Moving posts: Freedomist/Jim

 Reply by Freedomist 15 hours ago
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the way that you behaved on the show...i wouldnt want you arent seeking understanding of arent trying to find a world where christians and atheists can are trying to look for opportunities to excoriate, destroy, dismember, ''disprove', discredit, disavow, assassinate, murder, slander, lie to your end of destroying if a myopic little man like you could confront the vastness of even the most trivial of abstract concepts that don't line up with your are the most bigoted of them all, jim gardner..and there is no dialoguing with bigots and haters...yours is a world of dark conspiracies, legalistic assaults, and oppression..the only people who could co-exist with bellicose liars such as you, are only the ones who agree 100 percent with the cosmology youve designed for yourself from the refuse of the real...good luck with your bigoted titled show "is it ok to lie for jesus"..your show title reveals all I need to know about little ghosts such as you...flutter away little man, and may God have mercy on your soul

Jim Gardner
We had tentatively agreed that if the technical limitations of using a phone-in format weren't resolved by week two, to switch to Skype, where the line is clearer and no-one has to have their line placed on mute to eliminate background noise. But to be honest with you the way I was treated this evening has left an extremely bitter taste in my mouth about having anything to do with Juanita ever again.

Live Skype Debate next week. Topic: Is it right to lie for Jesus?


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Jim Gardner,

Please be advised that neither the show in question nor this community were created by yourself nor under your provenance or administration.

The guidelines and parameters of Kingdom Insight are applicable and not your own, if you choose to establish your own show and your own community, as per your parameters, this is your choice, but the standards of behavior that are applicable to and expected of participants will be applied.

Your persistent violation of common decency, the standards of this community, and the governance of this community requires a suspension of your participation.

As for the show, the show is a CHRISTIAN show in which atheists were invited to participate, there shall be no "neutral moderator" nor any governance other than that which prevails within and through the auspices of Kingdom Communities. The purpose is to have dialogue between Christians and non-Christians without acrimony or conflict.

Those who wish to establish something different, or those who feel or believe our approach is incorrect, are welcomed to establish whatsoever they wish...elsewhere.

Bill Collier
Kingdom Insight
Community Governance Administrator

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you speak out the side of your are the name caller..we have been called delusional, fools, basing our lives on 'fiction'...and now you call me uneducated because i kant if my education precludes me from observing a basic human knowing..what bigots sound like when they speak..the answer is you...even a caveman could notice it..and i have to at least be slightly more intelligent than a caveman...if you read the top of this thread..the original description of the did NOT include you calling us fools and liars and fiction livers...what is YOUR world view..not..what is YOUR worldview compared to Christianity..which is all you belief in your salvation, or lack thereof does not violate your personal freedom, unless you have some deep-rooted fear I might be right....I give no worry to the muslim who believes I will be damned by not following Muhammad or the Atheist who thinks I will be a wafting cloud of long as you dont try to force me to live your atheist lifestyle..or cram your lifestyle down my child's throat by controlling my schools..granted, christians have been guilty of this for a long time..but I dont advocate christians governing over's not want to burn every bible and shame every believer until you hear your own voice echoing back at you wherever you go...look at your statement...that i am somehow oppressive because i believe christ is the one and true way to set it up so that the only right and reasonable belief system anyone should allow is...anything goes..but nothing is right..only other words, your way. the way of dust, is the only true way....hmm, another example of a kettle blacker

Jim Gardner said:
You were not privy to the emails between myself and Juanita last week in which we agreed a framework for dialogue that she proceeded to completely ignore, exactly as she did the week previous. Reverting to name calling is your opinion, you are entitled to those. What you are not entitled to are your own facts. The fact of the matter is, I don't care what people like you believe, I care about your actions and this email and Juanita's actions this evening say more than I possibly could about people like you.

As far as seeking understanding and dialogue, how's that whole "Be like us, or suffer for eternity" thing working out for ya? Also, learn to spell. It comes with an honest education.

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  • In an international sense, yes.

    Rob said:
    Were they neighbors? :)

    Francis Thomas said:
    What happened to "love thy neighbour"?
  • What happened to "love thy neighbour"?
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