mental illness and the demonic realm

My daughter has a very good question. Are mentally Ill people oppressed, obsessed with a demon. what about the passages in scripture where the demon posessed people were being thrown into the fire and other examples?   And if thier is only the kingdom of light and the Kingdom of darkness then what kingdom does the natural fall under? just curious. Didn't Jesus say we all serve only one master? Either God or the devil?  theses questions plague me also.

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  • I think we first need to remember that mentall illness can be caused by emotional and physical problems. Sometimes there is a chemical inbalance in the body that causes the mind to not function well. At times life wounds leave us hurt and depressed until the emotions heal. I think also that sometimes the mentally ill may be affected by demons. I know not all Christians will agree with that one. Think about it though. The Bible tells us that there are princes and principalities in the air. If I remember correctly, the angel that visited Daniel had to fight one off before he could come with the answer to Daniels prayer and fasting. We also have the New Testament accounts you mentioned. We know that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for those he can destroy. Why couldn't there be minor demons that affect indiviuals minds and behaviors? The Bible gives us the solution for dealing with demonicly influenced mental illness. The medical world works to heal medical illness cause by physical problems. Why not use both together.
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