to dive deeper into the meaning of this beautiful name.
This is what it takes for me to *own* this scripture. I can't commit to memory something I do not own. I can tell you what I wore on my 40th birthday and my first day at school was like, but not my close friend's, even though I am sure she shared those things with me time after time through the years.
Once we can understand and own a piece of The Word, commit it to memory, then we can begin to LIVE it.
So, I would welcome midrash from you, Prince Danny, or anyone else who would like to dig deeper into this opening scripture in Revelations so that we may commit it to our hearts and not just file it away in our heads.
What immediately stands out for me is all the "God action". What God does and why He did it: He sent, He wants, He Sent, He wants...
And it is very personal. It does not say you or they, my people or those people, it says ME. He sent ME, he wants ME. This makes this portion of scripture not just a command or a statement, but a personal invitation from God to allow him to work through "ME". (Reminds me of Ephesians 3:30 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us)
This personal invitation is followed by a series of personal promises from ME - the person God invited: I Will, I will, I will.
IF we accept God's personal invitation to transformation by allowing Him to work through us for His people, THEN we see very clearly the results of those works: They will..
That sounds great, but exactly what do I need to do for God? I love this because He tells ME, not only what to do but to whom and why.
I will tell the good news to the poor, comfort the broken hearted, proclaim freedom for captives, set prisoners free, announce the year they will be free and when the enemy will be brought to justice, comfort the sad.
I will do this by replacing ashes with beautiful crowns, annoint them and give them gladness, replace their saddness with praise.
.....And by doing this their foundation will be strong and they will grow in the Lord.
So exacly who is "ME"? If you read this a few times, ME starts sounding a lot like Christ. Then you remember, oh yeah .. The Spirit of the Lord the King is on me... :-)
So ... prisoners and captives and setting people free - the theme of freedom is mentioned 3 times. All other people such as the poor, sad and broken hearted are mentioned once.
Why do you think that was so important to God that he iterated the message of freedom 3 times?
The Spirit of the Lord and King is on me.
The Lord has anointed me
to tell the good news to poor people.
He has sent me to comfort
those whose hearts have been broken.
He has sent me to announce freedom
for those who have been captured.
He wants me to set prisoners free
from their dark prisons.
He has sent me to announce the year
when he will set his people free.
He wants me to announce the day
when he will pay his enemies back.
Our God has sent me to comfort all those who are sad.
He wants me to help those in Zion who are filled with sorrow.
I will put beautiful crowns on their heads
in place of ashes.
I will anoint them with oil to give them gladness
instead of sorrow.
I will give them a spirit of praise
in place of a spirit of sadness.
They will be like oak trees that are strong and straight.
The Lord himself will plant them in the land.
That will show how glorious he is. These scriptures should be embedded in the heart and mind of every Child of God to do them as Christ did..
Jesus, my Brother and King loves you so dearly... Blessings..
The first step I take when memorizing is sort of a self-to-scripture midrash of sorts. I must understand and in order to do so I find myself wrestling with the text, diving into the history of the writer or the book or the location and history of the events in the area.
For example, for me to commit this to memory, I need to understand who is speaking, who is being spoke to and the context of the content. In this case, focus for me is on the seven spirits before his throne and why they wish for me grace and peace along with God the Father and Jesus. I would wrestle with the title of "the ruler of the kings of the earth" by going back to prophetic books to dive deeper into the meaning of this beautiful name.
This is what it takes for me to *own* this scripture. I can't commit to memory something I do not own. I can tell you what I wore on my 40th birthday and my first day at school was like, but not my close friend's, even though I am sure she shared those things with me time after time through the years.
Once we can understand and own a piece of The Word, commit it to memory, then we can begin to LIVE it.
So, I would welcome midrash from you, Prince Danny, or anyone else who would like to dig deeper into this opening scripture in Revelations so that we may commit it to our hearts and not just file it away in our heads.