This is a continuation of my "Modern technology meets the church" series. To see part one about using CDs, click here. Websites have been in existence since the early 90s. Interestingly, the original intention of the World Wide Web was to solve the mysteries of the Universe (a). Churches use websites to help people find the reason for the Universe too, although the reason is a lot different than what the typical scientist believes ;) Your church can do a lot with a website. Continue reading for some church website ideas:
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Extend your reach digitally with a church website
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With a church website, your church can:
- Tell people about your church beliefs, service times, how to get there, etc.
- Have a page where people can submit prayer requests so your church can pray for them
- Post videos to answer some of life's questions: Who created us (God), what is our purpose (to serve Him), etc.
- Put up a forum so people can ask their own questions pertaining to religion and the pastor can answer them
- Make a pastor's blog so the pastor can share his vision for the church, sermon notes, thoughts about world events and how they relate to being a Christian
- Post sermons in audio, video, or text format
- Stream church services live
- Let people know about upcoming church events with an events calendar
- Put up pictures of church events
- Create a church member database so church members can communicate with each other on the church website
- Link to your Facebook page and Twitter page, and an email newsletter subscription sign up so people have even more ways to stay connected with the church
Sources- (a) CERN